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Everything posted by Rateye

  1. Sounds like the making of an absolutely dangerous fiasco! The likes of which will surely go down in history like a harlot at high tide! I CAN'T WAIT ! Bye the Bye, c-mon Captain... Let the lads do their thing??? We be pirates after all! I mean aaargh! Rats
  2. So I'll be putting out the word, seeing as I've been luckified-twice-fortunate! In addition to being able to partake in Saturday's antics... I've also been planning a raid on the port of Bristol for Sunday! (The 3rd) Now as fate would have it, me darlin' "Lady Luck"(and me lady of scheduling at work) has smiled on ol' Rats and an additional day of pillaging can be planned for Monday the 4th! (Laborday) The way I can see, nothing good can come of this opportunity, which means I wouldn't miss it for the world!! I'm so excited, I feel like shooting an undead monkey! (or at least giving a wedgie to a gate nazi) Here's to ya! Rats!
  3. Though I usually follow the B-Monk's proceedure, (except I'm usually wearing the items when they're thrown against the wall) A less lethal proceedure is to use tea or food browning. In the studio we would age fabric or straw or most anything by soaking in the browning. The tea and coffee were used for sweat stains on me old hats. Then add some mud here and there to taste and serve... Rats
  4. Aye Pete! Perhaps I made a mistake, I meant to say Sunday would be the day for Bristol. I only have off Saturday and Sunday. If I'm not mistaken, this is also the day for most of the crew?? I hope you can work out being there! It's Lilly's birthday and should be celebrated in style.... So you really should be there! Rats!
  5. "With me mum gone and no-where's to fall," Continued Davis, as he greedily dumped more food into his mouth as if he was starving. "I be given 'is job board de Archangel." Reiley could appreciate the lad's tale, having lived through a similar fate. "Well Mr. Davis," nodded Reiley. "I believe you're on the right path to..." "There's been a murder!" Screamed the welp, who seemed to continually be the bearer of bad news. "Who was this time boy?" Demanded a voice from the crowd. "Me thinks it was the captain from the Archangel! Sterling I believe...?" The words brought a knot to Reiley's stomach. "Me captain!" Yelled Davis, as he dropped his food and stood to bolt from the table." "Killingsworth....." Thought Reiley, as he threw payment for their meal onto the table. "Let's go Lad!" Ordered Reiley. " and keep a sharp eye. There might be more that follow!"
  6. Making his way to the Sugar Loaf, Reiley continued to take in the morning. Though he was still sore from the adjustment given by the good Doctor Easter, Reiley felt as if he could actually breath without difficulty. Though he had always been warned about the false applications of “Dog Leechers” and “Bone Setters”, having the technique performed by a surgeon, perhaps meant the treatment was justified and thereby useful?? “Not to bother”, Reiley decided, as he suddenly took in the aroma of freshly baked bread…. “And ham!” He realized, as he intentionally crossed the street to give notice to a young merchant woman. However as he exchanged smiles with the young lady, Reiley noticed a young sprat that had uncreatively ducked behind a nearby wagon. The youth was not dressed like and therefore was not the typical street urchin. For if he had, he would have surely known how to properly shadow a mark. No, it was obvious by the slops and haphazard dress, the youth was sent from the Archangel. As Reiley eventually ducked into the Sugar Loaf, he quickly made his way through the kitchen and out the back of the building. In the alley on the side of the café, Reiley found the young man peering around the corner. “I hardly need a nurse maid…” interrupted Reiley, as the young man let out an unexpected cry. “Easy lad…” assured Reiley, “You’ll give yer self the drips.” “Mr. Reiley, sir,” announced the young man, as he caught his breath. “M-master Hazzards assigned me, I mean... He sent me ta keep a eye on you… He said you might be needing some ‘elp stayn’ out-a trouble… Sir.” “Did he now...” Frowned Reiley, in a false show of disapproval. “Well then Mr…?” “Davis…” replied the young man, still trying to compose himself. “Very well then Mr. Davis. You should do exactly what you’ve been ordered... However young man, I think it would be difficult for you to insure my protection from across the street…. Wouldn’t you agree?” “Yes sir...?” Agreed Davis, unsure of Reiley’s point. “Good! And since we’re both in agreement, I trust you’re hungry?” Offered Reiley, as he let a grin appear. “Starving sir.” Answered the young Mr. Davis, also allowing a smile to appear. “Good!” replied Reiley. “Then let’s eat… Because if I’m not mistaken Mr. Davis, there’s fresh bread and ham inside.”
  7. Went with a kit did you? How troublesome was the working and building of said kit? Rats
  8. And may the Lord watch over thee, good mistress! Me thinks that Sunday will not be a day of rest We all best get plenty of sleep! Rats
  9. Mr. Will? It appears P+B has no website? Which products/ bottles should I mention when I call? Also, do you have a source for the common herbs and medicines or advice for improvised examples? Also is Godwin the only provider, or is there a smith which will take orders on comission? Rats
  10. Something tells me the lads injuries will be well beyond my abilities to mend. Unless of coarse yer already a eunuch? Since that's usually the first limbs to go mate! Remember boy-o, The Lord loves a madman! But my money is on the lady! Cheers! Rats
  11. His sleep continually disturbed from the wheezing and guttural snoring from Doctor Easterly of which rocked the building, Reiley sat up and eventually dressed. As he walked past the good doctor’s chamber, Reiley paused and then continued on his way with a smirk, having denied the urge to seize a pillow and suffocate the sleeping troll and thereby end the racket that had plagued his sleep. As Reiley took in the morning air, the sun had just risen and the street was coming to life. Though he hated waking early, he had always loved the way a new morning felt, as if anything was possible… Even for a scoundrel such as himself. This day he would dedicate his efforts to locating he needed medical supplies for his endevor aboard the Archangel. But with the good captain in financial distress, Reiley was bewildered as to the source of which he would pay for said medicines. He would also send a word to a pair of compatriots which might be of assistance in locating a certain assasin whom lurked about. But nonetheless it was time for breakfast, so it was there that he was go.
  12. Trust ol' Rats, when he say's, you'll be earning yer money on that one maties! She's a hair puller with tiger claws she is! (As he cautiously stepps backwards, allowinig the foolish to try their luck!) I will order another round and watch the fireworks though! Good luck to ya lads! Rats
  13. Mr. Will... I do have some questions following my initial studies... What kind of worsted binding do they speak of for the fillet and stick tourniquet? What kind of tape do they speak of below the knee? What type of fabric is the 18-tailed bandage? Sinew for sutures? Do you know of a good source for apothacary bottles and such? All I could find was this site. http://www.glassnow.com/glass_bottle.htm I thank ye again! Rats
  14. Lest my life be taken from me dear lady, I will be there without a doubt! Sounds like it's sure to be a weekend to be remembered! Still wondering bout that belt you'd be needing? Aye, Sunday the 3rd would be the day for Bristol. Rats
  15. Sorry to hear of your misfortune good sir. It would seen all was stemmed from an order of the special kind and unfortunately placed at a time of which their stores of brass barrels hath been depleated. I think perhaps I will lean toward a steel barrel and possibly season said boomer, when the urge suits me. Many thanks for your hasty reply! Rats
  16. Has anyone worked or conducted dealings with the good Master Cherry's? If so what has their exterience been? Favorable or unfortunate? I'm also wondering if anyone has weathered or "browned" a barrel afore? Me thinks there are some who have partaken in the unfortunate un-Civil War events, who might be learned in these arts??? Again, I am grateful for your advice... Rats
  17. Perhaps you can also bring that Queen Anne and let ol' Rats have a looksee at her??? Another round to a trouble making Pete! Rats
  18. Actually my dear, I think the large shackles would look good, or should I say excessive. Which would help with the scene... Rats PS: It's all for the show, for it must go on! Also Pete, it would be Sunday the 3rd for Bristol. That way folks can still do family stuff if they have it planned. (Unfortunately, I'll be serving up the real shackles on that day!) Rats
  19. “Unhand that lady, you villainous bastard!” Challenged Reiley, as he leapt onto the nearest chair with his pistols drawn. “But the evil bladester held firm his grip on the sweet Mistress.” “By God, my boy! Tell me you cut loose and saved the lady!” Bellowed Doctor Easterly, as he became engrossed in Reiley’s tale of heroism.” “Nay good sir,” Reiley continued. “To endanger the lovely mistress would have been a sin of which I could not accept…. But after offering the fiend and opportunity to escape with his life unaltered, he released my dear mistress and fled into the darkness. Never to be seen again!” “Tell me you tracked him down and finished the cur!” Demanded Easterly, as he pounded on the table in excitement. “Nay,” answered Reiley, allowing for a dramatic pause, “To leave my dear mistress unattended would have been too much of a risk. Therefore we resumed our search until we found the good Captain Sterling.” “By God, son!” cheered Easterly. “What an adventure you’ve had! I only wish I had joined in this excitement. I would have cuffed the brigand so help me!” Reiley was just relieved; the good doctor believed his story, for there was hardly another way to explain his choice of armament. “Then what?” Demanded Easterly…..
  20. See, the shackles would have been perfect fot another trip through the gates of the polo shirted magistrate hell??? But those are exactly what I was thinking of! Actually Mistress Lilly and I did see the shackles at Bristol. However, they were way too shiney for my liking. I'll also be looking to master E-bay and try me luck! Rats
  21. Aye, thanks to all who replied! In my frenzy to find me pistol, I forgot all about the queen anne! (that is until me capt. set me straight! Thanks again to ye sir!) After looking and pricing, that's probably the table where I'll be landing me dollars. Now I have to decide between the steel or the brass. Any suggestions or advice from those that own em? Hey Capt. Pete! Wish we could have found that piece fer you. You never know, we might have to take another look before the end of the season! I also remember a certain wench "shinning" a certain scoundrel's murdoch! Mayhaps that's where the screw went?? Rats
  22. Aye Mr. Jib! From me studies, I've learned that when dealing with the putrification of the genitals, or what some refer to as the "French Pox" lues venerea, a fellow is thereby "punished where he sinned". Now as an option, you can face said treatment of mercury or choose a less active approach such as praying to St. Job, the patron saint of syphilis victims. However, I would advise facing Mr. Mercury at least until medicine advances just a bit. Mr. Will! Thanks again for the advice on the Medicine book by C. Keith Wilbur! With out a doubt, this is the kind of source I was hoping for and will be a very smart match for my initial studies in the healing art. I thank you again! Rats
  23. Excellent! Perhaps I missed it... Great minds think a like????? Rats
  24. Just like the title... Anyone know of a source for shackles and leg irons? Rats
  25. After helping return the drunkin Master and the good Mistress March , Reiley was cautiously making his way back to the home of the good surgeon, Noah Easterly. He had not forgotten the generous offer, nor the continual barrage of discussion which flowed from the gent's open tankard. However, after the frenzied adventure and the physical strain and difficulties experienced, perhaps some medical attention would be well recieved. "Where have you been, my boy?" Wondered Easterly, as he helped Reiley into the house. Easterly was clad in a very ornate nightshirt with an equally hideous nightcap. "Tis a long story my friend." groaned Reiley, "Perhaps you would allow me the potium for a moment..."
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