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Everything posted by Rateye
"On your feet lad! Ordered Reiley, as he woke young Mr. Davis. "Grab that box of physics and.... Don't worry about your shoes, by God! Just grab the medicines boy!" As Reiley and Davis darted down the hall, they could hear the captain's cries for help. It was obvious he was in pain, for a man would hardly make such sounds if not. "May I enter Sir?" questioned Reiley as he knocked on the door, knowing to be cautious around a man of action. "For God'sake man! Get in here!" Bellowed the captain. Pushing the door open, Reiley placed the candle holder on the table next to the captains bed. "Hot water, now!" Reiley ordered Davis, who immediately raced from the room. "Here!" offered Reiley, as he placed a pair of small opiate leaves in the Captain's mouth. "Don't swollow them, simply chew and keep under your tongue." "Pig-headed and stubborn!" thought Reiley, as he cleaned off his bladed fleam and tied a band around the captain's forearm near his elbow. "Not so easy to maintain a proper balance when the patient is off his rocker, now is it?!"
Perfect jack my friend! Length is about what I was planning also Was that one of the grey blankets from sportsman's warehouse? That's one of the pieces I'm cutting right now!! So basically leave some extra on the seam and turn it into a cuff? How many buttons would you suggest dear Kass? Now what are the chances a short jacket like Patty is wearing might have a folded back cuff? Or that a frock might have been cut short? Just wondering Rats BTW: What kind of shoes are you sporting in those pics???
You beat me to it Darlin! ANswered me question as I was writing it! You're a quick one you are! Rats
So it's basically a tighter turnover cuff with three buttons securing it? Looks like the gunner's jacket is also a bit shorter, mid thigh or knee level? That would probably be more a woking man's coat? I'm also wondering about the collars and lapels you always see (Ok it's in the movies, so it's probably guff) that button over and such? Late 1700s? God I love this stuff! Rats
Aye! I couldn't agree more! And not just because he's me captain! Yer a damn good man Pete and ol' Rats would raise his glass to ya any day! Here's to ya me friend! Rats
Did someone say Prickitty Stitch!!!! AAAAAAAaaaaargh!!!!! Rats BTW: Forever grateful !
After the insane weekend of the "Prickity Stitcher", I've taken to using some of the extras I have laying around, and therefore I'm wondering about the options for pocket shapes and how to make pockets on a jacket? Also I'm wondering about the different types of cuffs common for GAoP. Were they always huge? Rats
Wow! We do look good! That vest is perfect for Mr. March, and our captain is 2nd to none! Where is your pic my dear? I for once don't look like the riff or raff that I am. The prickity stitch payed off!! Rats
As long as they're not wearing polo shirts, it'll be alright! Beside you have to be there! Wouldn't be the same without you! I agree, it was a great time! Rats
And here's to you my dear lady Kass, for the inspirational patternage to which our favorable works were based. I will personally be forver grateful! And also to our good captain, for having braved the hordes of faire nazis and leading our crew to a much more presentable level trechery. My dear Mistress McKinney.... I hope your birthday weekend was one to be forever remember! And if i may be so bold... LONG LIVE THE "PRICKITY STITCHER"!! BTW: I love that pic of the proper usage of shackles..... Priceless!! Rats
Em-bare-assed??? NAY Capn' Pete!!! Since we first met my friend, I've always thought of ye as a true gentleman of fortune and the sort that could keep a rabble a-rousing even in his sleep! Which is exactly what's needed (especialy with little to no sleep!! AGAIN!). Remember the lord loves a madman!! So he's got to be watching 'ore you me friend!!! As for me own self, I thank ye for yer kind words! That jacket is what I figured me surgeon persona would fancy. Subtle and simple... It goes without saying the tailor and the designer hit the mark! And as for the "Prickidy Stitcher"... He's sure to go down in history! I simply can't forget you helping that poor (And Pretty) mother, by yelling for "Reiley" to get out of sand box!! That lad moved like the devil was on his arse! It goes without saying, Aye! I had a great time and I'm sure that's just the start of the legenday times we're all going to have! Here's to you, my friend and to the next time! Rats
I would be grateful Capt. Pete! SOmething to drink out of will be.....good! I mean AAAaaargh! Indeed Mistress?! Perhaps it's just my calling and desire to heal all which ask for it... But I confess, for I have been ambushed with fancy for the "Ranging Ladies of Mercury". Rats
I would be grateful Capt. Pete! SOmething to drink out of will be.....good! I mean AAAaaargh! Rats
Aye! I'll be two fistin' it! I alway's said there's nothing like a good pair!! er... I mean... AAAaaargh! Rats
I would be grateful Captain Pete! Since I've had no luck as of yet! Rats
......As I've said before....and I'll say it again..... Nothing good can come of this weekend and I cannot wait for it to start!!! RATS
That's still at least two drinks saved with a coupon! Rats
As Reiley and the young Mr. Davis, washed the captain's blood from themselves in the kitchen, there wasn't a word spoken betwen them. It was obvious the boy was shaken at first. But upon recieving he bearings, Reiley couldn't help by admire the lad's tenacity. "If you think you're going to be sick lad, don't let me stop you." offered Reiley, without looking. However, young Mr. Davis continued washing and didn't answer. Then after waiting for a few moments, Reiley turned, dried his hand, then extended it for young Mr. Davis to shake. "You did good Mr. Davis." Announced Reiley. "A damn fine job..." At first surprised, Davis proudly shook Reiley's Hand. "Thank you sir... And like-wise to you. " "You know, I might be mistaken." Insisted Reiley, as he shook his finger in the air. "But something tells me there's sure to be something to drink around here..." "I'm on it, sir.." Announced Davis, as he started scavenging through the cupboards. Within moments Davis had found a small bottle of something. "Smells good enough." offered Reiley, as he handed a glass to Davis. "To the Captain!" toasted Davis, as he raised his glass. "To Captain Sterling." agreed Reiley.
I have 2 prs (one charcoal one brown) and a pair of garters headed my way. Hope they're good as everyone has said! Rasta-Rats
“Humbly I accept M-lady." Answered Reiley with a tired smile. “I would ask a favor though… Perhaps you could send word to Mr.Symms of the good Captain’s disposition. I’m sure he would see to it that all the proper notifications were made to those concerned about his welfare.” “Of coarse.” Answered Aurore. “There must be many who are worried about the good captain…. I will see that is done.” “I thank you again… M-lady.” Nodded Reiley, as he led Davis out of the room to properly clean themselves. "C-mon lad..."
Discovering the ball had entered farther than the length of his finger; Reiley employed an improvised probe, fashioned from a knitting needle. As the good captain began falling in and out of consciousness, it was obvious the pain was unbareable. It was eventually discovered that the bullet had struck one of the captain’s ribs and narrowly missed his lung. Furthermore, having been redirected by the rib, the bullet was now embedded in the muscle near the captain’s underarm. It was obvious to Reiley it would be more practical to cut through the front rather then continually dilate the wound and possibly cause additional irritation and possible damage to the lung. However, the main concern was not only the bullet, but also the cloth that accompanied it. Again as the captain was held down, Reiley cut through the muscle and tissue of his underarm with the razor. To his disapproval the incision of which he created was much larger than he had been used to. However without proper instruments, he was more intent on saving the life of the good captain rather that the copious scarring which would be sure to follow. Within moments, Reiley had found and removed the large bullet near the captain's rib. Then began to search for the missing patch of cloth. However after searching the front incision without success, Reiley was reluctantly forced to dilate the entry wound and thereby eventually found the missing patch of cloth. Then after removing said patch of clothe along with two fragments of broken rib, Reiley took to suturing the good captain up. “Mr. Davis…. If you would be so kind as to hold the lips of my incision together, I will be obliged to close the damage I’ve caused.” “Aye sir.” Replied Davis, without hesitation. After the first wound was closed, bandaged and the bleeding subsided, Reiley dressed the entry wound with pieces of lint and torn bandage of which he had soaked in oil, for allowing the fluids to escape. He would eventually have to dilate the wound again to ensure proper drainage, however the worst was hopefully past. “If his wounds don’t fester and rot…. He should live?” Sighed Reiley, as he wrung his hands in the cloth he had fashioned into an apron. If you don’t mind me saying M-Lady, he’ll also stand a better chance out here with the fresh air, instead of being shoulder-to-shoulder with the sick and dying in some hospital… He’ll likely have a fever to fight off and those ligatures will have to come out in the next two or three days, if not sooner to avoid inflammation… If you feel like praying or something, dis might not be out of place?”
“If you ‘ave something here for the pain, It’ll do him well.” Questioned Reiley, as he helped Lady Aurore remove the captain’s waistcoat and shirt “Otherwise, he’ll just have to be held down so, I can work with haste! Christ! Smells like e’s been drinking all bleeding night!” As Reiley threw the articles of clothing to young Mr. Davis, who was beginning to look extremely pale. “Snap to son!” he ordered, as he felt the tension begin to lean towards him. “You’re looking for…. (Pausing to shake sense into the boy) You’re looking for a hole where the bullet may have entered. You’re also looking to ensure there is no fabric missing! Quickly now!” The guttural and labored breathing, lead Reiley to expect a damaged lung. Therefore as Davis went about his task, Reiley began to roll the captain over onto his left side, to avoid blood flooding into both lungs. However a stifled groan halted his efforts. “Shoulder…” the captain wheezed, barly able to breath. To Reiley’s surprise, in addition to the gunshot wound, the captain’s shoulder had also removed from the socket, most likely from his fall from horse. “We’ll have to return his shoulder to place.” Spoke Reiley out loud, to all that could hear. Surprised to find a gentleman’s hands now helping raise the captain, Reiley found the young lord Christophe, to whom he had been involved in a stand-off a day prior, had already rolled up his sleeves and was surprisingly offering assistance. “Hold him!” warned Reiley, as he jerked the captain’s arm and forced it back into the socked. But surprising the Captain barely winced. “Mr. Reiley, sir?” Spoke Davis as he held out the captain’s jacket. “I thinks there a bit of the coat, been taken inside of 'im with the ball?” Lowering the captain back onto the table, Reiley snatched the jacket from the young man. After examining the jacket himself, it was obvious there was a small piece of fabric missing. Had it been only a bullet to be extracted, the chances would have been much more favorable. However, having to probe for a small patch of cloth through a man’s insides would make the task far more complicated. “M-lady?” asked Reiley, as he wiped a line of blood from his chin. “If you can have one of your housemen start boiling water? I will also need a shaving razor and if possible any kind of small scissors or shears you might have around… I will also need thread, a needle and any strips of clean linen you can provide.” “You will have what you need.” Replied Lady Aurore, as she turned and began instructing her servants. However, as the captain continued to spit up blood and bile, Reiley continued to hope that his lung had not been damaged. “I’ll need as much light as possible." Added Reiley. "Any additional candles or lanterns will help!” Then as the captain lay on his back and slightly propped up against his left side, “.. .You’ll be wanting to be hold him down for this…” Warned Reiley. As the captain was held down, Reiley washed hands from the bottle of rum which was offered, he removed the blood-soaked cloth and then slowly probed his smallest finger into the bullet wound, searching for the bullet.
Wandering in, in hopes of simply getting a drink and maybe a bite to eat, Reiley immediately noticed that there is already a situation building. He jestures for the darling little barmaid passing by to step aside in a false show of protecting her. "Don't worry darlin," Reiley assures her. "I'll be protecting ye, when the ruckus commences...... And while I 'ave yer attention my dear, did I mention I was a notable surgeon?" BTW: Welcome to the pub M-lady!
"She was a WHORE????" Say's Rats, as he attempts to fake his disbelief. "Here I thought she was just a damsel in (and eventually out of) dis-dress" Was that my outside voice??? I hate it when I do that!.... I mean Aaaargh! Rats BTW: The cat chasses the Rat! The cat chasses the Rat! Hi-ho the dairy-o, the farmer in the dell!
Maybe I'll have to comandere that cart we spotted for the drunkin' crew! Or we'll have to rent a rickshaw for ol Capt. Pete! Rats