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Everything posted by Rateye

  1. That butt cap might be perfectly ugly enough! However, I'm also thinking about a pistol to look as if it was a common ship's issued weapon. I might just talk with the capt (If he's out there) and crew and see if we want to go in and buy the same arms for issue and a lower price. (I believe Loyalist said 3 or more = a deal?) How difficult is changing the buttcaps? Rats
  2. Trying to decide which pistol I want to order. English Lock: http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/en...tol1615-60.html Dog lock: Perfect for the period. I’m just not sold on the look of the handle or the butt cap? http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/do...oglokpistl.html Dragoon: This is what I always leaned toward when I thought of a flintlock pistol. Maybe add a clip?? http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/br...ragoon1730.html Early Brit sea Pistol: They say it’s essentially the same as the Dragoon. It has a clip already. Slightly curved handle? http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/br...vicepistol.html I’m wondering if a doglock could be put on the dragoon. Or a better buttcap on the Doglock? I would be very greatful for some straight advice from those in the know… Here's to ya! Rats
  3. Well, after spending the day drinking out of plastic, I really need a good tankard or stein for events. I've always liked me cups from uncivil war. But I want something eithr wood, copper or soemthing like that... ANy ideas? Ratatatatatatatatatatat
  4. I've been also thinking about making some very basic sandals. I have the leather and might just rough in some rope. Let's face it, it dosn't have to look great, just be functional like they might have done back when! Rats
  5. Believe it or not! Me missus just called from up north and it sounds as if she was talking to me inlaws about this new venture of our'in. Some of them have actually voiced their support which has prompted another discussion. Sounds like a pistol and boomer might be reluctantly acceptable and put in the works! To add a blade would be how much?? Maybe next a swivel gun or cannon?? Rats
  6. Where would I hide it?? or should you ask, "from whom" would I have to hide it???" Rats
  7. That "Medicine under Sail" looks great! I'll pick it up soon as I get my charge card back from my....Boss. Rats
  8. Check her out! http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/dogblund.html While looking for a blade, I found her Gotta get, Rat's wants! Scheming must begin!! Rats
  9. Ok it's bad enough. But I really and seriously feel bad for that woman's son... I would be horrified. But then again he probably thinks it's normal??? Yes. I had a great time! I'm thinking wig for a Scoundrel Fop and then a simple rag for a Rat... I love this stuff! You guys are the best! I'm AM the Ratman!
  10. I have to explain about the undone latchets. You see, after entering barefoot, the gate nazi stood there and watched as we started to tend to the buckles. In a fit of anger and spite our very own mistress said, "Enough! That hobgoblin is going to stand over us until these are secured onto your feet..... Just wear em!"( or something to that effect) Which is what I did.... Hence the exaggerated "new shoes walk" I performed around the main gate and through out the faire. Until I buckled down that is! Yeah, they (the nazis) loved us! Rats
  11. 1st I need to loose another 30 lbs! I also needed the 10.5EEE back. With these shoes, you have to have an insole and also seriously consider an pair of extra socks under the stockings. I had hoped to go with the no socks look. But it was PAINFUL with all the walking we did. Day 2 was not bad! I actually soaked them prior to wearing them. (Old Army trick) and they did much better. I still want the next larger half size. I wonder if there were any laced boots like brogans or simple lowquarter laced shoes. back then?? Like what was said on "Gentlemen of Fortune" the shoes are the big catch/ difference for the outfit. I did get folks on Sunday asking about them and asking where they could get a pair. Must have done something right! Rats
  12. Here's to wench burn... I'll drink to that! Darlin' you were in perfect form! Besides, you guys really kept me going! If it wasn't for you folks, I would have just slept in the car or not even made the trip. I can't even count how many times I ended up driving by brale on the way home. (From lack of sleep folks!! Only had a couple and I know my limit... I promase, no Mad Max for this guy.) Did you notice how folks were always keyed towards us. Why? WE-WERE-HAVING- FUN! No matter what. We did it our way! And when others saw this they were either scared or wanted to join in, or both! Heck we're pirates!! What a great time! rats BTW: That is the most cheesey smile I could pull. It's usually that or deputy serious. (I'm starting to look like the pics of my old man) But the glassy eyes say it all.
  13. Oh to be correct would be great! I can't believe that vest still fit me! I had it since my early 20's. Call the crew and we'll make it happen!!
  14. You're a spitfire darlin! Don't ever change! Since it's the last weekend, it would be great to go! Rats
  15. OK I was wondering if there are any kinds of sandals (rope or otherwise) which could be used for GAoP. I'm also wondering if there were any kinds of ankle or work boots more like brogans durig the GAoP? That ankle support would be nice for all day walking! Rats
  16. OK for the record.... Oh hell! What can a person say about that ! THERE WAS NO CONTACT!!! By God! Helluva good time! Maybe it was from the lack of sleep, but I'm still laughing about a great time! Like I said, think about laborday Sunday 4th Sept??? Rats
  17. Hooked a keeper on that one Pete! I wouldn't ever throw that one back! Me shoes looked better with the buckles and stockings! God my dawgs were barking! That was even before my nap! God was I dead! I can't believe I was actually smiling! nice jacket BTW Rats
  18. With a deafening roar, another volley of cannon fire rocked the ship. “Hold him steady, damn you!” cursed Reiley, as the young seaman continued to wreath in pain. It was obvious the ball had shattered the lad’s left forearm. But with so many men already dead, every able-bodied man was desperately needed and there was no time for a proper suture to be made. Slamming the leather-covered bite stick into the lad’s mouth, and then pushing the boy down onto the table with his left elbow, Reiley brought the red-hot cautery down into the lad’s open wound. The unmistakable smell of burning flesh filled the air as the young man screamed in pain. Quickly wrapping the smoldering wound, Reiley forced a mixture of opium and rum down the young man’s throat. “Look at me!” demanded Reiley, as he grabbed the boy by his chin. “Which hand do you favor?” But the young man was obviously disoriented. Shaking the sense into the lad, the boy gestured toward Reiley, he favored his right hand. “Listen to me Boy! Barked Reiley, as he helped the lad to his feet. “You’re going to be fine, by God! It hurts worse than it is! Now you need to get topside and join the fight! Do you hear me boy! Get back into the fight!” Watching the young man grab his rifle and start up the stairs, Reiley turned to start work on the next wounded crewman. After a quick assessment, it was obvious the man was dead. Then quickly moving from casualty to casualty it was painfully obvious that all of them were already lost. “All these men are dead, by God!” Screamed Riley, as he began to foam at the mouth. “Why the hell do you bringing me men that are already dead!” Suddenly with a crash, it felt as if the ship came to a halt. “All hands! All hands!” Screamed someone from the quarterdeck. “We’re being boarded!” Diving underneath his bench, Reiley stood and tossed his young assistant a pistol. Then quickly securing his sword, Reiley grabbed the blunderbuss from out of his footlocker. “Time to earn you pay lad! You only get one shot, so make it count!” Nodded Reiley, as he hurried the young assistant toward the sound of the fighting. “You’ll also be needing this!” Reiley insisted, as he pulled a blade from a dead seaman’s grip. “Keep moving boy-o!” But as the sound of hurried feet echoed down the hall, Reiley began to feel as if his world was beginning to slow down. His steps were suddenly labored and the sounds of battle were unheard. As three armed men reached the bottom of the stairs in front of him, Reiley quickly brought the blunderbuss to his shoulder and fired. As the recoil of the weapon dug into his shoulder, Reiley watched the men collapse. Then turning to check the welfare of his assistant, Reiley watched as the young man screamed an unheard warning. “Behind you!” Were the young lad’s slow and unmistakable words, as Reiley turned to find a pistol barrel pointed directly into his midsection. As the fatal weapon went off and he began to fall backwards, all Reiley could think about was the inevitable fate of which his unknown assistant would face. Waking with a start, Reiley found he had fallen into a much-needed sleep in the room that was made available for him before dinner. However the pounding on the door was enough to ensure his immediate reply. "I'm awake!" Responded Reiley, as he sat up from the daybed. "You'll want to be up! The meal will be ready soon." warned the old stewart, as he walked away. He could almost still smell the burning flesh and gunpowder. He had been a while since he had such vibrant dreams. However, what was more disturbing was he had never been in any such engagement, nor tended to the number of wounded he had dreamed about.... Perhaps?
  19. All crap aside, I still had a blast! Maybe next time I'll come dressed as a faire nazi and try to blend in. Then I'll bust people for having fun, smiling, small or big feet, too red hair, too little hair, too much education (gotta go!). Then there's the too much or not enough cleavage issues which will have to be addressed or... ah never mind! GREAT TIME Rats
  20. Then there was the bit (or should I say bite) something about the importance in "the way a lady holds the meat as she bites it"??? And they did say the itch had gone away! Ah the wonders of modern medicine! Rats
  21. Exactly the reason I had to ask...! Let's face it, I was sure there are folks that either have it or have seen it and passed on it. Thanks again for the straight answers. Any suggestions in the meanwhile? Rats
  22. Does it have a reinforcement on the basket? Possibly it's the same MFG? Since I've been seeing the same blade(As I posted) ranging from $135.00 at the faire to the price I posted. I'm looking for some samples that could be purchased at a low price and weathered for the crew to use or display. Seeing that it's blackened, is the blade also dark? And is it a finish or a paint that could be loosened or weathered? How about soe pics of the blade? Closeups? Rats
  23. Maybe if we would have pranced around in little pixie wings and sprinkle dust and crap we wouldn't have been jumped by the polo thugs of "Renfaire Vice"! Just cuz they don't have real badges, they have to compensate! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I got one and you don't! Bite me you mamby pamby magistrate!! You'll never take me alive!!! Attica! Attica! Search this ya bastard! Is that my outside voice again! Actually they probably didn't like my "new shoes walk"! I wonder if I'm like that on the job??? What a Jerk! I couldn't agree with you more Pete! The best time I've had at the faire yet! You folks should think about the 4th! It also goes to show that regardless of the situation, we WILL have fun inspite of obsticals! Damn good time! Rats
  24. Saw this on the web and was wondering if it was too late and more 1860s http://www.strongblade.com/prod/sbx-sscutlass.html The price isn't bad and it isn't the black with wire 1860 model? Just wondering since the price is right! Plus I wouldn't mind working or weathering the handle What do you think? Rats
  25. And to think they even made me go put me shoes on. Geuss they diddn't like (As Lilly said) my furry hobbit feet. THEY ARN'T FURRY! Should have stuck around Pete! We were besieged by a pair of shameless husseys... You would have loved the banter between our own Cheeky Actress and the "ladies" about proper usage of ones tongue and their advice toward our soon to be wed couple. Needless to say, it was a blur and me feet are killing me! Should have stayed with a half size bigger! I litterally had no sleep! Not a wink, that is until I took that nap in the afternoon... Then more beer! I still think we should have bound and gagged the parking Nazi, when he came up whinning about eating in the parking lot!! I actually just got back from going again... Them harlots must have slolen that legal work while I was making the... I mean petting the cat. It's a long story. Actually I went back and picked up another book Lilly had suggested and picked the brain of their surgeon, who has offered me some sites for study and has offered to send some more information and sources. I'm actually wondering about the 4th (day after the work day/ meet)I actually have off that Sunday.....? Should have been there captain! I have to say, we didn't really get crazy or nothing, but I really had a great tme with our bunch! This weekend was over due and well deserved! Rats
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