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Everything posted by Rateye

  1. Way to go Boy-o! Me captain an I were jest talking about barrels and crates and such! I'll be looking to that vendor for his wares. Thanks again and yer next drink is on me! R
  2. If you're not familiar with my story line in Port Royal. A certain scoundrel carries an unsightly gentleman's sword. Any ideas for a very basic, late ren, rapier or hanger, which could be "weathered". Easy on the$$ if possible? Rats
  3. I've been trying to decide and I'm actually considering going with a half size bigger and splitting the difference. I like the fact that the Franklin is leather lined. However, I also like the way the Concord fits my heel better and comes in a EEE wide. The concord would work if I wanted to go barefoot and maybe an insole. But we'll see Rats
  4. "A pistol and hangar on each," Sized Reiley, as he made his approach towards the two guards. "However, a carbine and three tankards behind them says there's was yet another, who hadn't of yet made his presence known." It was obvious that a fight on their terms would be the end of him. Not to mention the safety of Mistress Lilly would be in jeopardy. Such was a risk he might take for himself, however at present there was more at stake than his own hide. "Not at all friend." Grinned Reilley, as he allowed his jacket to open freely, thus revealing both his pistol and sword in a show of curtosey to emply no tricks were to be attempted. "However, m-lady back there and I are searching for a friend of ours, who might have passed this way. You see, our friend is not exactly of the best health and should this be the case, I would be personally very grateful for any assistance that could be offered." Perhaps it was the way in which Reiley approached or the "as a matter of fact way" in which he spoke. However, when the first guard finally noticed the less than sightly blade on Reiley's hip, a business-like scowl produced a somewhat reluctant grin. "I'll be damned", the guard nodded, in appreciation. "You knew Grady Lords?" "A damn good man." Replied Reiley, as he returned the smile. "Then that would be his 'sleeping dog' then wouldn't it?" admired the guard, revealing an area of backstreet knowlege. "There's nothing, more ugly..." Insisted Reiley, as he produced a flask, slipped the cork and offered it to the first guard.
  5. Halfway through a kitchen window, Mistress Lilly had almost completely entered the house when Reiley grabbed her from behind and pulled her from her unexpected invasion. “What are you doing?” Hissed Lilly, as she flailed her arms around. “The twit of a butler said he never seen the captain.” Insisted Reiley, as he carried Lilly to the carriage. “He might have been a little twit, but he had no reason to lie. Besides there’s still another estate further down the road. We can resume our search there.” Reluctantly Mistress McKinney, allowed herself to be led to the carriage and soon they had neared the entrance gate of a large estate. However, it was the two armed guards which made Reiley and Lilly believe they had found the estate afore mentioned by the two outlaws. “These are not necessarily the most gentle sort.” Cautioned Reiley, as he stopped just short of the gate. “They’re not the kind that suffer fools.” “Well then you better let me do all the talking…” Smiled Lilly, as she straightened herself. "Not this time, my dear." Insisted Reiley, as he climbed down from the carriage and carefully approached the guards. "But if this goes afoul, leave here at once." "But what about..." Questioned Lilly. "At once..."
  6. I agree! I just cut a pair of insoles and need to decide which I want so I can punch for the buckles. Hey Rummy me dear, I'll burn a pic or two as soon as I can decide and add that there buckle. Maybe I'll just keep em both???? Rats
  7. As some of you know, I've been pressed into service as a doctor. Under good advice I've begon purchasing supplies and a medical book from Goodwin. In result, I've just recieved said book, a forceps, a scissors and an amputation knife. The sciccors is of standard size and a bit curved. (Basic but to the point) The forceps are of good size and perfect for the crowd to see (About the size of a kitchen scissors) The amputation knife is a curved blade with the blade being curved downward. Said knife is abou tthe size of a good butcher or bread knife. (Sharp too) The book is written in old world english and will be a good study for my personna. Though I believe it was for rev war, it will be a good means for quotes and medical discriptions. I feel the purchases were a good first step into a flexible persona. JMHO Rats
  8. For those looking for simple shoes. I just recieved my reship of shoes. I originally ordered both a pair of the Concord and Franklin from Fugawee. Though both were a bit too big(Figured they'd run small) while in fact they run as normal sizes. They are great to work with and devivery time was almost nonexistant. Now I can't decide which ones I like better. Give em a looksee! Rats
  9. “I am truly sorry Monsieur.” Defied the servant. “However mon Chatelaine (The lady of the manor) is not available… Please be kind enough to see yourself from here…” As the servant attempted to close the door on Reiley and Mistress McKinney, Reiley quickly stomped his foot to stop the door. “Listen you pompous little twit, “ Growled Reiley, as he grabbed the servant by the collar. “If you only knew the hell of which I…. which WE have been through, you would be able to appreciate the circumstances of which….” But without another word, the servant uncharicteristically bit down upon Reiley’s hand and a heel was brought down upon his foot causing the doctor to quickly withdraw his shoe. “Damn! Blast! Little… pompous…. HE bit me!” Yelped Reiley, as favored his hand and walked off his smarted foot. “I knew I should have shot him, the minute I laid eye on the little bugger!” “We have no time for this nonsense Dr. Reiley,” insisted Lilly, uninterested in the doctor’s misfortune. I fear my good captain is in great danger and being HELD within these walls!” Then after frantically looking around, Mistress Lilly darted around the building in an attempt to find an alternative means of entry. “Mistress Lilly, I really must insist….” Groaned Reiley, as he painfully gave pursuit in an attempt to prevent the mistress from endangering herself further.
  10. Jersey Devil????? Sounds Great!!! Send it! Send it!! Send It!!??????????? Please!!!!!!! He's what??? Well good for him! Still miss having him show up to events though! R
  11. After the outlaw had ridden away, Lilly suddenly found herself in the midst of a very strange reunion. “So how the hell are you rotten bastard!” yelled Boyle, as he tugged at Reiley’s new jacket. “He sure cleans up good doesn’t he now?” “Excuse me, Dr. Reiley. Interrupted Lilly. “But shouldn’t we be on our way?” “Where are my manners!” sighed Reiley. “Lads, let me introduce Mistress Lilly McKinney. Mistress McKinney, let me present Master Patrick Swilly and Sir David Boyle… Two fellow business associates from past ventures.” “Pleased to meet you m-lady!” offered Boyle as he performed an exaggerated salutation, then nudged Swilly to do the same. “Please don’t think ill of us for earlier, I meant nothing personal.” “Oh, not at all…” Replied Lilly, with a forced smile. “So what brings you out this way?” Asked Boyle. “Yeah, what brings you out here…?” Mimicked Swilly. “We’re looking for a gentleman that may have been along this way.” Answered Reiley. “Perhaps you’ve seen him?” interrupted Lilly. “He’s tall, well dressed and…” “And he’s not necessarily in the best of health. Added Riley, as he looked toward Lilly. “If you don’t mind me saying.” As the two outlaws looked to each other, it was obvious they had seen the captain. “He passed by us a day or so back.” said Boyle. “We were going to stop him, but he shot past us like the devil before we could make a go of it. He was headed into the estate just over the ridge. But I don’t know if you want to be going in there. They don’t welcome strangers.” “Well they’ll welcome us soon enough.” Insisted Lilly. “Doctor Riley, we need to be off!”
  12. "I swear, I'll kill him!" thought Lilly; as she listened to the two outlaws go about their challenge and demands. She quickly played to their threats. Allowing their approach and buying Reiley more time. "Well if you have nothing of value...” Insisted one of the outlaws. “Then maybe there's something else of yours that I’ll have to take.” “Top of the morning lads!” Interrupted Reiley, as he appeared from out of the brush. “Hope I’m not interrupting.” As the two outlaws turned to find Reiley with pistols drawn, Lilly quickly drew a short carbine from behind the seat. “Been a long time Danny Boyle! Offered Reiley. “How goes it?” “I’ve been…. Better?” answered Boyle, as he looked from Reiley to Lilly and realized his advantage had quickly changed. “Sorry to hear that mate. But the truth be known… That lady and I have business. So if the two of you step aside, we’ll be glad to…” “I’m afraid we can’t do that FRIEND.” sneered Morehouse, as he continued to point his pistol at Mistress Lilly. “You see we’ve been out here all morning and most of the night and unfortunately for you, we have nothing to show… But something tells me that wagon has to have something of value or else you wouldn’t be in such a hurry. So I’m afraid you won’t be going anywhere. Wouldn’t you agree SWILLY?!” As the outlaw spoke his name, Swilly slowly plodded his way out to the road where he casually stood next to Reiley. The look on Jonathan Morehouse’s face was priceless. “What the devil is this!” demanded Morehouse, as he realized Swilly wasn’t about to maim or otherwise murder Reiley. “He made me a better offer, you arrogant little prick!” Smiled Swilly, as he bared a mouth full of nicely rotten teeth. “As for you Danny Boyle,” Added Reiley, “We have no quarrel. But if you side with this jackobite, I’ll kill you sure. But I think you know as well as I, that I’d rather not… The choice is yours.” As the tension continued to mount, all eyes darted from barrel to barrel, each wondering who would make the first move. “Alright… You win!” Smiled Boyle, as he put his pistol away. Morehouse was almost speechless. “W-w-What are you doing?!” Demanded the outlaw. “Truth be know mate,” Grinned Boyle, as he dismounted his horse and walked it out of the line of fire. “You’re a rotten back stabbing bastard. And I’ve been waiting for a chance to kill you myself. Unfortunately I just hadn’t gotten around to it. No offense mate, just business.” After a moment and with a seething hesitation, Morehouse lowered the hammer on his pistol and slowly slid the pistol into his belt. As he turned his horse to ride away, he stared visciously at Reiley and spoke. “If I ever see you again Rats O’Riley, I will kill you…” “Well then you better hope that I don’t see you first.” Replied Reiley, as he watched the outlaw start to ride away. “But until then, a good day to you just the same!”
  13. The outlaw was a somewhat large and heavy set man, who wore clothes that were just a bit too small and far from flattering. He was waiting just out of site and cursing the weather from the night before, which had drenched him from head to toe. “How’s it going Swilly?” Said a voice from behind, as the tip of a gun barrel nudged into his back. “That you Rats?” asked the outlaw, recognizing the voice as he raised his hands. “Aye…” answered Reiley. “And who else you got working today?” “No one…” the outlaw sheepishly replied, until another poke from Reily's gun barrel jogged his memory. “Danny Boyle and Jonathan Morehouse.” The outlaw quickly answered. “Put your hands down, you look silly." Ordered Reiley. "Now why the hell would you and Boyle throw in with the likes of Jonathan Morehouse?” Questioned Reiley. “We didn’t have much of a choice.” Replied the outlaw, as he turned and pointed to a long rigid scar from his ear to the tip of his chin. “Bastard even takes half of everything we make.” Patrick Swilly was a bear of a man, with very little common sense and a horrible mouth of rotten teeth. He was a silly, stupid man who (like Reiley) would do almost anything for a friend. However, Reiley had always felt sorry for the big fellow and regardless of the circumstance, had always tried to help the man out. But he was also familiar with Jonathan Morehouse and his willingness to spill blood at a moments notice. “Well then mate, if that's the case then... What if things were to change for the better?” Grinned Reiley.
  14. "Well that was quite nice." Commented Lilly, as the gentleman rode by. "I agree." Said Reiley, with a smile. "The start of a good morning." "Now as I was saying, eventually my father was sent with the rest of his garrison to the colonies. But after months, we still hadn't heard from him. Eventually my mother found work on the London estate of Sir Randall Stevens. As a child, I helped on the estate, but eventually became best of friends with Sir Randall's son... Unfortunately young Richard died of fever when he was only a boy. Though still a servant, Sir Randall somewhat favored me, having been such good friends with his own son. Perhaps it was due to his loss or just a fine act of charity, but I was eventually sent off to a school... Lord knows I needed it." "That would be where you studies medicine then?" Inquied Lilly. "Actually my dear, I was a terrible student. They almost had to burn down the building, just so I couldn't come back. However, I've always believed a favor must have been called in, to allow my admittance to the hospital and medical school founded by Thomas Guy in Southwark. It was there that I..." Suddenly Reiley pulled up on the Reigns and brought the carriage to a stop. "What is it?" Asked Lilly, she watched the doctor scan the fork in the road ahead. "Take the reigns." Insisted Reiley, as he jumped from the carriage. "We'll, have us some sport." "But what do I??" Stammered Lilly. "Wait just a bit, then let him roll forward til you come to the fork. Stay calm and keep your wits about you. There should be no more than two or three of them." Assured Reiley, as he quickly dissappeared into the brush.
  15. "He's the Devil himself." Offered Lilly, as she overheard Abbi and Reiley talking. "But I beg you, don't make me tell more. At least until I..." "Say no more, my dear." Insisted Abbi. "You just sit yourself right here and have yourself some breakfast." After helping Lilly to her chair, a large and seemingly endless breakfast was presented by the cheerful oldbird. "Such a breath of fresh air." Thought Lilly, as she enjoyed the wonderful meal and simple conversation. It was as if the old lady was able to temporarely eliminate all the troubles and fears which had been building for so long. After their meal, Reiley began loading the carriage. “Mistress Lilly, a word before you leave?” Beckoned the old woman, as she motioned toward Lilly. “That one there might be a scoundrel, but he also has something of a good heart." Started the old woman, as she nodded toward Reiley. "However, you know as well as I, you can’t always count on a man to be there when you need him." "SO I want you to have this….” Smiled Abbi, as she handed Lilly an object covered by an old weathered handkerchief. From the weight and the shape, Lilly immediately realized it was a small pistol. “No I really….” Lilly protested. “I insist, my dear.” Demanded Abbi. “Besides it’s not only for you necessarily. It’s so you can also look after him! Lord knows, sometimes he needs it….” How could Lilly argue with such a sweet old-bird. “I kindly thank you then.” Lilly replied, with a slight curtsy. “Nonsense!” puffed Abbi, as she gave Lilly a big hug. “You just stop by and visit an old woman from time to time… And be careful now.” After hitching the horses, Reiley returned and helped Lilly to the coach. As he returned for his armorments, he stopped to say goodbye to the old lady. “If anyone stops by, you haven’t seen us.” Reiley cautioned, as the old woman gave him a big hug. “I think I can take care of me own self.” Insisted Abbi. “Though I doubt you can say the same… Love to you, my boy.” “And love to you, my dear.” Answered Reiley, as he gave her a peck on the cheek. “I’ll be seeing you soon.” With that, Reiley and the Mistress climbed into the carriage and rode off.
  16. As always any and all would be greatly appreciated. Yes my dear, that is exactly what I was thinking. I believe I will have off for next year. Though I'm trying to send plans early and if possible allow them to be used this year. I have a plan for a carriage or wagon ride, to include: Highwaymen?, Lycanthropy? Gouls and such A haunted stretch of RR tracks. To be presented at the depot. Possibly a witch or vampire hunt/ trial at or infront of the court house/ hanging??? A witch's cabin?? A tour of the hotel by lantern? Then to finish off with..... The Legend of Sleepy Hollow With Ward and his beast horse playing the horseman, and Brian?? playing Mr Crane. We can have the scene from the party and the Brom Bones taunting and such, then go into the chase, while the spectators stand, sit etc in the gazeebo in the middle of town. What's so great is the town is perfect after dark rats
  17. The morning found Reiley reluctant to rise as he slept teetering between three chairs and a collection of blankets. But the aroma from the food being prepared smelled incredible. “I know you’re awake,” Sung Abbi, as she continued to prepare the meal. “That horse will need to be tended to, if you plan to move that young lady to safety.” “To hell with the nag, my ribs feel stove in…” Groaned Reiley, as he sat up and patted his eye. “Breakfast will be ready when you’re finished. Go on now.” She insisted. Reiley knew better than to argue. But when he returned from tending to the horse, rather than a cheerful "How have you been" the topic went directly to the situation at hand. “So who’s this bastard you plan to wage war on?”
  18. What I'm actually looking for is short shories which can be worked into simple vinnetts for holloween. The banshee, lost lovers returning, witch hunts or trials, spectral events, soldiers returning to help the living, and so on. I have a friend who works at a historical village and I've been composing some scenarios for their Holoween event. So any good sources could be used and or combined. I'm looking from colonial to about the civil war or so. Thanks again!! Rats
  19. “Did that boy just steal one of our horses?” grimaced Reiley, as he ran out to see the youngman ride away. “Get back here you welp!” yelled Reiley. “Looks like you’re spending the night after all.” Crowed Abbigale, as she shook her head. “And rightly so, I’ll be taking a look at those ribs of yours and that eye needs to be cut.” “Mistress Lilly,” directed Abbigale. “If you would be so kind to…” However, her words fell on deaf ears. For after a day of unrelenting events, Mistress McKinney had managed to fall into a much needed sleep. “She’s trouble and you know it…” Grinned Abbigale, as she tended to Reiley. “She reminds me of me…” “oh!…. I doubt, there’s anyone like you, my dearest lady.” Insisted Reiley, as the old woman, struck a tender spot. “Will you be sure to let the dogs out? If anyone comes around, we’ll be wanting to know.” “That I will.” Insisted Abbigale. “You best carry her to the other room. She can have me bed, I’ll be fine in the rocker.” “You’re the best Abby!” Whispered Reiley as he kissed the old woman on the forehead. “Thanks again.”
  20. Afternoon all! With the holiday approaching, I've been wondering about period ghost tales and such. Anyone know any good legends of ghosts or warlocks from the colonial days and such. Spooks, ghouls, fantoms and highwaymen??? Help a fella out?! Rats
  21. "IT'S NOT DOWN HERE ABBI!" yelled Reiley, from the cellar. "Look behind the CABINET!" replied the old woman, in an equally loud manner. "The what?!!" called Reiley. "THE CA-BI-NET!!" bellowed the old woman, causing Lilly and young Ransom to sit back in their chairs. "Now what was this about a kiss?" Abbi inquired, as if she was to become savvy to a fine piece of gossip. "Well, I... I mean she." Ransom and Lilly stumbled over their words and pointing toward each other. Luckily the cellar door suddenly burst open as Reiley flopped an arm full of bags and cases onto the kitchen table. "I found it!" He cheered, pounding his hand onto the dust covered collection. "Oh, here you go my friend!" Called Reiley, as he tossed a bottle to Ransom. Within moments, Reiley had uncovered an array of pistols, knives and other "have-at-you's". "But this!" He announced, "This is my real treasure!" With the reverence a priest might present a chalice, Reiley produced a long object covered in a fine red cloth. Then taking a deep breath as he looked around the room, he revealed a sword which left all that looked upon it speechless.... "That is without a doubt, the ugliest sword I have EVER seen!!" clucked Abbigale, bringing to words the same thought which everyone was thinking. "I never said it was pretty!" snapped Reiley as he wiped some of the rust from the scabbard. It was almost unbareable as Ransom and Lilly tried to restrain their laughter. "I've told him time and time again," Clucked the old woman with her hands on her hips. "..a sword is supposed to be a sign of a gentleman's position. That sword, if you don't mind me saying, says, 'Look at me, I'm a cleaner of stables'......" "Looks may be decieving my dear Abbigale!" Reiley offered, as he strapped the sword to his side. "Looks may be decieving!"
  22. Reiley knew he was worse for wear, but when he spotted the youngman with his pistol drawn, he was gladly willing to accept any confederate which presented itself. "That's the style boy-o and keep yer eyes sharp! Then if that foppish bastard shows himself, you can send him to hell." "Mistress, if you will be kind enough to help me to our carriage, we will be away..." Making their way to the carriage, "If you would be so kind to take the reigns young sir," Groaned Reiley. "My ribs would be very grateful." Quickly they left the area and down a back road from Reiley's direction. "Where are we going?" called the youngman, as he drove the horses harder. "To a safe house!" Called Reiley, as he carefuly padded his eye. Within a short time, they had stopped at a small mill just outside of town. "We'll be safe here for the moment." assured Reiley as he led his companions to the back door. As they entered the house, the smell of fresh bread filled the room. "That's my girl!" called Reiley, as he threw his arms around the old woman who looked up from the table. After a moment he turned to his companions, "And she gets prettier everyday!! Mistress McKinney, Youngman, allow me to present the Duchess of Port Royal... Mrs. Abagail Cra--ne!" "Pleased to meet you." curtsied the old woman. Turning to Reiley, the old woman lit into him. "I suppose you're hurt again, arn't you?! Word has it you got yourself drunk and caught by the Allister Brothers... I suppose they're the ones that did this to you?" Then turning to Lilly and the youngman,"Make yourselves at home, darlings. There's no need for propriety in this house! Especially with this lot around.." "You are the best Abbi. But unfortunately this isn't just a social call. I'll be needing my works." "On a job are you?" the old woman inquired, casting a look toward the youngman and mistress Lilly. "I should have known... Well it's down stairs where you left it." Then watching Reiley dart toward the cellar. "You might as well bring up something cold to drink while you're down there... Sounds like there's a story to be told here."
  23. Though dazed, Reiley felt the careful hands turning him over, then realizing that Mistress McKinny was kneeling by his side. "Did we win?" he asked, as he looked into her eyes. However, as he looked into her eyes, he noticed something he had never seen before. It was fear... But not from the mere spectacle that continued around them, there was something here she was truly afraid of, something... or someone? "Please!" begged Lilly, as she looked into his eyes. The game was over and no longer was there a playful grin. "Go! Now!" Reiley barked, as he pushed the mistress toward the door, covering her with his arms. He wasn't sure what the sudden and unknown terror consisted of. But without blade or pistol, it was surely a demon of which he wanted no part of. Suddenly the door flew open as guards of the town malitia poured into the tavern. "Through the back!" ordered Reiley, as he guided Lilly through the crowd.
  24. Unaware of man behind her, for a moment, Reiley almost considered allowing the bearded ruffian to brain the mistress with the chair he had hovering over his head. But instead he grabbed the nearest bottle and hurled it across the room, striking the oaf before he could strike. "scuse me Gov-ner.." Said a voice from behind, interrupting Reiley's moment of victory. As he turned, Reiley saw a small fist quickly get bigger, until it struck him square in the eye. As the room spun around him, Reiley saw the sailor who hit him, then mistress Lilly and the youngman having words, then the sailor who hit him again, then the wooden floor as he fell to it with a crash.
  25. "My thoughts exact....oooof!" Sputtered Reiley as he was suddenly rushed and picked up by a pair of seamen. "Yer going nowhere's gov-ner!" Growled one of the seamen, as they viciously tossed Reiley over the countertop and into the ledge of bottles. "And as for you lad..." Sneered the bald seaman, with the scar across the bridge of his nose. But as he swung, the youngman stepped to the side, then tripping up the sailor sent him sprawling onto the floor. As the youngman turned to look after the fellow's companion, he found Mistress McKinney perched on the sailor's back, viciously pulling his hair out from the roots. Standing slowly in an attempt to compose himself, Reiley saw the opportunity as presented by Mistress Lilly and then after rearing back, he delivered a solid punch to the jaw of the sailor whom Lilly was attempting to scalp. However, rather than collapsing, the sailor simply grinned, spitting out a single loose tooth. "Well done Gov-ner!" he sneered, spitting out yet another tooth. Then grabbing Reiley by the jacket, the sailor threw him yet again into a crowd of brawling locals.
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