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Everything posted by Rateye
Actually the reason I asked is because of the methods of treatmet that were accepted by each religoin might be different. I had read about the aversion some had toward cinchona ( a treatment for malaria which as seen in Port Royal, had helped the good Capt. Sterling ) also kinown as Jesuit's Bark or as the commoner's dubbed it the Jesuit's Poison. I was therefore wondering if there were other areas or even prejudices that might be interesting. "I don't want that catholic butcher tending to me!" kind of stuff for not only persona but also for Port Royal storylines. Rats
"Stupid, useless 'ore!" Bellowed Reiley, as he fought to rehitch the horses. But then as he paused to recompose himself, he noticed Mistress Mckinney as she continued to pace about. "He should be out shortly." offered Reiley, attempting to calm the mistress down. However, his remark was obviously being ignored. He could tell the mistress was upset and perhaps also scared. He had noticed her continuously turning one of the rings on her left hand shortly after they had escaped Killingsworth. Such was her actions now. But since their lives were no longer in peril, it had to be the fear of a different loss that worried the mistress. "I'm sorry...." Offered Reiley, as he returned to wage battle with the carriage and horse.
Sounds great! I'd love to hear more? Possibly bring to Bristol or post some interesting bits? R
I couldn't agree more! Still a tough decision though about which I want. For those that arn't familiar, the franklin is leather lined and a finer more durable make, only a bit more stiff on the edges. (might rub more?) amd more of a shiny finish. Very nice! The condord feels more like a pair of brogans. Very basic, not lined simple craftmanship. (Almost already broken in?) and a more subdued leather. perhaps I will try to keep both and risk penalty of death??? we will see? Rats
Ok, now I know I already started a post about when I got my 1st shippment from Fugawee. I ordered the Franklin and the Concord and they were both too big, so I sent them back and then they were just a bit too tight. Let's face it folks, unless you send em a cut out, your just geussing. But after the second shippment being too tight, I explained I had an event and they said they would simply send another TWO pairs of each so I could return the two I didn't want at my leasure. Liz at Fugawee, said she just wanted me to have what I needed for my event... That's what I call customer service folks! They didn't even charge me for shipping, only for a pair of socks I wanted. Now I'm torn between which one I like better... So if nothing else folks, I just wanted to pass the word about a company that really took care of a fella who just wanted to get a good pair of shoes for playin' pirate. Hope you don't mind! Rats P.S I'll let you know if they kill my feet after Saturday at Bristol!! AAAArgh!
What's the general price for rooms and such? Rats
I have been collecting various information from several sites and hope to contact a few persons who apprear to be subject matter experts on various colonial practices I hope to eventually list the sources and also some of the interpretations I've found during my limited study of "The Plain Concise, Practical Remarks" book for wounds and fractures. Let's face it, some of the terms are unknown to those unfamiliar with medicine. Even us 1st responders. But a good read just the same! Also if anyone has any information, sites or anything to add, please post. It will only help the cause. I've also come to the conclusion,(See he's starting to go doctor already) that a lot of this information would be next to impossible to memorize for living history. So I'm planning to make a hardcovered pocket journal with the cause and cures of many of the common ailments. If nothing else, it would make a good prop and also help with the info. Rats
The young woman's words had not fallen on deaf ears. And though Reiley would have sooner faced a straight forward challenge, to endanger two women was not the kind of sport he preferred. He knew that this situation would have to be brought to an end quickly, for in a matter of moments there would surely be a hand full of guard brought to flank through the house. "By God mistress, you know I wouldn't have traded you for the world!" Assured Reiley, as he began to lower the pistol he had behind young woman. "My only regret is that we'll meet the hangman, before I get my hands on that fopish bastard Killingsworth...." Then lowering the pistol and releasing the young lady, Reiley also relaxed his aim on the stranger holding Mistress McKinney. "You can let her go mate," Offered Reiley, as he decocked his pistol. "The day is yours..."
As the young lord's eye's narrowed and a smile of determination appeared. "Who was this uncouth iterloper to invade his home then utter such a challenge?" He thought. "especially with a sword such his. A lesson will have to be taught!" Cautiously he followed Reiley into the building, but as the guards also began attempted to follow in pursuit, "Stand fast, you bastards!" Snarled Reiley, as he raised the young woman's chin with his pistol. "You wern't invited... Bugger off with you!" Sensing a threat to the welfare of their mistres, the guards reluctantly retreated. But as the unfortunate quartet entered the house, Reiley quickly closed and barred the door. "Now my friend," started Reiley. "I would normally offer you a trade and then commence to have at you. But on second thought, you can keep her and I'll keep this one! She's been nothing but trouble for me!" As a slight giggle escaped from young woman in Reiley's arms, the look on Mistress Mckinney's face was priceless.
That's exactly what I was hoping to hear! The reason I thought I'd post, is one, I'm always over my limit for personal mesages and two, why not give you some credit and pass the good word. I will be there on Sat! Wouldn't miss it!! My plans are actually centered toward prep for Renfest and the various displays possibilities for said event. So with that being said, yer 1st drink is on ol' Rats! R
Oh that's petty cash! Yeah right! I would be sooooo dead! Sounds like a great book though! R
With the drawing room door suddenly opened, Reiley instinctively stood in front of Mistress Mckinney, thereby accepting any ill fate that should transgress. However, instead of facing a series of guards, Reiley was suddenly face to face with a young lady whose eyes seemed to strike a fire of intrigue. His pistol drawn in retaliation of the young lady's armorment, he couldn't help but wonder... "Where have I seen you before?" Thought Reiley, as he was momentarily lost in the young woman's eyes. But before his question could be answered, a pistol had been drawn from his belt, and an unexpected stand-off was commenced. "Mistress McKinney...." Cautioned Reiley, as he carefully attempted to diffuse the sudden predicament. "Should you pull that trigger, this young woman will surely die... And though most of which involved those deserving of the favor, trust when I say it is a difficult spectre to be rid of, when it is not deserved or intended." However, as the mistress continued to walk the young woman out of the room, she was suddenly siezed and pulled into the grasp by an unknown rogue and held at knife point. As the unknown assailant held the mistress in front of him with blade to her neck, Reiley suddenly found own pistol drawn and the barrel placed under the young woman's chin as an assortment of weapons were pointed directly at him. "Big mistake friend!" Growled Reiley, as he reached forward and secured the pistol from the young woman's grasp, then cautiously placing himself between the woman and the enevitable firing-squad. "Besides boy-o," Challenged Reiley, as he looked directly into the stranger's eyes. "Don't you think that hiding behind a lady is bad form." Then leaning closer into the young woman, "Trust I will not harm you m-lady, I have no reason..." Whispered Reiley, as he brought the second pistol close behind her and his dragoon to bare on the stranger. "But if this man of your's harms that woman in any way... So help me God, I will take him to hell with me... In that you have my word." Then as Reiley began backing the woman into the drawing room. "C-mon lad," Smiled Reiley, as he gestured for the stranger to follow him. "Why waltz with the lady, when you can dance with me?" The challenge was unbareable
Hey Pete! I heard a vicious rumor that you know how to make weathered parchments and such?? If so, I have some ideas and would like to get some advice from someone in the know. Savey? Rats
I agree! However, once broken in and worns a bit, it really won't matter much! Rats
The foot steps had stopped at the entrance of the drawing room. Then after checking to see if said door was locked, the persons continued down the hallway, stopping periodically and thereby repeating their task. "Now if you've ever trusted me, even for a second, I need you to listen to what I have to say." Insisted Reiley. "Regardless of what you think, these are not your average people of wealth and position. These are people, whose dealings are far from lawful and who keep to the shadow. Believe me dear lady, for if nothing else, I know my own kind..." Pausing for a moment, Reiley looked to the Mistress. It was obvious his words struck a nerve, for as her eyes quickly looked for a means of escape, he realized just how senseless this little invasion was. But regardless of the cost, he would not allow the mistress to be harmed, nor would he allow the good captain to remain a prisoner. However, as he peered across the lawn, assessing his oposition, Reiley noticed something very unexpected. "If he's such a prisoner, my dear" Whispered Reiley. " Why is the good captain with pistol?"
"If I ever find her, by God" Hissed Reiley, as he entered the house. "I'll shoot her my self." After making his way through the lower quarters and the kitchen, (Mmmm, something really smelled good!). He had just crossed a large atrium, attempting to blend in with the other help, when suddenly the bells began ringing and the manor sprung to life. "Time's up, Mistress..." thought Reiley, as he hurried down a corridor. "You there!" Hollered another guard. "Check down that hall and make sure all the windows have been locked closed!" "Right!" Answered Reiley, as he continued looking from door to door for the Mistress. However, as he passed a large chamber door, he briefly heard the end of a volatile discussion. “If my good Captain knew you were holding me against my will,” Hissed a woman’s voice. “He would have your heart cut out and then placed on a silver platter…” Reiley knew well there was only one young lady that could muster such contempt toward a complete stranger. As the young nobleman opened the door and raced past him, he momentarily caught a glimpse of Lilly, as she stewed on a couch. “I just hope there’s only one” Reiley sighed, as he waited until the youngman was gone. Then upon entering the large drawing room, Mistress McKinney immediately stood, as if she was set upon by the devil himself. “You had better keep your hands off of me…” Hissed Lilly. “If your master finds out! Aren’t all dogs supposed to listen to their masters?!” “Maybe all good dogs,” replied Reiley, as he locked the door and turned.” But not all good doctors!”
Let's see now, between accumulating my garb, medical supplies, a pistol, and building a display for Renfest 2.... Not that much. Unless ofcoarse we're talking about something worthy of causing overtime to be worked? In which case, or should I say, REGARDLESS I'd love to see it? Rats
It was a foolish idea. But without many choices, an idea just the same. However, after returning to the main gate, Reiley quickly donned the cloak, hat, gloves and carbine of one of the guards. It was his hope that he might be allowed a closer approach to the manor should he attempt to appear as one of the guards. But what was more important was finding a set of keys on one of the watchmen. Then after quickly ensuring the guard's state of ensnarement, Reiley casually made his approach to the manor. Within moments a trio of large canines came barrelling toward him. "This is going to hurt boy-o." Thought thought, Reiley as he brought down the carbine from his shoulder. As the dogs approached with a deepening growl, Reiley carefully held out his hand to allow the dogs to sample his scent. After a few very tense and terrifying moments, it was obvious the mutts were not going to attack. "Go on now!" barked Reiley, in an attempt to mimmick the voice of the first guard. Surprisingly the animals obeyed. "You'll be paying a visit to the vicar (Priest) for that one..." Sighed Reiley, as he watched the dogs dissappear into the nearby woods. "Alright Mistress, where the devil are you?"
I couldn't agree more! The angle I'm looking at is for a different persona,( or a nice twist,) and rather than always donning a hat, to have a wig that I can constantly struggle with while in a stuper. Let's face it, the drunkin' doctor is always a good character for any time period. Plus if I want to go real dandy, it's available. I would be interested to see that timeline also! Cheers! Rats
I've heard they were actually such an important item, it was even a targeted item to be lifted? Any oponions? I've always thought them as way too dandy. Remember Tim Roth's character Archie in Rob Roy? Whata bastard! I was almost thinking about having one to flop about, while I'm half in the bag (In character that is) But wasn't the comodore also wearing one in POTC2 during the barfight? Any thoughts? Anyone ever wear one?? Rats Actually I probably should have posted this on the Captain Twill line. Mayhaps a moderator can bump it???
As his story came to a close and the guards interests seemed to fade, it was hardly a challenge for Reiley to change flasks with a second containing a strong sedative. After the two guards had finally collapsed, Reiley quickly bound and secured both of them from site. The third guard was found with a young harlot nearby. After she was well paid for her silence and the guard securely bound, Reiley quickened in and attempt to again reach Mistress Lilly. "You're a fool, you're a fool, you're a foolish sort of fool!" Sung Reiley to himself, as he made his way in the direction of the manor. However, as he stopped and crouched near a tree, his hand dropped to the ground and felt something familiar yet equally freightening.... "A dog's bone?" Thought Reiley, as he picked up the gnawed upon morsel. ".......I hate dogs!"
"... So there we were," contunued Reiley, as he entertained the guards. "Down to our last shot each and our horses all but ready to drop. When ol' Grady says..." But before Reiley can continue his tale, he notices Lilly as she sneaks onto the estate. As he suddenly begins to choke at another unexpected invasion by Mistress McKinney. "You alright mate?" offers the 1st guard, as his young and possibly mute companion watches on in disbelief. "Went down the wrong hatch!" Insists Reiley, as he turns and repositions himself so the guards have their back toward the direction of which Lilly had taken. "Blast," Thinks Reiley. She knows nothing about the third guard, who most likely is off in the brush relieving himself. "Ah, but you're on Boy-O. Best to keep em busy." "Now, seeing that I was already worse for the wear," Continues Reiley. "ol' Grady reigns in on his horse and tells me to give him mey pistol... I mean, what could I do? after all this is Grady Lords, by God! So I hand him me pistol and without another word, he turns his horse and charges back into the cloud of dust of which we just came, howling like a madman...."
I have recently started my kit from Goodwin! Yesterday as I mentioned to me captain, was literally a "red letter" day! Yes my friends... I got me 1st amputation knife!!! and I couldn't be more proud! Maybe it's just me, but something tells me that someday doctors might be able to demand obscene amounts of money for their efforts, but in return will be damned to playing golf for all of eternity. Could be worse? or could it??? However though I'm presently attempting to decipher the med book, I'm still looking for any and all pics, phrases or leads that could help me flesh out this area. You humble servant Rats
Now I hope not to cause problems. But seeing that many wars have been cause over such a topic, and the character I'm working toward is a bit of a nefarious doctor, I'm also wondering about religion during the GAoP Seeing that pirate crews were made of folks from many different backgrounds, you would have to think there was quite a bit of either tollerance or problems. Any ideas? Rats