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Everything posted by MadMaryFlint

  1. Welcome back, Mate! We missed ye!
  2. lol! :angry: I didn't even notice that! You're right about that, lass!
  3. Actually, it comes out on DVD December 2nd. http://www.comingsoon.net/dvd/dec03.php And for info on what's in it: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/televisionn...ews.php?id=1362
  4. THAT's all it takes?!? Of course! *runs to stock up on rum*
  5. That's great, Quill! I love it!
  6. I've done that, too! Ridin' around in me green minivan, playin' PoTC as loud as me speakers can take it... Embarrassin' me brother, 'cause "it's not the kind of music you play this loud, Meww!" :angry:
  7. lol! I'm not too worried about the wedding dress.. :) The tattoo will probably only be about 2 inches square and I don't want any color, so it shouldn't be too expensive.
  8. lol.. I intend to put it on my right shoulder blade. Easy to hide hide if need be, but still visible if I so choose.
  9. I actually suddenly really want a tattoo! I'm even willing to endure the pain! AND I have a design picked out.... An aztec-style skull with a fencing foil and a fencing sabre beneath it. My own take on the Jack Rackham flag. Whaddya think you guys? I think it'd look really cool, and I only want one if I can have an original one. I don't want something that everyone has.
  10. It's a really sweet thing you're doing, Quill! I'd be honored to be on the list, as well, seein' as all I have to give is me name..
  11. 'e's a 'andsome man, our Cap'n!
  12. That would be a sight!! ooh.. and if they ran out... Mayhap it's good they didn't have any...
  13. Aw, that's great, Royalist! I'm sure he'd LOVE that! Hell, I'd love it..
  14. AAAHHH! That's my favorite movie! The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is the best movie, you guys! You should see it! Gene Tierney's attitude is great, and I just love Rex Harrison! Ohmygod, I miss that movie.. I haven't seen it in awhile. It's packed away, and it's a VHS anyway. All we have at the dorm is a DVD player... "I just wasn't intended to have that kind of happiness, and I haven't missed it, really I haven't. Sure, I've been lonely at times, but there've been compensations." <-- that's one of my "pity me" quotes from that movie, but there are tons of great quotes. I especially love Rex's monologue... GREAT MOVIE!!! And, yes, I AM a teenager who's favorite movie is in black-and-white and made in 1947 (I believe). Black-and-whites are classics (sometimes..)
  15. Yeah! I was even waiting for McDonald's toys... I want POTC toys.. A wee lil Cap'n Jack Sparrow to play with... *evil grin* *gets far-away look as she imagines what she'd do with the REAL Cap'n Sparrow...*
  16. welcome aboard, mate! 'ave cold one.. 'ave ye tried Kazaa fer that song? Otherwise, I 'ave no idee..
  17. That's a really good idea, Bat Spell!
  18. Thankee, Stynky. Oh, and Royalist, I done the same thing wit me Master and Commander poster... not much fer the people..
  19. Welcome aboard, Cap'n! Ain't this place wunnerful?
  20. OHMYGOD!!!!!!! FENCING IS SOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! And ye'll be pleased to know that I did well me first try. My instructor said so. And I could tell.. He didn't have to tell me to parry again, or hold my sword higher, or anything. He checked my stance and sounded a bit surprised when he said it was good. Go me!
  21. Thankee, Poison Quill!
  22. YAY! And me feelin' so lonely 'ere on the East coast wi' out e'en a car to transport me...
  23. My school had a club carnival today, and guess what! There's a renaissance club that goes to faires and such. And, "Jill Sparrow," ye'll be proud a me, lass! They'll help me learn to sew me own clothing! I be sooo excited, I can't talk right... YAAAAYY!!! (I also joined fencing and the Hispanic Club) Also, on an off-topic note, in the paper yesterday there was a poster from the "Master and Commander" movie. It be on me wall now...
  24. Definitely! Johnny's a genius! As soon as we can preorder the DVD, I will!
  25. Happy Birthday, Cascabel!!!!
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