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Everything posted by MadMaryFlint

  1. I'm not sure what day the club is going yet, but it's the 14th, I'll take you up on that!
  2. They're taking me shopping with their money! I have no money! I need stuff to survive!
  3. Yes I noticed that. The reason is most likely that they are stupid. Pictre flips happen alot. I didn't notice that, but they probably shot the second part another time and just forgot about the cocking.
  4. Thankee much for the offer, but I can't. Me fam'ly's commin' ta visit that day. I'll be at the Maryland Ren fair in October, though, if anyone comes.
  5. hahaha. I'm assuming that's me. I'm in the Fredericksburg area.
  6. Welcome aboard, matey! 'ave a drink!!
  7. Wow, that's great, Quill! What a piece of history!
  8. Welcome back, RumbaRue! We've missed you!
  9. Alright!!! Thanks, Scupper! Jackie, it's $17.98.
  10. Ay, that be us, Cap'n! Hell and heaven rolled in to one!
  11. Uy... that's awful! Stupid press... Worse than pirates... At least we have honor.. They just said that (about the commandeering) 'cause of the movie, I'm sure. Anything to get a story...
  12. CORRUPT CIA agent.. Has no one read the summary?
  13. Hear, hear! YAY, Mad Maudlin!
  14. He's a thief, though!
  15. That's a good point, Royaliste. Unlikely, but good. :) Treasonous speech? I've said worse things about America and I live here... Hmm... too 80s. So far, my fave is still "The Sparrow's Nest."
  16. Pre-Ordering a DVD makes me obsessed? I don't make the connection there...
  17. Buy.com -- PotC Let me know if that doesn't work...
  18. LOL!!!!
  19. That's great, you guys! Well done!
  20. That's CUTE!! It's #1 on my list so far!
  21. thankee, Deacon!
  22. hahahaha! I'm mad, but not THAT mad!
  23. Hi, everyone. I'm starting a reviewer website for PotC fansites. Basically, I'm reviewing PotC fansites so ppl know what sites are good sources and which are bad. It will also serve to help site owners with design, layout, advice, etc. I need help coming up with a title, though. The character name of the owner (me) is Rui or Ruisenora. I'd like the title to be pirate-/PotC-related. Please let me know if you have any ideas. Any and all help is appreciated and the creator of the chosen title will be credited. Also, if you're interested in being a partner in crime, let me know. It will require a knowledge of websites and the ability to tell the difference between good things and bad things.
  24. That's great! It's amazing that it's grown so popular! :)
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