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Everything posted by MadMaryFlint

  1. Hmm.. Me roommate and I be havin' a party for "talk Like a Pyrate Day" in our dorm. We will be watchin' pyrate movies and such. Me thinks I might be dressin' as one, too...
  2. Welcome lasses! It be great to see all these new faces joinin' our crew, so to speak!
  3. Welcome, lass! It be nice to 'ave yet another woman aboard! Got to keep these lads in line, ya know..
  4. Everyone's ideas are really interesting, and Oded Fehr would be perfect. But, as already mentioned, he IS perfect for anything. But I do have to agree with Captain Carroll. No Metallica. Nothing ruins a good historical movie like modern music.
  5. This be a wee bit late, I reckon, but welcome aboard, matey!
  6. I be a pyrate and me name be Mad Mary Flint.
  7. Haha, I be the shortest of all! I be 4'11" and a quarter! I be petite! Arr! Be glad ye be tall!
  8. I be joinin' the conversation a bit late, but I be located (landlocked) in dear Virginny as well. Friday, I'll be located in the Burg where too many swung unlawfully (leave it to a pirate to refer to the law..) and in August I be off to the great Burg of dear Frederick. I be very interested in a get-together. As I said, I don't know nothin' of sailin', but I be willin' to learn.
  9. I be very mad! At least, that be what the folks at the movie theatre and WalMart thought this evenin'. We leave the movie (POTC again) and it be pouring! THe rain be comin' down in comforters! (not sheets, mind you. comforters) People be standin' about the door wonderin' what to do and me Mum and me, we pushes our way through the group and walks to me car, though a dinghy woulda served us bettah. Everyone be starin' at us like we's nuts. 'Course, I be wearin' a white shirt.. maybe that be the problem. So we gets to WalMart, and everyone be standin' about under the entrance. More starin'. Even MORE starin' inside. Be I the only one that likes the rain? I be disappointed when it slows down... Maybe I'm not so much of a landlubber as I thought... I had that same trouble when I went to Puebla. The crazy Americans be runnin' through the streets in the pourin' rain and the Mexicans be watchin' us like we's mad men...
  10. I'll be goin' to get that today, 'opefully! They'd better have some left, or I'll 'ave to do even MORE pillagin'..
  11. Ahoy, there, Katie! I be new as well. 'Glad to see so many new folks joinin'.. it warms me 'eart. I be in the Com'nwealth of Virginny..
  12. Ay, I be a landlubber, as well. But just b/c I only ridden a speed boat an' a ferry! I'd like to give bein' on a real ship a try...
  13. Smashing idea, Cap'n! (That be the only word what I could think of to use in stead of "groovy" or "great") I be an hour from DC, but me fam'ly is movin' 'round to the burg where they did much lynchin' (mayhaps even some of our blokes swung there). After a bit, I ship off to the burg of dear Frederick for some book-learnin'. Lots o' 'istry there, too. Summer is good for me, but whilst I be on break durin' school will be best, far as I can tell.
  14. I be more landside, sad to say. It be a couple hours trek to the sea. I be thankin' ye for the warm welcome.. Glad to see I ain't crazy all by me onesies. And thank ye for the tip.
  15. I appreciate the comment on my website.. She's the closest thing to a ship I've got. Okay, how's about we play a game? People translate Mad Mary's messages in to pirate talk so's she can learn. Ready? Go!
  16. hahaha! You're so right, my dear Captain! I do need to lighten up (or something). No more apologies from this crazy lass! We wouldn't happen to be related, would we?
  17. Blimey! I ne'er seen so many pirates a'fore. Okay, okay. I'll stop with my bad imitation of a pirate. Honestly, I am one of those crazy ppl that got into pirate stuff 'cause of a certain movie with a certain attractive actor... But I assure you that I've always been a history fan and history of the Americas rocks. I promise to work on my pirate speech (hopefully y'all will help me) as long as you promise not to keelhaul me (and I probably spelled that wrong..). As I mentioned, I am very interested in history. I did not, however, mention that I am a photographer. I live around the northern area of VA and am looking for opportunities nearby to do some "pirate shooting" (no weapons involved). Does any one have any suggestions, etc.? Please accept me even though you are all so much more wonderful than I and I got interested in pirates for a very bad reason... to the moderators: I now realize that this was probably the wrong place to post this message, but I've never been great at choosing. I apologize. Have a drink on me.
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