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Everything posted by MadMaryFlint

  1. I be lookin' fer opportunities to learn to sail a tall ship.. I be in the Burg of Frederick in VA, and my family lives on Smith Mountain Lake. Does anyone know where I could learn? There's a couple of ships in Jamestown, but they never take them out of port.. Help...
  2. I wish I was there. I'm a photographer..
  3. hahaha! I remember looking at that pic, lass! That's exactly the thought I had when I saw it! Ye DO look like our wonderful Cap'n!
  4. hahaha! I'd love to do that, but it's frowned on here. More so than my normal antics. And walking about on hot bricks is not my idea of fun.
  5. I'm considering dressing up for that day, as well.. But I haven't any shoes but sneakers and sandals! Mayhap I'll ask me mum to ship my boots here. I may have to wake up my roommate to assure me I look alright. Many on campus think I'm weird, anyway. Hahaha! THAT'd wake up my 8 'o' clock class! I haven't a hat, either, so I'd have to figure out how to wear me hair... uy. Lots of thinkin' involved in this...
  6. Huzzah!! I appreciate the nod towards pirates, but good grief!
  7. I second that! Becky does a great job!! And the price is great!!
  8. Oh, thank ye, Cap'n. I'll be studyin' those right away!
  9. I don't have a photo right now, but as soon as I do, I'll post it! Beck told me she was going to do something special for you 'cause of the referrals. I'm glad she came up with something real nice. It sounds great! I can't wait to see it!
  10. I love the lady who does your wench outfits! She did mine for a good price! Nice lady! I love my outfit...
  11. Oh, my god. I have NO idea what y'all are talking about. *shakes head* Time to study! *open's the seaman's encyclopaedia* turk heads? monkey fists?
  12. Oh, I SOO wanna be there! But I don't even have a car... (college freshman = no car) I wanna go!!!!
  13. hahaha.. I figured it was a typo.. just checking..
  14. Are you sure it's not Relient K? Never heard of Relient L... They did that song for Veggie Tales...
  15. DAMMIT! Why is everything that weekend?!? We have Family Weekend here then and it's also the weekend of my brother's birthday.
  16. A course we heard a it! At me school, we be plannin' a big party for ar floor a the dorm.
  17. She be a beauty at that, O'Malley! It be an honour to crew such a beauty, sez you. No where near a dinghy, sez I.
  18. I only got one wrong! Go me! It was the one about when the ride opened. I wasn't sure.. off by a decade. Oh, well.
  19. Okay, Cap'n. I understand. Actually, I'm lookin' to change me name, but to what I'm not quite sure yet. And I needs to be findin' me a good ship name too... Think, think, think...
  20. Wellm, thank ye, Cap'n. I love you, too.
  21. I think I'll just watch or run the cameras or something.. or serve drinks!
  22. I agree that the music choice in Knight's Tale was good, but it annoyed me that the characters knew the songs, although the music came centuries after they died.... Lack of some semblance of realism tends to bother me. Am I the only one?
  23. We believe you, Sweetie. You're right. We all know this. So how's about just lettin' it go?
  24. That's one of the funniest things I've heard all day! You tell 'em, Grayse!
  25. Do the words "rude" and "pirate" HAVE to be synonyms? Good grief! I'm on the Royaliste's side!
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