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Everything posted by MadMaryFlint

  1. Fencing is fun. Foil is aight. I can't wait to start sabre, though... Foil first. Foil is good to start out with. Damn point control and right-of-way...
  2. Blackeye Susan!! I love yer avatar!!!!
  3. ¡Feliz Cumpleaños!
  4. Owning? ¿Qué quiere decir eso?
  5. Hmm. And apologies for referring to ye as such. But asi I refer to all males..
  6. My felicitations to you, as well!
  7. Mmm, do a search, lad. There already be a post on this topic.
  8. Hmm... I got it from someone at LJ. The song is "Just What I Needed" by the Cars. The author of the video is Ash Jay. I believe she mentioned posting it on Kazaa.
  9. I would want a feathered serpent.
  10. Redd, I salute you! That was very good.
  11. lol! Slash! Have you seen that music video for PotC online that has that Cors song? It's hilarious and incredibly slash!!
  12. 'appy birthday, boys!
  13. Aye! Congratulations to ye, Cap'n!
  14. I, too, be a pirate.. But I will be seein' it again in theatres!
  15. Avast! What be this I hear? Ye be leavin' us, lass?
  16. Got it off eBay a couple of days ago..
  18. Ye don't need a website.. there are plenty of websites online that store pictures for you.
  19. http://www.geocities.com/mewwcabrera/ If'n I ever get my own domain, I'll look in to their stuff.
  20. Wonderful pictures! Ye all look so 'andsome in ye pirate garb.. :)
  21. 'appy Birthday, m'lady! May there be much plunder fer ye.
  22. Ooh, yay!
  23. No problem, Love. Another time.
  24. Penny, ye took me response! best wishes to the 'appy couple! Perhaps some other time, Hawkyns.
  25. I know there's already a topic about the MD Ren Faire, kinda, but this one is specifically about its last weekend (October 17-19). My school's Ren and Fencing Clubs are going the 19th, so if anyone is going, I'll be there! It'd be nice to meet some of ye if ye can make it.
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