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Everything posted by pyrateleather

  1. Now I'm gonna have to buy the complete set! Gee Thanks!
  2. TheBlackFox posted this in another thread: SNL Pirate Convention Be prepared for lot's of bad ARRR jokes!
  3. Wow! I wanna find buried treasure!
  4. so was that before Davey Jones? If not it seems like they'd include that somehow... I don't know if I can handle anymore ARR jokes!
  5. I'll pm you to discuss. Thanks!
  6. If you do spend the night in jail you'd better hope that there is a dog there with some keys or that the jail is within cannon's reach of the harbor for a dramatic rescue by your crew. Seriously though, I've always wanted to attend this event as well so please, all of you PIP experts, enlighten us
  7. We'd probably be interested too, possibly for quite a few of them, especially if you could put a chicago screw on the back... we've got something similar in brass but the pewter is very nice.
  8. I wanna see more! Why only 30 seconds? I know that's their gimmick but it's pretty funny stuff.
  9. I think the yahoo group is for vendors only. Nice Pics Blackbead, I liked your mask for the ball, very Commedia Del Arte!
  10. A little off the subject but that is a great painting, after I read this thread I was interested to find out more. There are several pages of history about it here
  11. Ooooh! I want it I want it!!! Ah the suspense, May 4th is a week away!
  12. Here is the CNN Article On The Convention.
  13. Lots of fun, we'll definitely plan to return next year. Enjoyed meeting many of you and all of the opportunities for revelry. The website already has pre-registration for next year though it doesn't seem to confirm the dates in stone: 2008 PyrateCon Pre-registration
  14. Looking forward to everything but the 15 hour drive from Kansas City... Also can't wait to meet you all and put faces with Names. Blackbead, looks like we're sort of caddy-corner to each other in the vendor room. Like Blackbead, We'll also have plenty of plunder to fill yer hold including some new products being debuted at the convention so bring an extra seachest to carry home all of yer new loot
  15. WOW! I want! I want! Wonder what the reserve is? Thanks for sharing!!!!
  16. Wow! Glad to see that those are period buttons, I have a couple of shirts I got on eBay several years ago from the much hated movie Cutthroat Island. It has woven buttons almost exactly like those shown. I always thought they were really cool but it's good to know that they are accurate as well.
  17. Just two weeks from today, countdown begins... Noticed that Thursday evening activities were added that I don't think were listed before. Rum tasting & "Hot Pirate Babes" what more could a pirate ask for? We'll just have to drive faster to get there Thursday night.
  18. Apparently it skipped theatres and went straight to DVD... I was going to watch it on Pay Per View On Demand but I saw the preview and decided I'd wait until I had a chance to look into it. It looks extra cheesy!!!
  19. That's some really cool stuff! I wanted to do rubbings when I was visiting Boston & Salem but it is frowned upon understandably. Looks like they have found a safe technique.
  20. Foxe, I read a while back that you had a book in the works... Has it been published or any more info??? Your website has a lot of great info!
  21. In browsing the web I ran across this image: The website I found it on claims that the image is of a "17th or 18th century pirate flag" Anyone know the validity of this claim, who's flag it is, or any other info?
  22. Thanks callenish, those are much more reasonable than a lot of the ones I've seen.
  23. callenish gunner, did you make your tent or where did you get it? We are in the market for a new merchant tent for some events.
  24. What about the "woven" net style hammock? Was this ever used on ships or mostly just an island style? They do talk about the style in the history link above but I wondered in relation to sailors & pirates.
  25. John Raven is nice but for some reason it does make me think of Jack Sparrow because of the bird thing.
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