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Everything posted by pyrateleather

  1. Very fun video, hope to see it on TV! And of course I love your hat
  2. Ah, Mad Jack, I feels as if I knows ye from somewhere? That profile picture looks mighty familiar, perhaps it was taken on the steps of our shop at KCRF? Welcome aboard mate! Good to see you here!
  3. I'd be interested in the Pistols & Blunderbus mate. I can Paypal today if you'd like.
  4. St. Louis Pirate Fest The first weekend graced us with beautiful weather and nice crowds. Two weekends left. From the calendar in the Summer issue of Pyrate's Way, they're planning to be present on the third weekend. Anyone else coming to visit? Please stop by and say hello at Pyrate Leatherworx and Arrbucks Coffee's I should be in the vicinity. ~Clay
  5. Grr! This show replaced Black Donnelly's for a while when it was cancelled.
  6. Pirate weekend is indeed the 6th weekend this year: October 6th, 7th, & 8th (Columbus Day). The weekend's catchy title this year "Three Sheets To The Wind". Here is a list of Pirate weekend activities from the festival website: Regional Longbow Competition Entertaining, educational programming at the feast hall. Columbus Day only, costuming 101, music 101, Court 101 . 30 min classes for the children every 45 minutes beginning 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Costume Contest Peg Leg Race (3 legged race), Jousting field 12:00 Walk the Plank Faire Factor Mr. Romance Competition Henna Demos Walk like a Pirate and Scurvy Pirate Contest Treasure Hunt Anne Bonny and Mary Read collecting a girl pirate crew and doing a sword fight exhibition. Scuttlebutt Billy & Capt. Kelly Knot display Pirate or Nautical Craft Award given by Queen Citrus food festival Tattoo contest "So You Know the New World" contest Ale tasting Corn on the cob for a dollar-Buck an Ear!
  7. See you there! Anyone coming to visit please stop by and say hello. I personally will only be in attendance on the first two and last two weekends (in the middle 3 weekends I'll be at St. Louis Pirate Fest). Our booth number has changed last minute at KCRF so the program is wrong... it is now 155A nextdoor to the Cup & Chaucer.
  8. Saw it in the $5 DVD bin at wal-mart the other day, it actually caught my attention because the packaging is totally different than the older copy I have. Upon checking out the special features it seems just to be a new package.
  9. Thanks everyone for your help and a big THANK YOU to Captain Bo who dragged all of his jackets out to show me at Columbia Ren Fest last weekend, it was good to see a comparison in person. Not sure which jacket I will go with yet or if I'll just pick up Kass's pattern and have one made.
  10. Thanks guys... to my untrained eye, the Revolutionary version seemed pretty close to Kass's, her's also seemed to have the v-hem but maybe that's just how it's buttoned... I think that's actually what I like about Kass's & the Revolutionary one compared Jas's Woolen Short Jacket & the Jarnagin is that fitted waist/flared look. I'm going for this look but I also want period correctness:
  11. Jas Townsend is now offering this 1770's Sleeved Waistcoat I know 1770's is post Golden age but I am wondering if this pattern is any different compared a GAoP Sailor's Short Jacket. It looks almost identical to me. Very reasonable at $125.00 and available in several colors of Linen, Wool, or Cotton Canvas. Thoughts?
  12. Beautiful work! Now you've got me wantin' one.
  13. The skunk pelt twitched
  14. Patrick, your artwork is a lot of fun, not only can you sew but you can draw too! You are indeed a Pat of All Trades! Loved the old style text and the stylized old s's that almost look like f's.
  15. Mine arrived Friday & I can't wait to use them. They are indeed very nice. Thanks again Mary for coordinating the order!!!
  16. It's very cool but, yes, very strange that it is an almost new, modern vessel with fiberglass and wood & the lines being steel cable but the look of an old ship. Probably wouldn't be my first choice if I were in the market for a pirate ship of my very own but it does seem like a very reasonable starting price.
  17. Unfortunately... as of checking last night this is not available at my local Barnes & Noble & looking on their website it seems to be unavailable as well.
  18. the pelt's skunk tail
  19. This site has lots of pictures of several of the ships & partial ship sets (Empress, Dauntless, Black Pearl, & Flying Dutchman) while filming 2 & 3 in the Bahamas. Very interesting stuff.
  20. Here's another site I just happened across with a few pictures. They don't show a lot of detail but it is interesting to see part of the barge sticking out the top.
  21. Lazy Coon Hound. His
  22. Wow! That looks great! If I was still doing a lot of paintball I'd have to pick one of those up... I'm more into airsoft now, hmm, wonder if there are any flintlock or blunderbuss airsoft guns? Here is the eBay Link for those who are interested.
  23. Very true, it seems most Renaissance Festivals (as much as I still love them) have thrown history by the wayside or at least encompass a very broad time period: Robin Hood & Barbarians meet Musketeers & Golden Age Pirates!
  24. true, very true... and hopefully the new "Elizabeth: The Golden Age" movie will shed more light on the privateers for the masses. I do like the green pants on the cover of the pattern!!!
  25. Very nice Kass! Great for the Elizabethan pirates and much closer to the period of most Renaissance festivals... unfortunately, most people probably won't recognize you are a privateer without previous knowledge but, hey.
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