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Everything posted by pyrateleather

  1. Still need one more? if so I'm in
  2. Sounds interesting, might be worth the trip 4 hours across the state. Depends on how busy we are getting ready for the Pirate's Ball the following weekend.
  4. I have Mateusalem's (by the way, the box is awesome & I love the gravestone rubbings)... it will be on the way to Ransom hopefully by Saturday.
  5. Those are very nice sutlerjon! Whaddaya charge for a set?
  6. Received Matusalem's book last Tuesday... The box & grave rubbings are awesome. Thanks Kate for risking life and limb to get it shipped!
  7. Thanks Jamaica for posting this in the Events! LadyB, We'd love to see you. Hope you can make it. Tickets to this event are going fast and space is limited so if you are thinking about coming, be forewarned it is already over halfway sold out so don't procrastinate too long. We are still accepting donated items to benefit the event's charities- Parrot Conservation and the Kansas City Zoo. Hope to see some of you there!
  8. withoutaname's book is en route to Ransom- shipped today... this leaves me with no book at the moment.
  9. Yup, found me company in the credits as promised. Good to finally see this movie again; hadn't seen it since PyrateCon 2007.
  10. Here is an image I found showing a Napoleonic Horse Artillery Soldier from the Baden Army From: The Baden Army at the Battle of Talavera 27 - 28 July 1809 His ammo pouch is similar and has the crossed cannons but not the exploding grenade.
  11. Hey- I know where you pirated those images from!
  12. Saturday February 28th, 2009 ~ O'Malley's Pub, Weston, MO (Just North Of Kansas City) A Costume Ball For Charity- The Evening Will Include Music, Revelry, Dancing & Drinking. Special Guest Performances By: Musical Blades, Chuvani Bellydance and more! $25 Ticket Price Includes Entry, Entertainment, Light Refreshments, and One Beverage. Cash Bar And Additional Menu Items Available. More Information And Tickets Available At: http://www.pyrate.org/ball.html **Even If You Can't Make It But Would Like To Help- We Are Currently Seeking Donations For The Charity Auction/Raffle. If You Have Something You Would Like To Donate Please Email Me. This Years Proceeds Will Benefit Parrot Conservation Efforts & The Kansas City Zoo.
  13. Scupper, I'll send some swag this week as well. (Every good pirate needs a hat). Very kind of you to put something together for the lad. Clay
  14. Received withoutaname's book from Kate on Saturday. I will TRY to get finished ASAP and get it out by the 1st to stay on schedule.
  15. I haven't received one yet this month but Kate says it is on the way.
  16. There once was a pirate from Nantucket... Nevermind
  17. Thanks Mates! I was away from the computer so I just got your fine wishes... Guess that means I get to celebrate all over again!
  18. I have none... Callenish & Lady Seahawke's are both en route to Ransom.
  19. Don't worry about it Kate... I was behind too. Both books shipped to Ransom Saturday so hopefully we can all catch up soon.
  20. Ransom, I'll be sending 2 books your way this weekend. Everything was still behind from last month but Kate sent Lady Seahawke & Callenish's books at the same time so I'll go ahead & send both to you so we can catch up.
  21. Leather stores sell a deglazer that would help get rid of some of the shine... If you want a rough, worn look you might use some sandpaper or a wire brush to scuff them up a bit, just be careful if the leather is really that thin.
  22. Lady Seahawke, the cover seems just fine & I really like the scrolls in the back, they seem to be holding up fine as well. I'll have it finished soon & get it off to Ransom so she doesn't have to rush as much as last month.
  23. I got Lady Seahawke & Callenish's books in the mail yesterday. I'll get to work on Lady Seahawke's book so I can get it out to Ransom without delaying the works too much more.
  24. I figured as much... this seller sells a lot of maps it looks like and marks all of the descriptions as "original", original what? Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
  25. Just ran across several maps on eBay that the seller claims are original 1723 maps... there are several regions for sale separately and seemed very reasonably priced at the moment, I imagine if they are real that they have been removed from a book.
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