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Everything posted by Redvipers

  1. Them be fine colors Bilge.....and Paisley...that be Captain Geek ta ye....
  2. Tis nothing compared to the lovely dresses you wear , My Dear.
  3. Mr. Hawk, You have inspired me ta make me own colors public
  4. As fine a colors as ever was Mr. Hawk
  5. That be FINE GARB, Sir.....ye did well in your choice.
  6. A work of Beauty......ye are a skilled seamstress
  7. They be fine looking frock coats...ye should be proud of your kraftiness...lol.. afair price too. I am having a complete British Naval Captain's uniform made by a local Civil War re- enactor seamstress. Frock Coat......$360 Fall-front Trousers....$135 (for those "hot " Summer nights...lol) Shirt..............................$75 Vest............................$125 The design is the same as Jack Aubry's undress uniform in Master & Commander but I be a wear'n pirate kneeboots
  8. Sounds like a good read...Thank Yee, Sir.....I'll keep a weather eye for it.
  9. Thank Yee sir.....and might I say that me a mighty nice rig ye be in yer profile photo.....yess sir nice indeed. :)
  10. Captain William I finally got the camera to work again so.....here is the bust without the hat. ps: I have a TV interview on WTLV Channel 4 in Jacksonville on the Weekend Sunday Morning Show on the 21st and the seamstress promised to have the Frock coat and hopefully the trousers done by then...if so I will post a photo if I can find a decent camera to use. Fair Winds Joe
  11. I could not find a sword frog that suited me so I cut up an old weight lifting belt and made this. The outer surface was black but the edges were raw leather...cured that with a fat black sharpie. Cut the leather with a raiser knife, drilled the fastening holes with a 3/16 drill bit then installed 3/16 x 1/2" binding pins.....thank God for keeping junk and Home Depot.....lol Cheap camera so I outlined the frog to make it easier to see.
  12. No mam...although temptation did rear it's head......I took the land ships.....You never know when you can pillage a sawmill and need something to use the wood for....lol
  13. Nice photos,...I did pirate a few...fer inspiration.....an maybe a future land cruiser.....AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
  14. John do not be ashamed......the whole idea of an adventure movie is to take you away from reality and CutThroat Island certainly does that...I too loved it. I did not look for authenticity nor errors and I enjoyed the entire picture...several times now...lol..so set your sails and turn her toward Madagascar and add to this pile of Treasure...Arrrrrrrrrhhhh!
  15. See how many ships you can sink.....if'n ye do bad yer crew will toss ye overboard... Pirate Game other games here as well...Have fun Mates.
  16. St. Augustine, Florida
  17. RumbaRue How do you come up with those wonderful little Poems?...I just Love them...you are on your way to a book of Pirate Poems.....lol
  18. Lad, I agree with morguinness.....Stay in school. There will be plenty of time for adventure later and you will be better prepared for it........Take it from me, I quit high school and soon found many dead end streets. Within nine months I had to get my ged just to keep up with the competition.....now days you just about need a collage degree to pump gas. Give yourself the start in life that you need so you can enjoy life’s future adventures.
  19. I agree...Happy Birthday MD.......Here is a playmate for you.... The perfect doll for every serious Pirate. Fair Winds Joe
  20. William I have some wonderful book on those subjects. they are large and expensive but just what you are looking for. Most large libraries should carry them. Seamanship, in the age of sail by John Harland Nelson's Navy, The Ships, Men and Organization 1793-1815 by Brian Lavery The Ship, an Illustrated History by Bjorn Landstrom Men Ships and the Sea by Capt. Alan Villiers Hope this helps. Joe
  21. Well Captain, we did it by hand and used the small acco paper binding clips to hold shape while we worked. I think it would have been better to install some plain craft wire along the brim before gluing the gold on. The wire will hold the shape, now, because I did not use the wire I must shellac or varnish the hat to help it retain the shape. The coating will help protect the hat from weather as well as help it keep the shape..... I wish I had used the wire method; still it came out very well. I think that after the varnishing I will stitch the front brim to the aft brim near the sides to help keep the shape, at least till the varnish dries. Fair winds Joe
  22. You might also try "Cochrane", The Life and Exploits of a fighting Captain. by Robert Harvey. If you have read the Hornblower series By C. S. Forester or the Jack Aubrey Series by Patrick O'Brian, after reading about Lord Cochrane you will see that Forester and O'Brian got some of their ideas for their fictional characters from a real life naval hero..
  23. John If the zipper sticks you can try wd40 on a swab or graphite from a pencil led. I find that the boots are so tight on my bony legs that the pants tend to ride up and balloon at the top unless I bind the pant leg cuff before I put them on. I was just measured for the coat and pants...she said I will have them before my March 24th/25th "Learn to Read" book signing event. I think the kids will get a big kick when I spread out my Pirate flag, treasure chest, Skulls, swords and pistols on my book display table. Might recruit some future pirates and even sell some books. This is what the uniform will kinda look like Does anyone have any knowledge of what to coat the hat with to stiffen and protect it from water? I have read that shellac or varnish is used in the hat manufacturing process. Anyone have any experience with either of these?
  24. My boots may be of that period but my uniform is not (1803). The boots are nice pirate attire however they are much longer than I anticipated and I may have to trim them. Searl's raid folks are sticklers for authenticity...so I think I will sit this one out and just observe.
  25. I found me a local source for replica ship's canons. They are about four foot long, on a wooden carriage w/ wood wheels. They don't fire but the price is good at $119 each. No more room in my cabin (home office) I'll have to be nice to the first mate to get a place in the living room.....lol They look kinda like this one .
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