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Everything posted by Redvipers

  1. Aya, That they do have. Makes get'n dem on so much easier, ya know.
  2. Sam Give me a call next time something like this is comming up.....I'd like to watch before it gets too hot......my number is 824-1453 nights and 825-3701 week days. Fair Winds Joe
  3. Desert Pyrate Patterns of Timeunder mens colonial section has Men's Military coat patten that can be modified for what you want. If you want someone else to do the work C. D. Jarnagin ,Cornith, Mississippi has a stock coat that they will modify for you. all for under $300... I'm still looking a little more before I take the plunge. I have a Confederate re-enactor here in St. Augustine, Fl who is willing to make me a uniform....might go that route.... Well Good luck to ye and hope these urls help you in your quest for a coat. Fair Winds Joe
  4. Well, I got me boots...six days from Maryland to North East Florida...not too bad. I did not know what to expect, having no knowledge of re-enactment clothing. They are soft and loooooonnnng...lol I'm just over six feet tall and they come almost up to my Long John Silver so when I wear them where they are comfortable they are somewhat wrinkled looking......don't know it that is normal or not but they look just fine. They are lined with some kind of foam material and are quite comfortable. All in all I think they are a good buy....House of Andar even threw a nice eye patch in the bottom of the box. I am well pleased with them. Now I'm on the look out for some pants that do not bunch up where they go into the boot and a nice frock coat......like to have a British Naval officer's coat to wear at my book signings. I be keep'n a weather eye out fer such garb and if'n ye sees any please let me know. Fair Winds and lots of Prey. Captain Viper (Joe O'Steen)
  5. Well sir, me calfs' not so large but me legs are a bit long......I'm sure the will please.
  6. I just ordered these new Pirate boots ($65.95 with shipping) I'll let you know how the are when I get them. House of Andar
  7. Captain William The contacts for information on the annual "Drake's Raid" historical re-enactment (June 5, 2004) are: Brian Bowman - (904-824-9823; lobo@aug.com) Robert Hall - (904-829-9792; rghall@aug.com) Hope this helps Captain Viper (Joe)
  8. Aye! California be a fer piece to row....
  9. I found this Book company, House of Ander. They have a pair of Pirate boots for $61.95 and a pair of Renaissance Boots for $55.95. Sounds like good prices. Has anyone tried them before? Take a look House of Ander Fair Winds Joe
  10. Here are a few to stimulate yer mind: Desert Rovers Prarie Pyrates Dry Tortugas
  11. Captain William He lives in Atlantic Beach, Florida so I will attempt to contact him if not I will try to see who to contact locally for you. Fair Winds Joe
  12. Captain William If you would like to participate in Drake's Raid email Captain Graybeard. His Brothers of the Coast group is involved in the raid and will love to take on another hand. graybeard@brothersofthecoast.com His Web site is http://www.brothersofthecoasts.com/index.php My first officer and I will look forward to seeing you and yours Regards Captain Viper HMS Defiant (74) North American Station Southern Command On Special assignment (writing next Beauchamp book...lol) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Bolitho/
  13. I'd hav ta say I like the young lady's run'n gear and wed'n tackle much better than the two lads, by far...lol
  14. I too am waiting for the DVD of Master and Commander so I can see what all I missed at the theater. There was so much action during the battle scenes that I could not take in all of it. When the canons fired the whole room shook. I have never seen a movie which was so true to life at sea. I pray for a sequel. Fair Winds Joe
  15. Ye be forgiven Captain William for Dudley Pope is my favorite author and my inspiration. He tends to teach the ways and whys of sailors in the age of sail. As far as my book, it is doing well at tallshipsbooks.com and I have signed a contract with a Jacksonville publisher for book two (Pursuit of Honor) and they would like to do the rest of the Nathan Beauchamp series. Book two is a pirate adventure. Poor Nate has to figure out who they are and try to catch them. I am really enjoying this hobby of mine. When you come to St. Augustine give me a call (904)824-1453 I have call block and my First Mate is in charge of communications so if you don't get through try again...lol I look forward to seeing you. Joe
  16. Take ye a look here. Has everything you need to know to enjoy St. Augustine. http://www.oldcity.com/ And here is a Great place for Pirates to stay http://www.piratehaus.com/ If you are here during the week, me and the First Mate take vituals at the St. Augustine Beach Beef O'Brady's every Wed. At about 4pm Hope you enjoy your visit. Fair Winds Captain Viper (Joe O'Steen)
  17. I am sure you will love it here in St. Augustine. It is seeped in History with lots of places to go and things to see. I've been all over the world and each time could not wait to return home. I can not think of living anywhere else. But then again I did love Key West when I lived there as a boy. Fair Winds Joe
  18. St. Augustine....here
  19. Now that be as fine a Pyrate Chest as I've ever had the pleasure to look upon...
  20. New Article today at Fox News. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,107424,00.html Fair Winds
  21. Aye, sir, Captain William, that I am. I have not visited there as much as I would like of late. I missed the initial showing of "Duty" but caught most of it last night on A&E and enjoyed it very much. I am eagerly waiting for M&C to come out on DVD as there was so much action on the screen at the movies that I could not catch near as much as I wanted. Fair Winds Captain Viper (Joe O'Steen)
  22. I live in St. Augustine, Sam, But then you already know that.....lol Stop by Beef O'Brady's (at the beach) any Wednesday about 4pm (except Dec 24, they close at 4)and we will chat and I'll give you a copy of my "Falcon's Revenge." Fair Winds Joe O'Steen
  23. Well Sir! I took a different route with my book " Falcon's Revenge". I self published with trafford.com a Print on Demand Company in Victoria Canada. My book has sold all over the world and is listed at tallshipsbooks.com , amazone.com , and barnesandnoble.com. It cost to setup the book on their server but the quality is very good, their distribution system is excellent and the book is never out of print. If you have any questions you may write me at viperj@bellsouth.net. Joseph L. O'Steen author of Falcon's Revenge book one of the Nathan Beauchamp of the Royal Navy Adventure Series http://josephlosteen.com
  24. I'd be pro'd ta be in yer list'n, Sir! http://josephlosteen.com
  25. You can get Autographed copies at Tall Ships Books. Be sure and write Mr. Jepson to assure they still have autographed copies in stock. If they do not I would be glad to send you one. My email is viperj@bellsouth.net Keep her before th wind Redvipers Joe
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