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Everything posted by Redvipers

  1. While we'r peddl'n our wares...how about me new book. "Falcon's Revenge" Young British Naval officer Nathan Beauchamp battles French & English Pyrates as well as French Privateers in 1803. Sail the Caribbean with young Nate in 1803 Tall Ships Books amazon.com Barnes and Noble .com Trafford Publishing $19.95 Fair Winds Redvipers (Joseph L. O'Steen)
  2. Check yer back buttons on yer website Lass..er Captain...there no be a work'n V
  3. I makes me own...outt'a stuff I pirated...I use adobe and PowerPoint then save as jpeg or gif. VIPER
  4. Rosalinda Alls WEll that Ends Well is right....I count myself among the fortunate. V
  5. Not difficult to read, Captain, Just not what I look for in a sea novel and to me, not as enjoyable a read as many other authors. V
  6. Who has never been aboard a pirate ship? Who has never met a pirate? Well Jenny you stir memories for me. I have not told many this story but I will share it with you now as I think of it more frequently as I grow older. In 1961 I sailed into St. Augustine, Florida with my father who was captain of the shrimp trawler "Rodonsetta". We came from Key West to fish the local shrimp grounds. It was the summer so I had no schooling to worry with and would go to sea with Dad. My mother had escaped him some years before so now my care was placed with first one of his female friends then another. One night while he was away to the Canaveral shrimp grounds, I woke up alone. I never saw his girl friend again and only saw him one other time the next year after the O'Steen family took me in. I was lucky for an eleven-year-old lad. I did hear about him a few years later. He had gone to the west coast of Florida; gone on a drinking binge and sold the boat he was captain of at the time. The Feds were looking for him for piracy. It seems the vessel was not his...I guess that makes me the son of a Pirate...lol. Any way it was the best thing for me as I stayed with the O’Steen s until I joined the navy. That is when I took their name. So there you are, I've bared me soul and shared my secrete and now you know why I am here. Captain Viper (Joe O'Steen, writer and son of a Pirate) ps: the Pirate's Name was Jefferson Hayes
  7. Mistress Rosalinda Guns in the Great Cabin in the days of the real HMS Rose were 9 pounders and up. When in action the Captain's Cabin became another fighting station for, in most, cases 4 more great guns( 2 larboard and 2 starboard) Some ships Great Cabins would have fake guns made of wood. These non firing cannon were called Quakers after the peasefull folks who would harm no one. The cabin's forward walls were canvas stretched over a wood frame, as were the walls of the other officer's cabins and the gunroom. In battle these walls , along with all furnishings were placed in the ship's hole for safe keeping and to give the men room to fight the ship(work the great guns ) Raking a ship( firing as you sailed past ) was best from the stern (aft portion of the ship) This would send cannon balls down the lenth of the ship's interior, overturning cannon, killing men and sometimes damaging the ships mast. It was a most damaging act upon a ship. Now Ye knows. Captain Viper HMS Adventure (32)
  8. I have read the entire collection of Patrick O'Brian, Naturally I leafed through everything except the sailing and fighting.....just could not get into the spying, medical and science stuff....that is why I switched to Pope's Lord Ramage and Alexander Kent's Bolitho...much better reading...They inspired me to write what I write. Grace I do not think the movie will be anything like the book from what I have heard. I began to reread it last month but could not make it past the first chapter. Fair Winds Captain Viper
  9. The book is available from tall ships books on preorder now, then will be at trafford.com , amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com. And where ever else I can sell it...lol Joe
  10. Thank You Grace......Sounds like you have a very good plot going. I wish you the best. People are starved for the days of old. I have people ordering my book from England and paying $35 to air mail it to them as soon as it is released. So the market is there. You just have to step up and write it. Good Lock with your story. Joe
  11. Grace I write a series of books about a young British Naval officer in 1803. The first book "Falcon's Revenge" is to be released in September or a little sooner. Nathan Beauchamp starts out as a young Lt. ordered, home when Britain again declares war on Napoleon, to be reassigned to a rearming fleet but first he must stop a pirate from taking English ships at Black river, Jamaica. Next he is sent out once more to recapture a French Privateer in Martinique. I like to write lots of action and a little romance into my stories. All of the books are based on actual events only with my characters. Falcon’s Revenge is not a hell raising pirate story but I sure am tempted to write one. In book two “Pursuit of Honor” Nathan must transform a cumbersome merchant ship into a man of war and is sent back to the Caribbean to hunt a Pirate. I’m putting in more pirate action in this one. My Cabin (computer room) is full of pirates, flintlock pistols and swords…. I think I was a pirate in a former life…lol Falcon’s Revenge preorders is doing well at http://tallshipsbooks.com and will be reviewed in the September Bowsprit and I believe our Rose will give a review in the September No Quarter Given Magazine. Well you asked, now you know some if my writing. You can read the synopsis of all six books at my web site. http://josephlosteen.com Keep her afore the wind Joe
  12. I started out working on shrimp boats in thr Gulf and Atlantic then served 3 1/2 years on the USS Kenedy and finally was Captain of a crab boat....nothing under sail...but now I write nautical fiction...I'll get my chance at sail on August 15th when my friend from England and the Bolitho Group comes to visit me in St. Augustine, Florida. We are going out on the local schoon Freedom. We are excitedly looking forward to our sail. Captain Viper
  13. I be read'n "The Pirate Hunter, The True Story of Captain Kidd" by Richard Zacks. Up next I'll start "Sea of Grey" by Dewey Lambdin. If'n ye likes a we bit of spice in yor sea stories, ye needs ta read Mr. Lambdin's Alan Lewrie series. His nick name is the Ram Cat...and this naval officer favors da Lass's quite a bit.
  14. I Thanks Ye Stinky
  15. I be newly aboard meself. I'm a tak'n leave o' writ'n in me log ta size up this here crew an says Ahoy! ta ya all.
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