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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Hey Mickey, with all your extensive brewing experience, have you tried to make a PC recipe for beer? I do realize that our hops our more refined now then back then but it still would be cool.
  2. It had been some time since Jack felt this free. Now with some position underneath belt, he assured himself to a fine job. Perhaps even succeed better than last time. Listening to the rhythm of the oars dipping in the water, Jack drifted off into his thoughts. Deftly making his way below, the candle lamps created a soft warm glow in the galley. The lamps shadow dancing accross the wooden beams. The whispers which had been audible speech lowered there drone as he made Jack made his way to kettle. Ignoring it he found a plate and added some of the victuals that where laid there. The storm repairs had left most the men exhausted including himself. He had been hard on more than a few of them. Trying to whip this ragtag crew of wanna be sailors had proven more difficult than expected. Compounded by the last weeks storm and the recent makeshift repairs. Jack looked up from his plate and observed the crew around. "Funny," he thought to himself, "Jonathan isn't here." The boatswain mate was not present, he had gone to the head for some relief before coming below for supper. "Monsieur?!" "We're here." Jean said squeezing Jack's shoulder. Shaking the memory away he replied, "Aye let us find our good Capt'n eh?"
  3. After the hearty chuckle, the serving lass stops by and lands Roberts' ale next him. After procuring a taste, he finds the ale to his liking. Keeping a sharp eye out for any others that might appear.
  4. I don't know Capt'n I've got some pretty calves, if'n I don't say so myself.
  5. Well I think i cut down to about 4 or 5 inches. I'm not at home to check.
  6. Then you would come crawling back to us in no time. I'm sure Sterling would take you as a surgon.
  7. "Right then seems we have some hunting to do. I believe the Lieutenant speaks french." Roberts replied. Strolling atharwtships Roberts to with Jean, who is in the midst of getting weapons ready for the shore party. "Monsieur, I believe you will be needing this." as he hands Jack a pistol from one of the marines from below deck. "I trust you know its use?" "That I do, Monsieur Jean. My you do keep the flints sharp don't you." replied Jack. "Aye Jack. Now who of the marines will be joining you." he prodded as was handed few cartridge boxes and muskets. "Will you Jean? A man of your nationality and linguistic ability would be of most use to us." "Aye then, I would love too." replied Jean, with just a hint of sarcasm towards the end. "Roght then." grabbing a blade from the marine ascending from below. Making there way towards the larboard side, were Jim was making ready to for the descent to the boat. "Thank you Jim." said Roberts as he and Jean finished placing the accouterments.
  8. Well in the shifts I've made I put a silt in the neck line. Crap was that wrong?
  9. Cheeky are you left handed? Thatss awesome, Lefties unite! Sorry, pround left hander. And no I would think being left handed would effect your stitches in that manner.
  10. Don't we all wish we could sew as fine as the originals.
  11. Here ya Dutchie just for you...
  12. "Please tell him the Captain is away on important matters and it will be some time before he arrives." Jack relayed to Henry. "And try to reassure Babineaux that we act upon the captain Brands behalf and Master Jim currently has charge of the ship." "Aye, sir." replied Henry as he turned to the men in the boat. Jack turns to Jim, "So wot you think this is all about?"
  13. I too had sizing issues with my first pair. Not to mention my very first pair were ruined before I even had them. (They caught a case of mold on the trip over. Not LA's fault at all.) Loyalist has been most gracious in helping me out. They are determined to get me a fitting pair of shoes. I can not stress enough how much they are willing to help. They have to be losing money on this deal but yet they still are working with me to get my shoes right.
  14. Almost exactly the way if made Brigs last 2 shifts and I drafted the pattern off the Brigs measurements. That was pretty cool. Question, would it be appropriate to cut in at an angle at the shoulders? Thats what I did. I started from where the gusset would sew on and cut diagonally to the shoulders. I left about 2.5 inches for either shoulder. I hope that makes sense. Let me know if I did something non PC. It just seemed to fit her better that way.
  15. I'll give you one Dogge. Just to make up for past aggressions.
  16. Ok that makes sense. Thanks.
  17. mmmm... Very similar to the dimensions of Brig's new shift I made. But the frilly collar thing? Does that mean I've been making them wrong all this time?
  18. THE BABOON!! ROFL! I forgot about the baboon. Yes, I do believe he is dead. Drug overdose if'n I remember correctly.
  19. "Aye, Isn't that the truth of it lass." replied Roberts, "Can never hurt to have a couple of the crew around. I was hopin that Rats or Dogg would show also. My humblest apologies with the misunderstanding concerning the serving wench. Speaking of which." With the slightest nod and a wink to Murin, Jack turns his undivided attention to the serving lass in front of him. "Well now I might not 'ave such a gilded tongue as our frippery dressed friend here, but my coin is just as real my dear." breathed Roberts, barely above a whisper, causing the girl lean close to hear. "I will have a pint of your darkest ale my sweet." Pressing a coin in her hand with a slight smile.
  20. Aww... I don't know 'bout that.Mission thought he was pretty cute.
  21. Thats ok. I'm way too bored at work.
  22. Well fine then!
  23. It looks like a mantua to me also.
  24. Yep, pretty ugly. I really don't like the fashion in the mid 1600's but I will take pictures nonetheless when I'm at V&A. Damnation, I might have to go several days. Hope I have enough battery juice and digital film.
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