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Mad Maudlin McCrumb

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Everything posted by Mad Maudlin McCrumb

  1. http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=187 Here it is.. in the photos section!!!! At least the pirate one!! YAY us!
  2. Had to have started with my love for old Errol Flynn movies when I was a kid.. I couldn't get enough of the swashbucklers! As I grew older and bunnies were replaced by wolves, I turned to the SCA and discovered the pirates Guild. They were wilder and were obviously having more fun than the uptight lot I was hanging out with. Even after a rather bad experience involving my first taste of sake and an attempt to pick a fight with every pirate at the event... (woops)... I found myself drawn to them at every event and opportunity. They were so wild, and romantic! Graceful fencers and powerful Captains, roaming free and wicked on the high seas! How could I resist? I saw Peter Pan, and found myself drawn even to Captain Hook! (I wrote a story about him recently, not great, but from an outsider's point of view on the situation.. his fiancee's that he had left at home! And boy is SHE ever mad!) As I prepared to start up my own SCA household/ship, I saw the ads for POTC.. and I thought GOOD GODS! A PIRATE movie? With Johnny Depp? And Legolas??? COUNT ME IN!!! My ship/household has REALLY taken off, and it is now large enough to join the Fleet! (Whatever that is!) ARRRGH mateys!!
  3. Tis a wondrous thing, indeed, to have true historic figures as heroes... and REAL anarchists to boot!!! ARRRR! Words to live by! For some reason their words translate well to our times... :)
  4. Thank ye kindly sir!!! Tis lovely to be remembered!!!
  5. I just got a new one!! On my left shoulder... if ya wanna know what it looks like, check out Capt Cat's avatar!!! It's the flag from the Matriarch!!! And it is BAD ASS
  6. That was awesome!!
  7. It's snowing here.. and I"m going to a party where I will be wearing a VERY short skirt and very little under it! Lets hope I find a close parking spot!
  8. ARRR! Happy New Year, mates!! May yer tankards be full May yer lasses be buxom May yer lads be wearin' tight breeches And may the British Navy ever be only a speck on yer horizon... unless yer lookin' for a fight... whereas May yer mates be ever faithful And yer pistol always have one bullet left!
  9. Oh I gots piercings.. but I don't think the pics I have that SHOW them would be allowed on the board! (Anybody been to Weaver's Pirate-perversions Yahoo group would be familiar with them!) Three in each ear + a cartilage piercing in the left, and both nipples My tats: A little dragon on my right thigh (graduation prezzie from my Mum!) A butterfly on right forearm A tree with a rising crescent moon cradling an Irish harp over it and "Rowan" beneath the roots on my right shoulderblade A tribal sun with a celtic lover's knot inside it with "Morgan" beneath it on my left shoulderblade More to come... it's an addiction
  10. Oh yeah, got me a heck of a ship going on up here! Got enough to join a fleet of pseudo-ex-SCA pirates! PM me.. AIM me... I'm just HUNTIN' fer a new cabin boy....
  11. May all yer lassies be buxom and all yer laddies wear really tight trousers!! Happy Yule, y'all
  12. I've been a good girl this year... really... ask my Master.. and my husband... heheheheh SMOOCH big guy
  13. Dun be needin that fish scaler big guy!!!! carves into wall: "If the house is a rockin' don't bother knockin!"
  14. Oh....my...god.... you aint' kiddin' either, are ye? GIT OVER HERE YOU BAD BOY YOU!!!!
  15. Jeez, I just knew it was you, ye olde salt!!
  16. HOLY SH*T, Claire! Where on earth, or on the seas, did you find THAT guy??? His trousers are so tight you can tell what religion he is!!! PRAISE DIONYSUS!!!!!!!!
  17. I used to have such a crush on him! He got it right the first time.. I stumped him the second.. bwahahahaha
  18. Hentai rocks, dude.... heehee
  19. And I thought I was kinky!!! :angry:
  20. Poor old Jack... feelin his age, is he? You're still a stud to me, big guy!
  21. Takes a furtive glance around, pulls out her dagger with a grin... "Free Tibet... with four proofs of purchase"
  22. Oh I'm so proud of myself.. I based my answers off my easrlier drinking exploits when I was around 21 and used to drink a lot... Ozzy Osbourne $164,185.00 19.81 bathtubs 1.03 Ferraris Damn....
  23. That would be Qtr Master Bacchus usin my computer and forgettin' to log off my account... so I looked remotely intelligent thar for a minute! Not that I wouldn't share me pipe wif you any day, big boy!!!
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