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Silkie McDonough

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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Thanks for these Pete ...I always enjoy the chuckle!
  2. What a fun story. One of my aunts found a diamond ring in a bowling ball years back. She told the alley owner she found a ring and gave them her phone number, never got a call on it so she wears he ring to this day. lol I was lucky enough to find a golden rope bracelet on a street corner in the water left by the melted snow. Put a free add in the local paper but never heard from anyone. (lucky me!) Hmm ...never sold the thing either and I don't wear it ...thanks for the reminder. I agree with LadyBrower not very pirate like, then again I am not a pirate, I am a business owner. A wedding ring is a golden treasure to you but likely a hearts treasure to the owner.
  3. Add some lace to that pink and you could add a Fop character to your growing list. Well done Israel .
  4. Are you drinking again Jack? Why didn't you tell me? We could have been drinking alone and getting drunk together!
  5. Silkie,

    The next song we need to sing together is:

    "Fields Of Athenry"

    Just learned it! I think!!! Tried it out the other night on a few crew members, but none of them cried. So I will keep working on it.

    Constable Heartless

  6. Proprietress of a very lucrative Ordinary. No one would have ever guessed that one. Still have to research to decide what it may look like.
  7. I was at work, I did however, get a report from my friend Jennifer. M.A.d'Dogge & Dutch looked good. She described what she saw. Sounds like most of the funny stuff had been cut due to time restraints. Oh well ...I still want to see it.
  8. They filmed the entire walk the plank competition. I got a call from them ...but only because I signed on the wrong line on the release form! lol I signed on the line for the parent of a minor ...may have been looking for one of the younger participants mother.
  9. My friend Maggie (Magdala) was born in Haitti. She has family there and has heard nothing. Please pray for them.
  10. Not sure what you are using for boning but mine don't effect the scissors at all. Mind you I don't use my Friskers or Wiss or ANY good sewing sheers, the cheap ones do just fine. As to the lacing it would depend on what year/years you are portraying. I know that in 1720 they would be back laced. The line of a front lace and a back shape the body differently. As to a common woman having no servant to lace them, it wasn't needed. People didn't live the way we do now. Many houses contained extend family. Others slept in common rooms or dorms. It is also said that women slept in their stays ...I did once, no biggie but I wouldn't like to make a habit of it. I'm not saying that NO ONE had private housing but there was (and is) always someone around to lace you in.
  11. I resolve to make it better for myself and those around me.
  12. Another? We are going to over run Virginia with pirates ...and pirate hunters.
  13. Huuuuuuuuuugggggg! oh ...and happy birthdy.
  14. Happy Birthday lass!
  15. My father was a hunter. One of his hunting buddies was a veterinarian. The man would not shoot unless he knew he would be able to drop the animal and he carried a stethoscope with him to be sure the animal was dead. My friend Judy's brother loves to hunt but hates to kill so he hunts with a lense and gets some seriously GREAT wildlife photographs. I don't understand the others out there who just shoot to shoot ..why not go to a shooting range? Dolts.
  16. Story at Irish Central "A fire broke out at the Guinness factory in Dublin shortly after noon local time. Over nine fire brigades and three rigs with aerial ladder platforms were able to contain the blaze before it spread to the ammonia plant at the site. An official from Guinness was able to confirm that no one was hurt in the incident. “There were no injuries to any personnel and the fire has been extinguished,” the spokeswoman said. “An internal investigation is under way to find out exactly what the cause of the accident was.” The fire broke out near the Victoria Quay entry to the factory, and locals in the area are being advised to keep their windows closed due to the amount of smoke in the air. The blaze is believed to have started when felt on a roof that was being repaired by workmen caught on fire" By KENNETH HAYNES, IrishCentral.com Staff Writer This is the REAL NEWS! "Whew! -- Guinness says production not damaged by fire Good news on the Guinness front. The brewery is now reassuring their customers that production of Guinness was not hampered by the fire in Dublin today at their headquarters --whew! Interesting that is the second line on their press release after they stated how the fire happened. It shows you the priority of how people are thinking I guess. My goodness - no Guinness--now that would be a catastrophe." by Niall O'Dowd, Niall, IrishCentral's publisher, is a believer and expert in all things Irish and Irish-American.
  17. Ifin t'were the blood spilt draining out the scuppers to leave a red wake aft the ship I would agree with you Mr. Lasseter but to have him tell such a tale as this ...I fear he will n'er be able to get past it.
  18. Happy Birthday lad.
  19. I am guessing as Pearl ...but I could be wrong.
  20. Happy Birthday Mr. Bottles! *HUUUUG*
  21. Happy Birthday Mark! So glad to see you round at PiP again. I missed your fiddle playing, perhaps the next event.
  22. Aye Captain, I feared twas too soon yet.
  23. I can not believe that I missed this! William, happy very belated birthday!
  24. Hmmm ...could be that too ...may want to call the condo owner and ship it back ...you did bring LOTS of stuff that night and the condo is a reasonable assumption.
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