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Silkie McDonough

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Posts posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. My first car was a 1970 Ford Maverick, drove that thing through college. My brother-in-law and his best friend Brian use to do the work on it for me. They dubbed that ship "the Millenium Turkey" lol (early 80's)

  2. I am trying to think of what went through my mind when I was at my first event, this is what I have come up with.

    Do not be afraid to attend an event if you don't have the correct garb. If it is your first event then you are just learning and proper garb can take time (for most of us.) besides, what is correct for me may not be for you.

    Do not be insulted if you are asked to stay on the outside of the historic encampment. There are many reasons for this: Historical accuracy, security, safety and more.

    Do let others know that you are interested in what they are doing. There are MANY spectators dressed and the reenactors at the event won't know a potential recruit if you don't let them know who you are.

  3. The Lieutennant heard the steel of the blade scraping on the side of a 9 pounder as its owner stood, and he wheeled again to ward off the attack, but now multiple men were on top of him, holding him down, weapons poised though not moving - as if these men who had so savagely turned upon him and the other officers just moments ago needed him alive, if only for a few more minutes."Lieutenant Alister Thompson" Halward said his name with false amenity, "Good sir," feigned politeness slurred his words further clarifying his contempt for the officer "You possess something that we are in need of."

    (yeah yeah, I know, mine's long . I cheated with all my "ands" and "buts") This is not a game, there is no cheating. You simply bent the stated rules.

  4. Bright, I agree. I was thinking that his mouth was too clean & healthy. Then again, depends what his goal is. If historically accurate then he needs to dirty up. If he is closer to Hollywood (depending on the movie) then he looks just fine.

  5. I keep thinking that I would rather be with you than visiting family next weekend. haven't seen them since September ...and I do have a new grand nephew that I would like to meet before he is walking ...at least I don't think he is walking yet.

    HAVE FUN ...I WILL make it up there some day ...just not some day soon.

  6. I was the one who referred to Robbie as "the village idiot". I have corrected that mistake and I apologize for it. I was thinking like a woman teasing her friend not as an outsider scoffing at someone she did not understand. I apologize for my in accurate and unkind wording.

    May I also add that the "fool" in many classic works is actually the most astute individual in the cast.

  7. Seems to me that the character of Robbie was not for the benefit of the special needs children but for the average children who do not know how to approach or interact with the others.

    Guess it just depends on your perspective and what shade of rose or brown your glasses are. Also depends how long a stick you are measuring by.

  8. That isn't Robbie! :o The writer of that post used punctuation! :unsure: I fear that Robbie has been abducted by undesirables :ph34r: I wonder how long it will be before they offer a ransom to Robbie's "snobbish" family family to take the lad back! :blink: Perhaps that is how the family has acquired their wealth? :rolleyes:

  9. Aye and that it does.

    I went back to the start of the thread and you DID ask for critique on garb & gear not technique.

    Since your images are from later in the 1700's I can't help you much. I "live" in the earlier part of the 1700's and am still learning so I dare not venture for anything much later than 1720's

    My suggestion, as you have likely found, The forum here titled "Captain Twill". Images and information about it all ...well about all we are about here. You'll find the thread on Bucket boots quit ...controversial. lol

    Can't wait to see more sketches and the eventual finished images!

  10. I would have to say that if the feet are the only problem then you don't have far to go. However, and speaking from experience, if you stop improving you may as well stop drawing. I think you have accomplished much and have untapped potential. You clearly have talent. I found that it helped me to get the shoes and boots & gloves & clothing right if I first started with the basic fugure. Find some books on figure drawing and foreshortening, take drawing classes weather in school or not, work on still life drawings, they will help with things like swords and pistols and ...well everything. If you can't take a class just keep drawing and doing just what you are doing ...having others critique your work.

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