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Silkie McDonough

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Posts posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Sounds like a great time! I loved the place (about 6 years ago). Beautiful view of the river. Wish I COULD join you but the drive home would be murder.

    If the tour boats go by while you are there you should organize a boarding party. ;)

    I am sure you will all have a great time ...along with all of the others watching you. lol

  2. Cool.

    Thanks for the additional info Dorian, especially the Pittsburgh connection. lol

    This bit of history and does not claim to cover it all. I suspect that since this on the the "Dayton Innovation Legacy" page they are covering only the information that is relative to their needs.

  3. What about ironing???

    I am assuming that this was directed towards me. It didn't work for some reason. Fortunately it is the waistcoat pockets that are not right, the captains tailor made my coat and the work is MUCH better than any of the sewing I did on my waistcoat.
  4. The flap attached independently of the pocket.

    I did my first pockets incorrectly. Try this method.

    The pocket has two layers (A)the front of the pocket and (B)the back of the pocket. Attach the front of the pocket to the outside of the © coat and then turned inside the coat. Prick-stitch the edged of the opening to keep it neat. Then the back of the pocket(;) can be attached to the front of the pocket (A) The coat has a lining so the raw edges of the pocket are concealed. Then attach the flap in the down position (edges all finished) above the pocket opening on the outside. If you sew it upward and then let it drop down it may not lay flat. Mine didn't. Still have to redo that one.

    Does that make any sense?

  5. Fleckenstein.

    fleck = spot or speck

    in = in

    stein = stone

    A flecked stone. Granite.

    Then, the Americanized version would be "Frecklestone."

    Yer a hard woman, Silkie...but yer freckles are so adorable!


    As my mother (Edna McDonough) use to say ...if I could just get the freckles to blend I would have a wonderful tan. lol

  6. Okay, since everyone is doing the last name thing I will too.

    My last name is also German. Fleckenstein.

    fleck = spot or speck

    in = in

    stein = stone

    A flecked stone. Granite.

    There is a small castle on the southern Rhine hewn of solid granite. (I haven't researched the fact to check if it is indeed carved from solid granite.) The name of the castle? Fleckenstein of course. ;)

  7. Similar to the event Merry is referring to PiP Key West, after the parade 2 years ago a few law enforcement officers stopped us and told us that we needed to remove the swords. There had been an incident where a drunk had taken an others sword or knife and stabbed someone. sigh Drunk people & swords don't mix.

    A most excellent reason to party in camp with friends and not bother going out to the bars with drunk mundanes.


    Aye! We were actually walking to the vehicle that was to transport us back to the Fort. LOL
  8. There are too many variables at this time to say that I would come but I can say that I would like to attend. A date that doesn't conflict with several other events, Historically Accurate (HA) camping, and being able to fund my transportation would be the deciding factors for me.

  9. 20 more huh? Can do Cap, if you come up and take over the gardening :P

    I would offer to do the gardening but that means you & Lily would have to feed me and Sophie would have to give up her bedroom ...oh, and I can't get that much time off of work ...and I can't afford the transportation ...and I would have to find someone to take care of the dog and ...never mind.

  10. I've cleared all the cards, charged three batteries and packed the telephoto lens. I should also have video at my fingertips and we might try skype and a hidden live feed.

    Take the battery charger just in case they have electricity to keep them charged up! lol

    I can watch the live feed or if you can tell me how to, I can save it and share it since I will be home.

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