Mimi Foxmorton
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Everything posted by Mimi Foxmorton
Acting, reenacting, and just dressing up
Mimi Foxmorton replied to Captain Bob's topic in Scuttlebutt
Ahoy there Capt'n Bob! There be naught a grander feelin' than goin' on 'th' account' an' th' most merriment be in th' learnin'....discoverin'....researchin' an', playin! Here be.....in me humble opinion......some answers t' yer questions..... 1. A fittin' pirate name should find ye! Why, th' world o' Piracy be a grand an' glorious place jus' waitin' fer ye t' grab hold o' it an' swing 'er about! Iffen ye keeps yer good eye open.......ye'll be knowin' yer pirate name when it strikes ye.....oft' times out o' the blue! 2. Aye then....how do ye go about doin' ANA-THIN' yer comfortable wit'? Ye just do! The ocean's yer limit........have at it an' put all the elements what's near an' dear t' yer heart int' yer character........an', much like life......the details will unfold as ye progress. It canna be done in one sittin'. 3. Ye don't. 4. a. "Positive Assumption." Meanin' ye always agrees with the situation o' the moment. Now...this don't mean ye has t' agree wit' 'personal opinions'...liken unto..."Who should be president?" an' "Do these jeans make my butt look fat?" but....generally an', fer the most part if ye agrees wit' the situation at hand ye'll do a lot less arguin' an', a whole lot more playin'. Example: I hit's ye wit' a rotten lime. Then it be done. There's no takin' it back. Sort o' like when ye played Cowboy's & Indians as a kid. Bang-bang yer dead! An', there were ALWAYS that one kid who would say......."No I'm not!" Frustratin'.....weren't it? It be yer job t' deal wit' the situation at hand in th' manner ye believes yer pirate would deal wit' it. b. "Yes...and." Meanin'.........agreein' wit' th' play at hand be all well an', good.....but, iffen ye makes no attempt t' add th'......AND.......then we be stuck at an impasse an', can ne'er move forward. Aye...I DID hit ye wit' the rotten lime.....now what be your NEXT step....? c. "Improbable Situation" (used for comedic purposes) Agreein'. Addin'. Then.........creating an 'improbable situation' Now....an improbable situation be not about stuff that is far removed from the situation......(like...oh no...space aliens in the pub!) but, liken unto somethin' that would be silly to happen in a given situation....say tossin' raw clams under a peg leg on a tiltin' poop deck.......somethin' o' that nature......... 5. Any what comes t' mind. An'...read! read! read! There be a WORLD o' information out there.......an', o'er time....ye'll make yerself int' the grandest pirate what e'er sailed....iffen that's what ye likes! The good thing about all this is ye can ne'er be wrong! What ye says......by rules o' improv......haf t' be true! (again..... I do na mean real life personal opinions.......) As fer Historical Reenacting. There I canna help ye. But, there be those about who can. Many fine an', honorable men who's knowledge o' history an', use o' wordsmithing leave me in awe. Their craft is finely honed an', I admire them greatly.........an', read all they post........but, I canna play in that world as I be a Street Theatre Pirate an', though I teach a curriculum based theatre program based on a great deal o' history..... I canna go that long without makin' a jest! In my world.......I have t' SELL me craft....an' the General Public willna hold still fer too much teachin'........they be buyin' entertainment fer the most part.....so that's what I be sellin' t' pay the rent. I jus' sort o' sneaks the facts int' me programs an' they are no th' wiser. "Accidental Learnin'' we call it! So....have at it! An', watch yer new an', excitin' world grow! Tis a wondrous feeling! An', welcome! Fair Winds to ye this day...... ~Foxmorton Oh...an' regardin' Cap'n Van Der Bulge.......he be a right silly ol' pirate who be fun t' play wit'. He's a unique storyteller who uses Rule # 3 to it's GRANDEST advantage! I don't get to play wit' him nearly enough! An', byt the way there Capt'n Vander Bulge.........yer cutlass be pointin' in the WRONG direction............ ~F. -
(sigh) 'Tis a grand vehicle.......all black and, shiny....with black leather interior.....and, the PotC skull design on the hood........... There's a short movie clip at the volvo site about it. The clues continue on until July....... I have ne'er wanted anything so much in me life........... She's a beauty! Completely unrelated: (NY) Walmart has an army green PotC skull shirt with the logo of the Pearl in the lower right side. Small print says 'Pirate for Life". Very different than the 'usual'. $7.98......now, THAT I own.....
Aye, Patrick Hand.....a funny pirate ye are, indeed! Me friend just be givin' me Pirate Pooh.....so she'll be lovin' this! ~F.
Welcome Silver Wolf.....and, allow me to say that I find your thought process in your research quite admirable. If I may throw my 'two doubloons' into this mix I'd like to do it by quoting a piratical researcher that I have taken quite an interest in: Ken Kinkor "Many would see pirates as scoundrels, pure and simple. But, if we look at the pattern of European society of the period we are compelled to conclude that these men were not simple robbers rather, they were acting against social grievances." "Pirates had a spirity of liberty, equality and, fraternity." "Piratical racial tolerance did not proceed from an idealistic vision of the brotherhood of man instead, it sprang from a spirit of revolt against common political, economic and, social oppression. The shared experience of oppression was thus a solvent that broke down social barriers within a pirate crew. Shared feelings of marginality meant that the primary allegiance of pirates was given to their brethern." (quotes from Ken Kinkor) I, myself, am an 'edu-tainer'...which means (to me) that although I dress the part of the pirate recognized by the average child on the street I also make it a policy to research, discuss and, teach historical facts within my classes. My children (ages 5 and up) not only have 'fun' portraying pirates from a 'comedic' standpoint but, also are required to take away some solid 'facts' about piracy. Completely accurate and, true to history? Probably no way I could ever be and, still hold the public's interest....but, by using the 'lure' of the 'popular' pirate I am able to provide some 'accidental learning' for the children who are a part of my theatre troupe. And, hopefully, some fond memories as well. There is nothing that makes me feel quite as grande as when a 7 or 8 year old child hauls a bag full of pirate books to my class.....eyes all shining with the 'pirate fever' and, proceeds to tell me "all about the pirates" as though he were the first to ever discover the facts! These, of course, be only my humble opinions. Fair winds to ye this day Silver Wolf and, much luck in your quest for piracy. ~Foxmorton
skunk cabbage
Angus 'Gus' McGoof passes on
Mimi Foxmorton replied to Capt. Bo of the WTF co.'s topic in Beyond Pyracy
Aye then, Cap'n...ye move me t' salty tears with yer tale....for I know what the love of an ol' pirate Dog is....an' I would ne'er trade it for all the human love in th' world....... But, don't ye fret for e'er though....for know ye o' the Pirate Ship Sea Grace? Well, it be the place what our furry Mates goes when the Sea be a callin'......an', there they be leadin' a fine pirate life whilst they be waitin' fer us to come home....... ****** "Past the very edge o' the Horizon Where no live Mates may dwell Lies a Pirate Ship that be o' so Grande And, so th' Legends tell. She floats in clear, blue waters Off the sands o' a tropical beach An', try as we might to find Her "Tis out of the live Pirate's reach. Her name be the Pirate Ship Sea Grace An', Her one sacred job it be To hail the fur an', the hearts an', the paws Of our four legged friends gone to sea. They frolick an', tussle an', bound forth They pillage an', plunder it be true For the ache in their old bones has left them An', now they be waitin' for you. For when an old Pirate takes his last breath An', crosses the far distant sea The Sea Grace will be there for welcome An', your Mate will be there t' greet ye. Together again for eternity Your Jolly Jack flyin' with pride The wind in your hair an', a tongue on your face In your Pirate Ship fore'er side by side. ~Foxmorton c. 2004 Fair winds to ye, Mate...... ~Foxmorton -
Aye then...the life o' a piratess theatrical director be a mite lonely at times...what with a lack o' understandin' free booter's in me area....not t' mention the strange looks an', slack jawed replies o'..Pi-rate?' from th' landlubbers.....so I be Googlin' "pirate chat" an' next thing I knowed I be stumblin' all full o' cider through the back door o' this here fine Pub..... then I be forcin' Maggie Pricklebottom t' join fer she be me Quarter Master on the Bloomin' Bloomer.....well.....an', the rest be...Her-story, as they say...... Arr! Arr! Arr! An', tis glad I be t' have found ye..... Fair Winds this day.... ~Foxmorton
I saw a pirate ship chip & dip bowl........ I had to get out of there FAST! Now, I have Booty Envy!
The Last Word Becomes the First Word
Mimi Foxmorton replied to Captain Booty's topic in Beyond Pyracy
Door....ian Lassiter is my fantasy pirate. -
Arrr! Bilge, ye scurvy munkey.....HUZZAH'S t' yer fine self! Best o' luck! An' a fair an' fine wind carry ye! ~Foxmorton
Mister Hand.... In keeping with our 'funny timing' I was re-browsing last eve and, realized that the date of the sinking was APRIL 16th! Coincidence that we both stumbled upon it on.....April 16th...? I think not! A nod, mayhap, from Mister Bellamy...... The best photo of an artifact (I think) is the tea pot underwater......... Have a good read....... ~Foxmorton Mister BlackJohn......I'm about to pick up the Lost Fleet today.......
Ah, Mister Hand....knowin' as I do from the Pub yer penchant fer history ye shall be lovin' it! It starts with this wondrous love story (well...pirate love, anyway...) and, just moves through time........ Well, we be kindred spirits now owin' t' the timin'...... Checked the Whydah site and, found he has three more reads..... THE PIRATE PRINCE RETURN TO TREASURE ISLAND THE LOST FLEET ...all non-fiction...... Since I'm in New York I think my next road trip will be to the Cape museum..... Let me know how you like the book....... Merry reading! ~Foxmorton
Stumbled upon a copy of "Expedition Whydah" by Barry Clifford whilst browsing the local library sailing section. A most EXCELLENT read! I have to admit I was prepared to wade through a lot of technical 'winchin' up the cannons' stuff but, the blend of old pirate history.....the love story of Sam Bellamy and Maria......along with the social commentary and actual hunt for the treasure combined with Clifford's passion made this impossible to put down! I can not wait to find the time to visit the Cape Cod museum holding the artifacts! Just thought I'd share...... Fair Winds ~Foxmorton
Ah....me love life in th' hands...uh,....claws o' ol' Roy.............
"How many....ducats.....did that hat cost ye?" No, huh?
Another thing to watch out for is the fact that without an ISBN number and Library of Congress control number many (most) bookstores and libraries will not put it on the shelves....... I had checked into the whole deal as it seemed like a reasonable option and, also as I wanted to have a specific illustrator who had done work on the book stay with the book. (You never get to pick your illustrator unless you're mega famous.....) (sigh) and, no one (publisher) wants a book with illustrations due to Guild rules...... Ana-hoo......when all was said and done I found more pitfalls than not due to that and a long line of nickle and dime hidden fees. Though, if you have the good fortune to travel and speak......it would probably be a great option as you'd have ready made customers who are usually on fire to bring a piece of you home. In any case.....best of luck........ Ain't nothin' worser than havin' a manuscript fightin' t' gets out o' the treasure chest! Fair Winds.... ~Foxmorton
I might be needin' one o' me own fer safe drinkin' & swordin' days...... Iffen ye has a knipperkin what is a bit older (an' more trustworthy) Mags an' I found silver an' black plastic cutlasses at the local Dollar Store fer our children's pirate troupe. Too funny! They go "ting" when you swing 'em about. They also go "ting" on their own as well as I have one in me cutlery drawer I keep clean fer cake cuttin' at pirate birthday parties an' it drives me Scurvy Dog crazy when he goes about lookin' for the mauradin' pirate what has apparently invaded our kitchen! An' fer a buck......ye can't have much more fun than that! ~Foxmorton
Aye, Bilge..... Nice catch on the Flogging Molly...... I wasn't believing my ears for a second......but, then there it was! ~F.
I was a'feared ye'd say somethin' liken unto that....... But, if I ne'er return from this raid 't will be all yer fault............ ( ) ~F.
Oh, aye Silkie.......it be a figurative phrase, so t' speak....... An' thankin' Neptune I has at least the sense t' be gettin' it IN the computer! Capt'n Bo......I'll give it a look see an' hope fer the best! In th' meanwhile ye'll all jus' have t' picture me in yer heads! ~Fair WInds... ~Foxmorton
Aye, Siren.....twern't a bad show a'tall..... A wee bit silly....but, kept me smilin' throughout the drama. (though the Mayor's wife migh be lookin' fer a new place t' shop.....) Some verra good quotes as well..... "I had an eye patch when I was six years old. Didn't we all my friend? Didn't we all?" "I love that stupid pirate." "Do you believe in pirates?" and, the funniest.... "Scurvy? Syphillis? Pirate!" 'Tis nice t' see that the 'real' world still remembers pirates! Fair Winds ~Foxmorton
Amazing this memory brain cell survived.......but, I had a corn on the cob harmonica.........
Here's an easy one..... "But, Wesley...what about the ROUS's?"
Well, I be a pickleheaded pirate..... I be sittin' on the cusp o' 'can use this here buggery machine' to 'don't ask me why it will never co-opry-ate'! I been tryin' t' post one, bloody photo since I came t' this here pub...... an' it be strikin' me pic e'ery time......an' don't even gets me started on that there avatar....... Iffen I gets a pirate volunteer I'd be willin' to email them the photo an' then THEY could do it an' then say it was me....... That be known as.....Blonde Logic........ Holdin' me photo as ye read this........ :) ~Foxmorton
Gramercy fer th' ale, Mister Cooke....... I'm jus' about t' fall in love wit' ol' Burnie...........he be breakin' me heart...... I be gettin' all misty-like when I thinks of him settin' there all by hisself.......... ~Foxmorton