Mimi Foxmorton
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Everything posted by Mimi Foxmorton
Well then, you hold it an' I'll whack it.....
Well then, join me in an ale or four an' we'll be havin' that there baluster built in no time flat!
Aye...an' a bit in me cups from a stay at the Pub.....but, ain't that what I scrawled down, Mister Matt....? I be doubtin' me own eyes..... (nor would it be the first time.....) ~Foxmorton
Aye... Ye be near t' correct, Capt'n Bob.... I believes the word ye require be "baluster" what they be callin' the closely spaced supports fer a railin'...... Best o' luck in yer venture......twill be grande when she's finished! Fair Winds.... ~Foxmorton
Ahoy, Jack.....an' welcome! Ye catch me interest as I, too, hail from Germany.....the city o' Heidelberg. Me birth Mum 'plead her belly' as it were an' ended up leavin' me in the hands o' an orphanage full o' nuns near the base o' the Heidelberg Castle....at which pont a crew took me aboard an' sailed me o'er the sea to New York...... But, that were many a year ago..... Howe'er....tis always comfortin' t' make contact with a pirate from me own land....Gramercy fer the fine porter.....twill be tastin' that much sweeter sharin' it with ye..... Fair Winds..... ~Foxmorton
Ahoy, Mags.... I be a wee bit easier t' be pleasin'...... I'll no need the laddie's burr t' be understandable in th' least.... I be right well versed in mime.... Aye....an' nothin' beats a pirate in a kilt........ (an' yes.....I KNOW it be NOT period.........but, a piratess can be dreamin' now...can't she...?) As fer me victuals......I'll be leavin' THAT in yer capable hand...... we could always.....EAT A LIME........ Fair Winds...... ~Foxmorton
Ahoy, Mags.. I see ye found safe harbour...... Tis grande t' be seein' yer fine face here t' th' Pub....I was gettin' a bit lonely wit'out ye..... As fer th' double.....I be drinkin' it dry......an' orderin' another! An' suggest ye do the same! Aye, now....are ye gonna tease these poor laddies......or, are ye going t' be tellin' 'em about yer fine an' glorious Pricklebottom.....? Fair winds to ye......an' I'm sure we'll be tippin' a few afore th' tale is done..... ~Foxmorton
Nay. Ye be fergettin' Rule Number Two.... 'Ev'ryone shall be havin' a share o' the treasure...'
That's where'd ye'd be mistakin', Mr. Nash.... I merely needs t' be pinnin' 'im down wit' me vessel... As fer th' other three blokes.....they can be gettin' in line an' takin' their chances at will...... ~Foxmorton
Aye... I be doin' Art ev'ry chance I gets.... ~foxmorton
Ahoy, Nash! Drinks on me! An' congratulations to ye! Fer there be no feelin' grander than the typin o' 'fini' at the end o' a missive...exceptin' mayhap that o' seein' it performed on some humble little stage! I be readyin' t' set sail this comin' week with me new motley piratical crew on th' Bloomin' Bloomer an' be spending me weekend with the polishin' o' TALES O' THE BARBARY GOLD.....a fierce little piratical tale o' Ol' Bobcat Blackjack an' his (mis) fortunes at sea..... Fair winds to ye in yer venture....tis a great feelin, aye? ~Foxmorton
Aye, Scarlett.... I kin dance.....prance......an' take a' chance wit' th' best o' them! Me thanks for the fine, warm welcome. An' here's to plenty o' good & scurvy times ahead! Fair Winds to ye..... ~Foxmorton
Ahoy, Flint! Me bloomers be made o' extra flannel with a bit o' gun powder fer any urgent sitchy-ations..... Me ship be frozen solid....but, me bum be warm an' dry..... Gramercy fer the grog.......an' here's to ye..... Fair Winds... ~Foxmorton
"Rathkeltair" an excellent celtic rock band. Makes FM (a real favorite o' mine) sound like lambs. (Though I be loyal t' FM in any case....) But, who can REALLY say they be not secretly likin' "CAPTAIN BOGG & SALTY" more'n anyone across these here Seven Seas? They be me little guilty pleasure.... Ye can check 'em out at eatalime.com I knew I'd found gold when I stumbled upon 'em..... Fair Winds an' hearty listenin'to ye.... ~Foxmorton
Aye...the world be needin' more long haired pirates..... there be not enough t' be goin' a round..... (slow heavy sigh....curls up in hammock an' goes back to sleep...) ~Foxmorton
Aye, Sam...performin' be crucial t' the smooth sailin' o' the Bloomer....me crew relies on it..... Thank thee for the kind welcome an' consider the coin tossed. I raise me tankard to ye an' look forward to me time in this here pub....looks t' be a fine place t' be harbourin'.... Fair Winds.... ~Foxmorton
Ahoy! I know not if this has already been discussed as I still be a Bilge Rat in this here pub but, the favorite (and, authentic nautical) gaming aboard the Bloomin' Bloomer be SHUT THE BOX....a simple yet addictive dice game requiring pirates to, well, SHUT THE BOX by way of dice throws. Front Porch Classics makes a grande antique-y looking game. Ye can look up the particulars on line as it be easier seen than explained. It were played aboard ships as it were a simple yet contained game suitable for even the most pickleheaded pirate. Still played frequently in British Pubs......accomodates any number of players...(low score takes the booty).....and, if ye be of a mind....great t' be teaching math skills t' the knipperkins. 'Course...makes a fine drinkin' game as well..... Another Front Porch Classic that be non-authentic yet, just as addictive is DREAD PIRATE. Finely made and nearly as much fun as actually bein' out t' sea! Just me input.... Fair Winds.... ~Foxmorton
Well then, Mad.... Get busy fillin' the buckets with rum....and, send them there swabs to me fer a little inspection....iffen they smell better'n the fish an' be worth taken a look at.... Ye can stow me gear when ye be gettin' an extra moment....I be in no rush.... An', take a coin from me purse fer yer troubles.... ~Foxmorton
Ahoy, Gunner! Foxmorton be fine. I be not standin' on ceremony. Thanks fer the welcome and the warnin'....but, I enjoy me pirates trecherous.....it be more interestin' that way..... :) Raisin' a tankard to ye..... Fair Winds to ye and yourn..... ~Foxmorton "Know ye...normal be not a virtue. It rather denotes a lack o' courage." _from Practical Magic
Ahoy, Dead.... Me thanks for the offerin' of the grog and 'tis well met. We're a long voyage what got me to this here place. I see ye may be leanin' on the pagan side o' piracy....and, to that I raise me tankard to ye with a knowin' nod.... 'Course, iffen I be blunderin' with that I raise me tankard all the same.... Fair winds to ye....and, I be tippin' me hat in gratitude to your welcome.....and, to your gentlemenly ways..... ~Foxmorton "Know ye...normal be not a virtue. It rather denotes a lack o' courage." from Practical Magic
Upstate New York....Syracuse area..... ~Foxmorton
Keep yer good eye out for "SHUT THE BOX" an authentic nautical game. Played with a pair o' dice and the numbers box any number of scallywags can participate. Take turns rolling the dice until ye can't "shut out" any more numbers. Numbers left are yer score Low score takes the treasure. Front Porch Classics makes a ne'r to antique lookin' one. Me answer will probably be clearer iffen ye can actually be seein' the game. Simple. Fun. A grande rum tippin' game that can last all night! Also....the same trading company makes "DREAD PIRATE". Though more than a dice game it be so 'real' that ye'll be thinkin' yer actually at sea! Fair Winds~ Foxmorton "Know ye...normal be not a virtue. It rather denotes a lack o' courage." ~from Practical Magic
Ahoy from Mimi Foxmorton of the Bloomin' Bloomer! I be a piratess aboard what ye'd call a theatrical-type ship..... keepin' track o' performin' free booters an' the like an' tryin' to keep 'em somewhat under control...well, fer pirate's anyway. There be ten of us. Seven on a bad day....twelve on a good....an' we be performin' here an' about an' where e'er enough coin be tossed our way. I look forward to a safe harbor here at yer grande Pub...an' hope to be meetin' other kindred souls what can help me keep the wee bit o' sanity I've managed to retain.......it bein' right hard bein' in charge of a lot of pickleheaded pirates....though I'd ne'er give up the sweet trade for all the treasure in the world.... Drinks all 'round,,,,,and, fair winds to ye..... ~The Piratess Foxmorton "Know ye.....normal be not a virtue. It rather denotes a lack o' courage." ~from Practical Magic