Mimi Foxmorton
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Everything posted by Mimi Foxmorton
Oh...oops...... THAT be why.......it be MAJOR nay GENERAL...... Silly Foxmorton.......... (Though, I expects ye may have figured th' difference had I accosted ye.......)
Sorry t' have missed ye General. I did ask a number o' likely 'suspects' iffen they were General Chaos but, all denied it....as well as knowledge o' The Pub. I were the "topsail wench" in the Saturday Pirate's Royale show in the black "love Pirate" tee shirt. I did not go in garb as it were pourin' rain on Saturday an' blisterin' hot on Sunday an' I were on a mission t' catch as much theatre as possible. Th' second Pirate Show wit' th' cannons was SUPERB! (Down at th' Dunke Pond) Though that be a 'regular' weekly show an' can be seen all summer. I highly recommend it! Mister Blydes ye be right.......tis my experience that "theme" weekends be no different than other weekends.....or so it would seem..... Mayhap we might meet before summer's end..... Will ye be at Alex Bay Pirate's Weekend(s) in August. I should like t' try an' catch at least one battle! (An' iffen ye comes wit' yer big ship can I sail wit' ye for th' battle?) (Please.) Fair Winds..... ~Foxmorton
I'll be docked the two days..... Mister Blydes.....unfortunate that we will not meet..... ~F.
Aye then Cap'n Bob....the whole concept escapes me......... I be no good at putty-inny thingies either...... I jus' tapes me avatar t' me computer screen........ (But, thanks for carin'.......) ~Foxmorton
Just read the "junior" book......sort of a mini-script..... Quite worth it actually as there are a lot of quotes I missed that were funny........ In the scene where we first see Davy Jones playing the organ it describes an etching in the coral organ of a female with flowing hair...... Now that's a detail I wouldn't have looked for....and, I have only seen the movie once..... I wonder....did anyone notice it.....? Or, at least when we all view it again keep a weather eye out....... Just sort of interesting in 'tracking down' Davy's love inerest..... :)
Mad Jack- I found mine at Barnes & Noble bookstore $19.99 Over in 'pop' (or somewhere) Patrick Hand has a thread about the Pirate Dice game...... Another fine game is Front Porch Classic's "SHUT THE BOX" wich has an authentic nautical history as well. Also....a beautifully designed set! A true display piece! Bilge Munky's site has LOADS of answers...reference....reviews...on just about every game imaginable. Plus, it's a great site! www.bilgemunky.com (sorry I don't know how to do that click-on thing.....) Have fun playing! ~Foxmorton
Mister Nash- Oh, right....uh...YEAH.....I was....SHOCKED!!!! ( ) ps. whew!
Um...could ye runs that by once't more, Mister Nash......... Foxmorton the Blonde.........
Yes Mister Bones....but, how are we to wait that long?????
That's why Tia Dalma gave him the dirt I thought.... Maybe she is dead as well? I remember that the dress floated to the bottom of the ocean.....sooooo....SOMEONE has to end up wearing it...aye? Oi. I need the DVD!
Aye...me wound be still gushin'........
Aye....but, what did I expect? I ran up the street with 15 minutes planning.....at 11:45 in the MORNING........(grin)......... Watching it peacefully was the trade off for not having reaction....... My dearest dream would have been to have had the theatre jam packed with 'real' pirates......like they had to give a test or something before you could get a ticket! LOL! But, then, that's just me being selfish.......... The Pirate Guys (TLAPD ) reminded everyone to stand and, salute the way Sparrow did in PotC I when he passed the hanged pirates every time they said "Captain Jack Sparrow" in the new movie. I thought about that every time they said it and, was kind of sad that I missed out on the fun.....(grin) Either way....good friends well met! And, I still got to see the easter egg!!!!! Side bar: So land locked here that the theatre chick told me "corporate said we have to focus on Superman" when I asked her why no pirates anywhere....... LOL! Aye then....I be marooned..........
It would seem that Tia Dalma does in fact have something to do with Davy Jone's lost love.......but, I wonder if it's so simple as to be her.......? She's obviously a Pirate Magnet in some way.....as they all ended up there...... The compass only points at what you 'really want'......... It doesn't work for Jack.....(he doesn't know what he wants? he doesn't realize where it's pointing?) Elizabeth's always points to Jack....... (hmmmmmm? well....obviously ALL our compasses would point to Jack...LOL!) Either way.....short the sci-fi look of the monsters....( the undead pirates were SO much more appealing to me....) I was in love with it all! It was like old friends....... But....TOO much input! I need to see it several times more....and, take notes! LOL! As for Norrington? Wow. While I can do without facial hair......that scurvy lost look is a REAL turn on.......and, it goes without saying....for me.....the longer the hair......the hotter...........and, they just don't make 'em like that much anymore....... (sigh) Side note: Any Absolutely Fabulous fans? Wasn't Beckett Saffy's boyfriend in the Last Shout? Drove me crazy for awhile while trying to place his voice..... Also, Pride & Prejudice? Aye...?
I actually purchased the Pirate's Dice set from the movie a month or so ago. Cool cups...cool dice with a skull for one 'number'.... (wild?) The cups are like in the movie. $19.99 at Barnes & Noble I have only opened it to check it out. Was confused by the rules.... (and, still confused listening to Will tell them....) but, when you say 5 5's.......does that mean 5 dice with the number 5...or dice adding to 25...... I am VERY confused....... And, don't think I should mix rum with this until I get the rules straight....! LOL! Also....is it 'sort of' like Pitch......? Either way....the set is cool.....but, not as cool as Front Porch Classic's 'Shut the Box' game........ ~Foxmorton the Confused
Aye then Pearl...got yer back on this one....We can ne'er go six posts in a row without SOMEBODY havin' a bloody buggery personal 'issue'....... I absolutely said that I would wait...for all the reasons mentioned. Well...the day came and, I got what ye'd call....antsy. Got up from me desk and skipped up the street to the 11:45am show. (My 'logic' being that if I didn't plan it and wasn't with anyone it wouldn't 'count') Moms and kids.....a 3/4 full theatre of people who didn't laugh.....knew none of the jokes.....and, not a single "gasp" but mine at the end......and, even worse.....zero applause. Weird. At the first credit they exited like the place was on fire. As the credits rolled there were four ushers impatiently waiting to clean up and, me and one other girl just...waiting..... and, waiting...and, waiting..... The anticipation was Good Dreadful..........(those are long credits....) I just assumed because of the first egg there HAD to be a second......and, I was actually getting nervous because EVERYONE had left........ My point? An awful lot of people missed that easter egg........and, I'm glad I wasn't one of them..... Fair Winds.... ~Foxmorton
Blast th' luck...... Well...iffen ye happens t' run int' one.....I would appreciate a head's up........
Aye then Mister Lassiter......that be a waxed beaver pelt on yer head? I am findin' meself in desperate need o' one at the moment........ ~Foxmorton
Aye then.....but, mayhap it would be more useful fer picture takin' if ye were t' hold th' little fella down......
Aye then Cap'n Straw, sir...I would....'cept I do na think I can gets th' little bugger t' holds still long enough....... He's verra shy........... Regrets.. ~Foxmorton
Well...bugger that! Aye Lil....a grande time we two 'old ladies' could be havin' with a sit down and, an ale! Aye...Dale then.....verra....kind on the eyes.......an' else where as well.......... Aye...I were here for the passing o' Baj......a sad thing indeed........ I have a picture her last Faire with me 90 year old Mum......... Mum kept telling her that she was French! Bugger this computer. I haven't the luck with it nor, the patience. But, iffen ye clicks onto www.artontheporches.com ye can see a photo of me an' me scurvy pirate class. (click on entertainment) I'm the mob capped wench in the lower stage right corner of the top photo or the front row middle pirate (brown hat) in the lower in CHAOS PRODUCTIONS in entertainment. Celtic Woman rings a bell......I'm sure we'd recognize each others faces..... :) And, I'm still smelling of Hill Woman....(aren't we all????) Great huge cuddly bear Michael and, Marilyn....how ARE they??? Jim Green (with Scarlet Rat productions)......still here! Doing Dicken's Festival off season Ah......a small small world is a pirate's.............
Hmmm.. I had me beaver pelt waxed over once.....though it didn't look much like a hat when it were done.......
Oh Lil....I wish I could sit and, have an ale with ye....and, look over me old photo album! Aye....Patrick......and, others....... Wes Holden (Willy Whitnot) Larry ...can't remember...(Nathan of Heath) Jonathan Crocker........ Roy Cox (jouster) who I would love to stumble across once again to chat about old times..... Oh...and, Dale Lakes......Leslie Noble...Pat Buckley....and, my most favorite of all......Ellen Dygert (Winifred Wheeler) !! Oh..oh...and, the most handsome of all Sheriff's ever....Brian Belge!! Mary and Marty STILL have the Star Throw booth! Know you Winifred has a 'head stone' in the 'cemetery' there...... I admit to a prick of a tear when I first saw it........ The Wheeler Inn is long gone.......sadly......and, Faire be different these days.......long gone are the bawdy wench auctions and, free kiss tickets of yore......(sigh)..... But, over all....as Gary is still there... the acting, history, character development and, shows remain superb! He really is a master! I guess it's just that you can't get away with as much as in the old days...... Or, maybe I'm older than I was in the old days......... Well then...I suppose this should have been a PM as we've bandied about all these names.......but, mayhap one will catch the alert on the winds and, pop in! Aye then........thanks for the memories....... Fair winds to ye.....and, if ye e'er return with a new tide.....ye have a place to stay at Foxmorton's cottage! ~F.
Acting, reenacting, and just dressing up
Mimi Foxmorton replied to Captain Bob's topic in Scuttlebutt
Later that same e'en..... Hmm.... Interestin'.... It appears that Shutthefuchupyecraztbi*ch were already taken on AOL......... Go figure...... Back t' the cartography table......... Fair Winds.... ~Shutthefuchupyecrazybi*ch_233 -
Acting, reenacting, and just dressing up
Mimi Foxmorton replied to Captain Bob's topic in Scuttlebutt
Cap'n Bob.... I regret t' inform ye that there has been a turrible error on my part.......... It really aren't ALL that complicated.......... Please refer t' Mad Matt's post.........it will be gettin' yer job done infinitely much quicker......leavin' ye more time fer piratin'..... I regret any an' all inconveniences an' undue stress I may have caused ye....... And....as soons I can stop squirtin' ale out me nose.... I'm headin' out t' me front lawn t' sees what new name I can come up wit'! I'll report back. ~Foxmorton -
Aye then.......Sterling Renn and, BTM Players under Master Gary Izzo be a most grand and, wondrous Faire! 23 plus years of memories I have......... Mister Blydes....I would have welcomed the opportunity to meet ye on Pirate's Weekend........but, mayahp we shall accidentally meet opening weekend. The Black Dog Pub be a fairly new (actual) Pub recently built......so, I look forward to meeting some of me fellow Pub Pirates there! Now.....how shall we recognize each other.........? We needs must have The Secret Sign.......... Till that day..... ~Foxmorton ps. Do any attend the Alex Bay Pirate's weekend?