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Everything posted by Coastie04

  1. Yep, I do...I can't wait t' find me way down there one o' these days.
  2. How could they??? I feel cheated
  3. Two bits I have to add here. First, in my experience with naval cannons (at least in modern times), the bore is given a good swabbing with a wet swab. Any embers still in the bore would be given a good wetting down. Of course, I've really only had experience with smaller bore sizes. Mostly 3-lbers and approx 1-lb swivels, but I've had limited experience with 6 and 12-lbers. Very limited experience with one of the Constitution's 24-lbers. I was just off the port bow when colors went off (they used the forwardmost port cannon)...scared the shit out of me, as I didn't know they fired one o' her cannons for colors. Second, the pantyhose might seem good, but I'd imagine it would melt and leave residue inside the bore. Over time it probably isn't the best thing for a cannon. Coastie
  4. I started celebrating my birthday drinking a bottle of wine...sitting in the cockpit with a champagne cocktail...full rig, smoking jacket, smart new trousers, black shoes, etc. The only slipup is that I have left my bow-tie behind, and have had to use an ordinary black tie. -Sir Francis Chichester Happy Adventure puttered blindly into the dark and brooding murk and I was soon fog-chilled, unutterably lonely, and scared to death. Since rum is a known and accepted antidote for all three conditions I took a long, curative drink for each separate ailment. -Farley Mowat
  5. Here's on that goes out to all those who've e'er been taken advantage of in port: If yer thinkin' o' pirates an' rum, And fair lass's pretty young bums, Make sure that yer carefull, And ever are prarefull, That ye've got control o' the guns. Coastie
  6. I'm used to making modern cartriges as such: -Get dowel rod of approximate size of cannon bore -Wrap a bit of tin foil around it, and twist the bottom end -Smash this bottom end flat -Take out dowel rod and insert measured (approx) amount of powder -Insert a bit of bisquick for wadding (works great) -Twist top end of tin foil taking care not to flatten that side out -Insert cartrige with twisty end pointing out of cannon -Ram home...etc. =BOOM Coastie
  7. I'll be a bit more elaborate for those who don't know the fine inticracies of lighting an explosion inside a hollow metal tube. First, put the powder in and ram it home. Often, this powder can be pre-measured in a canvas bag or something. Then, the ball or shot. Sometimes even after the ball, a wadding of some sort would be inserted to keep the ball from rolling out of the muzzle. Then, prick and prime the pan...That is, stick a metal spike into the touch hole to lance the cartrige of powder and make sure that the touch hole is free of obstructions. Then, put some powder in the pan (prime it). Lastly, aim and light the powder in the pan. Make sure you're not standing directly behind the cannon when it goes off, and ear protection is recommended. Coastie
  8. Not original, but it belongs here nonetheless. Captain Hook died where you will be sittin' He wiped with the wrong hand when he was done shittin'
  9. The five of us divided the watches, moving in progression in a system so complicated that an argument invariable arose every four hours. -Edward H. Dodd, Jr. A small craft on the ocean is, or should be, a benevolent dictatorship. -Tristan Jones
  10. I'm not sure about this particular piece, but I do know that some caplocks can be converted into flintlocks. My dad has a few rifles of that can be converted either way. Coastie
  11. Unfortunately, they don't let me out until the 13th, so I won't be there. Otherwise, I'd be there in a heartbeat. Hope everyone has fun. Coastie
  12. I found this on gunbroker.com and thought some of you might be interested. It's caplock, but that's probably better than flintlock for shipboard use. It looks to be a great deal for reinactors. Unfortunately, I'm unable to purchase it right now, so I thought one of you might. Pistol Coastie
  13. Round shot's got range and is cheaper than the explosive type, and I'd presume much safer as well. Round shot still had quite an impact bouncing through the well-ordered ranks and wreaking havoc in the enemy lines. Just watch some of the battle scenes from The Patriot. If you've got the powder to keep a constant rate of fire on the enemy, then use round shot until they get into range of grape and canister. Coastie
  14. When, staunchly entering a port, after long ventures, hauling up, worn and old, batter'd by the sea and wind, torn by many a fight, with the original sails all gone, replaced, or mended, I only saw, at last, the beauty of the ship... -Walt Whitman
  15. In the Great Age of Velcro, rope, knots, and all things done with them seem charmingly irrelevant. Then you step aboard a sailboat and realize that the rules have changed. -David Seidman
  16. Cruising is more than a sport. The mood of it comes over you at times, and you can neither work nor rest nor heed another call until you have a deck beneath your feet and point a bowsprit out to sea. -Arthrur Sturgis Hildebrand
  17. You forgot the best part of the quote... To me, nothing made by man is more beautiful than a sailboat under way in fine weather, and to be on that sailboat is to be as close to heaven as I expect to get. It is unalloyed happiness. -Robert Manry
  18. I hope all goes well. If'n yer emergency be in Washington State, let me know if you need assistance. Me family be in the area, an' they'd be happy t' help. Coastie
  19. Freeboard's over rated. As they figured that out, the decks went away. Plus, it presents more of a target on the broadside. I've seen lumber barges loaded up until the stern was completely underwater. As long as it keeps its water-tight integrity, it's just fine. Coastie
  20. This is transcribed from Sea History magazine, as I thought it would be of great interest here. The picture is from another website. Luckily there's probably a 'no smoking' rule in the museum! Coastie
  21. You're planning to make a ship sail against wind and tide by lighting a fire below deck?? I don't have time to listen to that kind of nonsense! - Napoleon, about Robert Fultons plans to make a Steamboat
  22. I just got this off of the Lady Washington website: I sure as hell can't wait! For those who want a sort of preview, the 'Caribbean Cronicles' link on the Lady Washington website has the story of this grand voyage. Definitely a rough one. Coastie
  23. Oooh, beta testing. Unfortunately they don't let me out much, so any more than playing a game and makin' suggestions wouldn't be possible. However, I'd love t' do whate'er I can. Coastie
  24. I'm sure it's just to recognize that asshole as a target the next time they see it. Coastie
  25. A long time ago, some mention was made to the 'Rock & Roll' magazine of pirates. In my opinion, you've just hit it. The latest update on the Lady Washington webpage mentiones the Royaliste and her recent engagement with the Lady Washington, Hawaiian Chieftain, and the Aldebaron. Great pictures Seven. Coastie
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