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Everything posted by Coastie04

  1. I'll definitely have to dust off the DVD and watch it with my kids. It's been far too long anyway.
  2. Welcome to the best pub on the internet!
  3. Not sure why that uploaded upside down…wasn’t supposed to be. I guess that’s what you get when there’s too many Jack Sparrows in the ship’s compliment. 😂
  4. Well I’ve not been changing too much since the pub went down. Still driving whale watching boats in Alaska and raising 2 boys. I did upgrade my personal sailboat from a 30’ to a 37’ (about twice the size in boat terms). I’m still a fan of black powder, sailing throughout the ages, and the history of piracy. Though I have become involved with a HMs Chatham naval reenactment group that’s representing the Vancouver expedition. I know, it’s a bit anti-piracy, but being on the far side of the world and a good century later, I don’t see it as a major mutiny. Arrrgh!
  5. I didn’t. Like Duchess, I did get the ‘new device logged on’ email after I went through the ‘forgot/reset password’ gauntlet.
  6. Looks tasty! Is that perhaps some brandy to go with it in that mug?
  7. Well, it's nearing mid October and she still seems to be afloat, albeit seeming like a ghost ship these days. It's still something I open up once in a while out of habit and nostalgia. Cheers to all my shipmates at the pub throughout the years. Coastie04
  8. For the salt cured horse meat in asian countries, how is it salted? I read that most of the salt in Asia was traditionally transported and used as a brine (such as fish sauce, soy sauce, etc.) instead of as dried salt. Would that still have similar curing properties? Or would it essentially pickle the meat in a salty brine?
  9. If you're looking at heaven/hell, often when I've seen the superstitions, Fiddler's Green is more of a paradise/heaven than Davy Jones' Locker. Some myths state that Davy Jones' Locker is where sailors go if they die at sea, while Fiddler's Green is where they go if they die on land. I generally don't hear of Davy Jones' Locker being necessarily bad, but it isn't the utopia and 'holiday' that Fiddler's Green is made out to be. So if you want to use them as heaven/hell, it would be easier to have FG = Heaven and DJL = Hell. At least that's my two cents worth.
  10. Yep, I check it every so often when I'm actually at my computer. I hope that it's because the information is somehow being compiled and saved, but most likely just waiting for the licenses (or whatever contract term is used for a webpage) to expire.
  11. Yet she's being towed to the breaker's yard...
  12. Does this mean I can now go to reenactments in a leather tricorn and bucket boots with a scantily clad 'female pirate', calling myself Captain Twill? It's not like anyone can check my research anymore if I just have a bunch of random pyracy pub on my smart phone to show them :) Oh, and ARRRGH!
  13. Fair winds and following seas. "Oh better that her shattered hulk should sink beneath the waves, Her thunders shook the mighty deep and there should be her grave. So nail to the mast her holy flag; set every threadbare sail, And give her to the God of storms, the lightning and the gale."
  14. Well, in good sailor fashion, I assumed the best, but prepared for the worst.
  15. Moderators of said facebook group might want to have a couple of 'canned' answers to common questions filed away in a word document so that they can just be cut/pasted when those inevitable questions arise. You know: bucket boots, proper flags and why pirates say "arrrgh" all the time. Unfortunately we can no longer cite/link pyracy.com...
  16. Well, as it looks like it might just be the 3 of us (unless Duchess is holding out on some other names), I wouldn't mind sharing all of the addresses and sending 2 gifts. Also, she did say that she would have the PMs sent by December 1st, so she's still got some time to stay on schedule.
  17. The way I understand it, it would require purging all of the personal information so that it doesn't get hacked. I've heard that's harder than it sounds (I don't know, maybe it would delete posts from the user if their profile was deleted?). I'll trust the gurus that know much more than I about these things. I'll still be happy to lend what coins I can spare to see it done properly.
  18. I agree with this. For those who know better than Cascabel and myself (and I believe that there was a suggestion by Michael S Bagely -if I'm not mistaken- on Facebook), what is the best way of preserving the information that has been collected here throughout nearly a decade and a half? If there is a way to copy the information and make a new, non-forum searchable reference webpage with all of the Twill topics, I'd gladly spare some silver to see it done. Heck, I wouldn't even need the T-shirt or stickers this time (though, a crowd sourcing fundraiser with those same T-shirts, stickers, etc. as incentives would be another idea for raising necessary funds for creating a new reference pub). Please don't let all this knowledge evaporate; I haven't had time to read it all yet!
  19. As for selling it, my proposal was merely to keep the information in some form and offset the actual costs of doing so (such as the physical CD(s) or other information storage device and shipping), plus possibly a tiny pittance to whomever actually did the work to keep the information available in some format. As for other locations, I'm sure I don't have nearly all of them, but there is a Pyracy Pub facebook page, plus I often keep up to date on many related topics on the facebook pages Historical Sailing Ships and other Maritime Marvels, Authentic Pirate Living History, Maritime Archaeology, and No Quarter Given (which originally printed a great little magazine that was somewhat a basis for the original pyracy pub, as mentioned above by Fox). Hope to see you on those fascinating, new, but not always better cyber seas. Coastie04 aka Michael Lamonica (for facebook recognition)
  20. I'll definitely lament it as I would the burning of a library. Although there is much misinformation here (especially from a decade ago when we were just bringing historical reenacting of piracy more mainstream instead of just SCA/entertainment groups), there is a huge wealth of searchable information as well. It would be great if we could save just the captain twill section somehow and possibly even sell it for a reasonable price to those who would want to keep it as reference. Unfortunately, I'm more at home on the ocean than on the cyber seas, otherwise I'd volunteer to do that work myself.
  21. After 13 years of thorough enjoyment and education, I will be shedding more than one tear at the event. It really has become a wealth of knowledge, and I will miss many of the friends whom I have met, at least on the cyber seas. Hopefully many of them will continue on with the facebook page and other sources. Cheers to all the moderators throughout the years!
  22. Additionally, if the pirate ship sailed toward two unescorted merchants, there's a good chance that they would split up and each sail what they thought to be their best point of sail to outrun the pirates. In this case, depending on the relative positions of the vessels with regard to the prevailing winds, if the pirate ship attacked a more windward vessel, it's possible that the leeward vessel would not be able to beat to windward in time to help.
  23. I'm in.
  24. Fox, your explanation brought up something that I've been pondering for some time (but not doing the research). Were colonial privateers during the American Revolution (or whatever name you Brits use...) treated as privateers or pirates if captured? Were any captured during that war? Just wondering if you've come across any references that might shed some light on this.
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