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Everything posted by TalesOfTheSevenSeas

  1. Lucky fer ye, that ye live in th' modern day and be sailin' with a Cap'n who let's (and encourages) "pyrettes" aboard!!
  2. SEX IN THE AGE OF SAIL *Gasp!!* Be it true?!! Historians, tell me yer opinions on this arrrrticle, which makes claims about the unofficial "positions" of cabin boys and more...
  3. If it isn't.... I say we FIX IT!!!
  4. LOL I stumbled across this photo from Heidelberg Castle in Germany and immediately thought of my pirate friends, hic!!
  5. And if the following day the group gathers at Williamsburg like we did last year... if ye' would please, raise a tankard in the Raliegh Tavern on my behalf, will ye? (That be the place where the good ol' boys o' Williamsburg used to gather and drink from a vessel whose base was made out of Blackbeard's skull!!)
  6. *sniffle* Curses!! Wish I was going again this year!! I'm guessing you'll post LOTS n' LOTS of photos for us?!!!!
  7. Aye we were there last year! Here be two of me all time favorite photos from our "Drenched by a Wench" skit!! Selestia is organizing a group of east coast pirates to attend this years festivities... interested pirates might like to drop her a line!!
  8. Aye, t'was bloody uncanny the way Pete seemed to appear at just the right moment, as if some unseen spirit o' the sea were a-whisperin' in his ear. Strong magic be this, reason'd the 'Quill when she'd met him in the far-off port o' Hampton. What be the odds o' meetin' one from yer own port in such a far-away place?!! Indeed the odds were against it and against their strange meetin' during Pete's shore leave. But Pete seemed to bring his strange luck with him and it served the Royaliste and her crew well. For whatever strange spirit directed Pete, it directed 'im to the hold just as Royaliste began to take on water... T'was enough to make one shiver as if a cold wind had blown down yer coller on a windless day. But so long as the spirit which kept watch o're Pete kept watch o're the crew, could naught but good fortune come of it.
  9. Nope it didn't sell and I won't let it go for under $200, it's just too nice of a piece. I may try it again at a later date. So it's still hanging above my mantle. I managed to fund the violin another way. I had a student some years ago who landed a very good job after he finished his schooling. At christmas I got a present from him and was amazed when I opened it because inside was a very large and elaborately wrought necklace and earrings from India made entirely of 22K gold! The only problem is that 22K gold is very bright yellow and being fair-skinned and blonde, it just didn't look very good on me. It belonged around the throat of an Indian princess rather than a California gal. I never heard from the student again, and finally decided that that was the best way to pay for the violin I really wanted. So, once I get the violin I'll have to name it after my student!! (you'd be surprised how many violinists name their violins!)
  10. Hmmmm.... they be workin' fer me this morning. Try again, it could be that the host service shuts down when too many people view any one site.
  11. Arrrgh... them were me words above, Saber's login was set this mornin' when I posted that.
  12. Ye be needin' this player By the way... ye got lots o' air time Penny!!
  13. Well... let's see if anyone complains about the download time.
  14. ROFLMAO!!! Methinks I best not leaves ye' at home alone with Dead Fred too often!!
  15. The pirates reluctantly disembarked from the Royaliste, forever changed. For despite the rough seas, high winds and poundin' surf, Royaliste had worked her magic upon them. Tales of their adventures reached the faraway wench and even at that great distance, she too succumbed to the spell of the magical ship. For when one is touched by a ship, he is nary the same as he were. Down in bilge o' the Royaliste, a bottle o' wine rattled about. In time, once the pirates got to know their new captain, they would learn he thristed for rum rather than for the grape, but then again the pirates had much to learn o' many things...
  16. *smacks self on forehead* DOH!!!!!!!!
  17. Hmmm... that might not be a bad idea. Or can you FTP it if I give you the passcodes to the website via email?
  18. Admittedly, although I'd love to have the opportunity to experience being a part of a film if the opportunity came my way, it doesn't look to be something I'd want to do as a career. I'll stick to me students and given treasure coins out to the little buccaneers methinks!!
  19. OK try it now and remember... this be a BIG file!!
  20. EEEck!! I'm redoing the download... should be about 20 minutes!! Sorry mates!
  21. I just received the video of the telecast from Cracked Carrie!! (Thanks lass, this is great!!) We did indeed get very good TV coverage! If needed, here is the player you'll need to download to play the file: Click to download the player Here is the parade telecast. Be advised, this is a VERY large file and will take considerable time to download Click here to download the video!
  22. I can do this on the weekends. My guess is the closer to where they are berthed we make this, the more likely they are to accept an invite. They'll need to be close to keep an eye on the ship.
  23. Upon reaching the dock, the Royaliste was grasped in the grip o' the strong tide and flung 'gainst the sea wall by the mighty hand o' Neptune at work in Pelican Harbor! Raul and The Leather-Clad Lad on the pirate crew struggled valiantly against the sea and nearly succeeded... until one o' the wenches on board loosed the wrong line and away the Leather-Clad Lad tumbled into the briney depths o' Pelican Harbor- leather pants, digital camera and all!!!
  24. Those be the major highlights from Sasha's camera. To see the entire series of 60 photos, paste this URL into your bowswer: http://www.talesofthesevenseas.com/sp2-1.JPG Change the number 1 after the hyphen to 2 then 3 then 4 etc. I'll be putting together a web page in the not too distant future.
  25. Aye!! 'Tis true!! REAL pirate women smell like gunpowder!!! ARRRR!!!
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