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Everything posted by TalesOfTheSevenSeas

  1. Ahoy Dumplin', Are you local to the SF bay area? We've got plenty of other events on the horizon. Check out our website below and click on "Events" www.talesofthesevenseas.com
  2. Aye! Me thinks Ace be a fine addition to the crew!! He be a Jack Sparrow o' All Trades, fer he does sword swallowing, fire and machete juggling, ventriloquism, and is an escape artist, in ADDITION to being a magician!! Quite the piratical resume, no?!! I'm really looking forward to seeing him in action at our upcoming events and look forward to being able to network him to our event organizers, which sometimes pans into new events outside of piracy.
  3. Just a few photos from Sasha... Sasha's photos
  4. Nice photos Penny!! Say Captain, the night lighting condtions on Royaliste at Quinn's look great- Methinks next time we should bring a tripod and some night-grade film and a 33mm camera and see what kind of dramatic night photos we can get, eh wot?!!
  5. Ahoy mates!! Aye, t'was yet another fine event! So many thanks are due to so many for making this event a success- Captain Gary and the crew of the Royaliste, the staff at Quinns, the Crew of the Dirty Rotten Oar and a few of Brun's Raiders for joining us, Ryanne McGregor, Jerry "the Dutchman", Sasha and Kirk, all of who travelled hundreds of miles to be at this event! ...and let us not forget Saber, who with great patience and sympathy endured the pinching and poking of the stumbling, drunken scottsman at the bar! The drunken lad was facinated with Saber's belly and proceeded to give it a poking and pinching while being supported by his friend's, who had to hold him up! This was the same lad who had requested that I ravish him when I walked in. Sheesh! Ye gotta be soused to try that with a crew armed to the teeth and 5 cannons parked outside!! Saber me love, ye have the patience of a saint! Indeed, Mrs. Oktober is a trooper! (I decided against posting she "showed us what she was truly made of" as that could be taken far too literally!!!) Sasha should have some photos in a couple of days. Loved the ones of the Royaliste's ensign in the dark!
  6. Bess, did you contact Richard Brown and the Highlander Warriors about this one yet? -Claire
  7. Ah OK I get it! Ye had me goin' there for a minute! So please feel free to delete this topic too!
  8. Quick correction, I guess you could call it private in the fact that it is pirate groups, but since this is a pirate forum and all pirate groups here invited to partner with all Tales of the Seven Seas events, wouldn't it be appropriate? Please advise.
  9. Stynky, Your previous post didn't have the capability to accept repsonses, so I'm responding here. I think you may be misinterpretting our Blackbeard's Wake event as a private event. It is actually open to the public, has three different pirate guilds attending, a tall ship and pirates flying in from out of state and southern CA. Actually, I like to hear about even the smallest pirate gatherings and even things like kid's pirate birthday parties. If I may add my two cents worth, I would like to continue to use and abuse this topic for both public and private raids large and small. Any other comments?
  10. UPDATE!!!!!!! The cannoneers on Angel Island will be joining us in firing our salute to Blackbeard at 3:30pm!!!
  11. Ahoy mates!! Although we are unable to time the firing of our salute to Blackbeard with the schedule of the Angel Island Cannoneers, I have not had a single cancellation for Blackbeards Wake! We've got one heckava lot o' pirates coming and one heckava pirate party ahead tomorrow night mates!!!!!!! ARRRRRRR!!! Those pirates sleeping aboard... don't forget to bring yer sleeping bag n' yer pillow! Sailing pirates should be advised that we have a small chance of rain, so dress warmly. Dock crew meeting the ship by land, Quinn's has been advised that you'll be meeting the ship at about 4-5pm. Tim is the name of the manager you'll on duty that you'll need to see about being let down to the dock.
  12. Wonderful!! Please do bring said scads!!
  13. Emailing just went out with that notification and also a plug for the other priate groups we partner with
  14. Awesome... thanks gang, this is a tremendous help.
  15. I'm gonna do a mass Seven Seas emailing on this subject tonight.
  16. Ahoy Cap'n... what say ye' to playin' the video at Blackbeard's Wake?!!!
  17. Arrrrrrr!! That be excellent news!! Make sure the Elusive Mrs. Oktober be expectin' very crowded shipboard conditions (that means floor and deck space in sleeping bags) or contact the hotel listed in the last emailing for comfy accomodations. Then let me know where the Oktober's be bunkin' so I can keep me counts accurate.
  18. It's a bit of a drive, but not too bad, maybe 2 hours. We'd love to have you!
  19. Ahoy... Darkthing brought it to my attention that there was some confusion as to the docking time vs. the time the event officially starts at Quinn's. Here are the timings. Pirates sailing need to arrive in the Muni lot at 2pm to be shuttled to the ship. Expected departure from Sausalito is 3pm The Royaliste is expected to arrive at Quinn's at 4-5pm. The event officially kicks off at 7pm- that is the time of our reservation.
  20. Ahoy- Looks like our weather guessers be forecasting showers for our return sail on Sunday, so we may have a wee bit o' damp on the return trip and some wind out of the west on our docking Saturday. Details for Saturday's weather Details for Sunday's weather CLICK HERE for Oakland 10 day forecast
  21. Aye!! I will do that Redd!! Me guess is that since our pirates will be responsible for regulatin' the flow o' traffic on F-dock, That we could use a piratical shelter o' some sort to keep the July heat from Roastin' our crew alive- I will confirm that and get back to ye! Many thanks for the offer!!
  22. Ahoy!! Here be the latest on preparations for the fourth.... Arrrrrrr application for the parade was sent in and they much admired the photos of our scurvy crew and the Land Shark. So much so, that we don't need to attend the mandatory first-timers clinic and are good to go for the parade! I be waitin to hear back if we can store the Land Shark someplace while we be sailing the Royaliste to n' fro. The plan is to follow Nyre's suggestion to drop it off on July 3rd and pick it up on the way home July 5th. The parade folks are also talkin' with the Pirates of Emerson, the group out of Fremont that runs the haunted house, to see if they would like to partner with us for this one. Our berthing application for the harbor be filled out and submitted. All systems go with that. They be expectin' us to arrive the 3rd n' depart the morning o' the 4th. Next step is to put the Captain in touch with the PYRATEchnics captain. Bay area folks will be able to visit the Royaliste and her pirate crew on F-Dock, during the 4th of July festivities. Any pirates from other groups are welcome to join us!
  23. Expected crew size is 25, a full ship. Dunno if a broadside in the estuary is a good idea, being that we've got large hotels and such there. Methinks it's prolly better suited to out on the bay. Although it would be fun to rattle everyone's windows... LOL
  24. OK got 'em printed and I'll bring them in the binder where I keep all our contact info. If the CG is out and about, we'll give 'em a shout and ask permission to row over to deliver the prints.
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