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Everything posted by TalesOfTheSevenSeas

  1. Hold on mates, let me explain what happened. There were some rumors that a few folks were less than happy with us over an incident that took place in the food court. These were not the folks running the fair, but other people. Here is what happened. One of the things we did at the fair was to tattoo upwards of 1,000 people with Tales of the Seven Seas temporary tattoos. These were very popular and people got a big kick out of them. The complaint arose from a PATRON (who was most definitely not one of our pirates, but was wearing a pirate hat and was mistaken for one of us) who decided to apply that tattoo to his girlfriend's backside by licking it! She dropped her drawers in the middle of the food court and security was quickly called in to advise them to cease and desist. Once the negative rumors were straightened out, it has not been a problem. We have already been congratulated on doing a great job, our check is on the way and we've already been asked back for next year's pirate invasion. Problem solved! :)
  2. OK mates here be the dirt on Lovely Johnny D's tattoos... "...In the movie PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, Depp played Captain Jack Sparrow. Costuming and smears of fake dirt were used to cover up Depp’s tattoos during filming. His character had a tattoo, which was a fake for the movie, worn by Depp. He sported a sparrow tattoo on his forearm, along with a mark branded for pirating. After filming, he had his sparrow tattoo made permanent in honor of his young son Jack. He modified it slightly, flipping the sparrow around so that it is flying towards him instead of away from his body as it was in the movie." You can read the full text of this article which discusses all of his tattoos HERE
  3. I think ye may have seen these already Iron Jack, but here are the rest of the photos from that day: The Great Sea Battle of 2003
  4. Thanks for the good wishes mates!! Captain thanks for the heads up! Should I still swing by and touch base with Vinnie this weekend?
  5. Awesome Iron Bess!!! That is soooooo cool! I'm emailing you the addy now!
  6. I had to chuckle a bit when I saw that photo again... notice my "floating rope trick?" I never did finish photoshopping it! *smacks self on forehead* Aye, plans are coming along very well. Pier 39 is offering complimentary parking for the pirates coming by land and hands to assist us in docking. Nice folks there to be sure!!!!
  7. Yeah, if he hasn't found us already, I guess it is probably unlikely that he will in the next few days. All things are going well- got the timing for the greeting, should have a date for a meeting with the Captains of the Chieftain shortly
  8. Yup, that's how I saw it too, but figured getting a couple of second opinions was in order before approaching Saber and telling him he's gotta dull his weapon, LOL
  9. Tales of the Seven Seas will be there!!!!!!! Looking forward to that one I be!!
  10. Saber and I both chose battle-worthy cutlasses for our birthdays. He chose the Cold Steel 1917 model, I chose the Windlass Steelcraft cutlass. The Cold Steel edge is extremely sharp steel. My Windlass is ground down blunt. Although both are rated battle-worthy, looking at the two, I think his Cold Steel blade is going to make mincemeat of my Windlass! I'm wondering if before we engage in any fight choreography if we should have the edge taken down on the Cold Steel blade so that it won't inflict excessive damage on the opposing blade. Any thoughts or opinions on this?
  11. Aye, we've got Aldebaran, Hindelupen (or a photo boat), possibly the fireboat and Bully's longboat not to mention the Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftain earlier in the day. Thanks for trying with Briar Rose. I had thought of Blake finding out about the surprise here too. Hopefully he won't stumble across us in the next 23 days or so. Not sure how to safeguard against that without asking all posts to be deleted and taking the discussion into email only. Hmmmm. Unless we tried to code everything with initials like MAW for Make a Wish.
  12. WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!! Awesome! I'd like to put Ryan out with Erik again to film, as well as a couple of pirates if that sounds good to Erik. Can you get a hold of John and Suzie and see if Briar Rose would like to give chase too?!! I just emailed Hayden aboard Aldebaran.
  13. Ahoy Captain, I just sent you a gram about donations. Let me know if there needs to be a correction.
  14. Ahoy mates! On Sunday October 24th, 2004 Tales of the Seven Seas will be working with Make a Wish Foundation to help grant the wish of a 13 year-old boy with a life threatening illness. The boy's name is Blake and he wished "to sail on a pirate ship, dress like a pirate and act." It's going to be a big surprise. (shhhh!!) He won't know his wish is to be granted until it actually happens! Our pirates will be 'kidnapping' the entire family, taking them aboard the tall ship Royaliste and going out for a sailing adventure! I'm currently recruiting other ships to battle us and modern boats to harass us, as well as working to organize a ship to shore battle with the cannoneers on Angel Island. It should be a VERY exciting pirate adventure!! We have collected a GRAND treasure of pirate swag for the lad to take home after his adventure, thanks to the generous donations of brethren pirates!! Below is a partial list of pirate swag contributors and contributors donating their services. There were a few at the Ojai Pirate Faire that I did not get names for, so if you see a name missing below, please contact me so that I can give credit where it is due!! Captain Rasha The Gypsy Pirates Port Royal Privateers Jamaica Rose Fireblood The Rum Runners St. Elizabeth's Guild The Guild of St Gregory / Crew of the Dirty Rotten Oar Moonstruck Designs Bully McGraw Midieval Fantasies Tales of the Seven Seas Laura Cox-Conrad Fireblood Richard Becker / Bloodthirsty Pirate Tales Marooned Anyone who would like to contribute pirate swag (no actual money please) it can be mailed to Claire Warren c/o SVC 6201 San Ignacio Ave San Jose, CA 95119 Please include an email address so that we can give you our hearty thanks! All treasures will be given to Blake on Oct 24th. I'll post lots of photos!! Thanks everyone!! -Claire aka "Poison Quill"
  15. Aye what a fine weekend!!! See below for photos! Twiggy it was great to have you join us and we'd love to have you at many more events!! Bess!! We were askin' at the PRP encampment if you were coming and were sorry to hear that you couldn't make it! CLICK FOR PHOTOS
  16. Ahoy mates! We'll be raiding the faire with a group of about 30 pirates! After the faire, everyone is welcome to stop by our camp. We've been put separate from the actor's camp and will be the pirate camp that is set up in the middle of the ball field area. Look for the black flags mates! That be us!!
  17. Ahoy Privateer, I'm assuming you'll be joining us and want to be put on the gate list, right? Maria, would your friend like to be on our gatelist also for the 18th & 19th? By the way, I think she's looking at a drive of more like 6-7 hours.
  18. Ahoy mates!! The Northern CA Renaissance Faire is promoting their opening weekend with a pirate invasion!! So come out and join us September 18th & 19th in the first official raiding of the infamous (and soon to be notorious!) faire!!! The pirates of Tales of the Seven Seas will be out in force as part of the fair for the first time! We always welcome new pirates if you'd like to join us (email me at talesofthesevenseas@hotmail.com) or stop us and get your free temporary tattoo in the 2" version of this design, applied by the lovely wenches and strapping lads of Tales of the Seven Seas!!
  19. Ah-ha!! Found it I did!! Here is the melody line for any o' ye that would like it.... SPANISH LADIES
  20. Anyone know where to find a printable on-line version of this song's sheet music?
  21. Good wishes are always helpful mate!!
  22. Ahoy pirates!! I just got off the phone with Captain Gary and here is the latest news on the Royaliste, from the ship yard where she is out of the water and undergoing repairs. Saturday August 21st: The Royaliste left Pelican Harbor. The crew enjoyed a fine day of sailing in the company of Vernon Fairhead, Royaliste's former owner and captain, who came down from Canada to assist with the repairs. Sunday August 22nd: The yardarms were removed and the ship was prepared to be lifted out of the water. Monday August 23rd: I just spoke on the phone with Captain Gary. The Royaliste is out of water and he tells me that she is quite a sight to see, all 30 tons of her balanced on those flimsy-looking little aluminum stands!!! He says everyone there has been coming by for a look! He assures me that he's taking lots of photos and will upload them at the first opportunity. Good news to report on the state of Royaliste's hull!! The captain says that the work to be done is mostly caulking and very little repairing, which is excellent news. He says there is some rot to deal with but no structural damage, despite some of our rather hair-raising adventures in the last year and a half. They made a lot of progress today and spent most of the day reefing (removing the old caulking from between the boards of the ship's hull) Gary says that if anyone is available to help during the week, they could really use all available hands. More updates to follow!!
  24. Happy birthday girl! Stop by our camp at Ojai this year!
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