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Everything posted by TalesOfTheSevenSeas

  1. Aye here ye be, you'll need to access this link to it: 7C's Logo
  2. This photo is not with the new skirting and the ratlines (rope ladders), but is otherwise complete. The new skirting is plastic, painted like waves with foam on top and toy fish attached....
  3. Aye, it sounds like fun and the kids would sure get a kick out of going to each pirate to collect a trading card... and the pirates could sign 'em! (at least them wot can right, eh?!!) The other thing we could do is to use it to direct them to the ship to get the Royaliste card and the captain's signature. Sounds like fun, especially at some of these big events.
  4. Now aren't ye glad we didn't sink her?!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers to all of ye that had a hand in this- because the primary element that floats are judged on is how ENTERTAINING they are, and that is 100% due to all of our pirates who were hammin' it up for the crowds, juggling dishes, playing music, pushing cannons, carrying pirate dogs, toting the banner, handling the technical stuff, threatening children and pirating the parade! *cartwheels across the deck after the Captain!!!* WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  5. Well shiver me timbers!! The results were just posted and our Land Shark won 2nd place in the amatuer float division in the Redwood City 4th of July Parade!!!! Yahoooooooooooooo!!! Judging Results
  6. They sound like fun and very collectable. But I think people would have to be willing to fund their own cards as doing cards for every active member is a bit out of the budget.
  7. Aye! T'was a fine weekend! Iron Jack, I wish we'd had video rollin' on deck when you fired yer cannon from the dock- For although ye had permission, apparently they forgot to tell a few people because the radio lit up immediately and we heard "We are extremely concerned about that explosion..." We've got photos and discussion on the Tiburon Cafe topic beginning here
  8. No worries mate! Ye, yer missus, yer bairn n' yer sea dawg will be there for the best of it!! Ye know... we gotta think up a good pirate alias for that sounds a bit more threatening than "Mrs. Ace" LOL!
  9. Arrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! Drink up me hearties YO-HO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got me wee Land Shark parked out in the parking lot at work today- It was fun to show her to me students, who have seen the 3D construction model. 6:00pm and we'll be on ARRRRRRRRR!!! way north!! What a weekend this is gonna be mates!!!!!!! Pirates everywhere! The Royaliste firing her guns for the masses.... Aye, she is going to look SO beautiful lit up in the night eh?!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. OK it all sounds good. Let's discuss timin' fer the 17th later this weekend- me poor wee brain be a-churnin' with all o' the things me gots to be a-tendin' to fer 4th o' Jooo-ly!
  11. Cool!! One thing I have to figure though is getting to the Museum for the gig the next day. I don't have a time yet, I think it is 10am or 12 noon. Maybe we can shuttle a car to Southbeach?
  12. Thanks very much for the congrats mates!! Captain, I think Saber knows that if he sinks the Land Shark, I'll want a bigger one and he'd have to build it!!!
  13. I can do that!! DP, they are expecting a royal mob scene down there. Roads in are being closed when parking is exhausted, generally at 7pm. Unless you come before about 5pm, there won't be any getting out until the crowds disperse after the fireworks. So be sure to stop by during the daytime!
  14. LOL I can just see the two of you pretending to be terrified of a sizzling grenadoe and tossing it back and forth like a hot potato!!! That would be great!!
  15. This particular parade does not allow any pyrotechnics. Because of the huge liability of the fireworks barge, they have to be overly cautious in other areas. No swords out in the parade, nothing on fire, nothing handed out to the crowds. Even Ace can't juggle knives. Some do allow pyrotechnics, some do not. Sparklers would do the trick or something similar for grenadoes another parade
  16. Sounds cool!! Whatever you'd like to do most.
  17. Ahoy Ace- do you have something you can juggle in the parade (other than your schedule, LOL) that isn't sharp or on fire?
  18. Ahoy... just picked up four pairs of safety goggles for whomever needs 'em on the guns.
  19. AVAST MATES!!! The results of the Carnaval Parade judging were just released and guess what?!! We placed in FOUR CATAGORIES!!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!! A hearty WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY, VERY well done mates!!! Especially considering we were one contingent in more than 100, somewhat out of theme with the rest of the parade and working without sponsors... YE ROCK PIRATES!!! In the topic of Contemporary/World/Fusion/Original, we placed as follows: 3rd in overall visual impact 2nd in creativity authenticity 3rd in Carnaval Spirit 3rd in Dance 2nd in Specialty/Unusual/Standout Costumes CLICK HERE TO SEE THE AWARDS PAGE
  20. You're welcome to join up with Tales of the Seven Seas! We're always happy to have new pirates and even provide loaner gear available if you don't have your own costuming. The event coordinators at the Pirate Faire will allow groups to add names to the gate list until September. So if you'd like me to add you to our gate list, just drop me an email with your real name on it at talesofthesevenseas@hotmail.com
  21. Saber and I will arrive late Friday with the Land Shark in tow. We'll catch a few winks aboard and I'll cast ye' off at 3am. Then I'll be off to the nearest Denny's then awaitin' on ye scoundrels at F-dock in Redwood City. There will be an email out to ye shortly along with a reminder to bring food n' drink for the sail.
  22. Ahoy mates! Here be yer HOTEL INFO
  23. It be time for the Goldcoast Pirate Faire at Ojai again, Sept 25th & 26th 2004!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRR!! Tales of the Seven Seas will be out in force this year, with a large band o' pirates!! Come by our encampment or email me if you'd like to join us! Last year we had a grand time- even Jeff, our skeleton in the barrel came home with fond memories... We awoke one morning and found him with a pair of ladies panties clutched in his hands!! (We never did discover who the panties belonged too and Jeff ain't sayin'!) Last year we were across the way from the Rum Runners camp. Not only did we enjoy their company and home-brewed rum, but we also enjoyed several fencing matches with them. I'll be wagering my dubloons on Sasha! She be a deceptively pretty little wench, but a real she-devil with a sword! The Royaliste's deck guns were on display last year and provided firings throughout the event. I especially remember the final firing, which lofted a smoke ring over the faire! During the morning meeting last year, Captain Gary and Raul were complimented on the fine job they did managing the cannon area with great attention to safety, yet plenty of fun. So who here is coming for the '04 Pirate Faire?!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. No kidding.. I'm glad I pulled myself off that list a couple of weeks ago- I figured that we already ARE the pirate meetup group for the bay area! LOL!
  25. I ran across this animation that shows how to tie onto a cleat and thought that it might be helpful...
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