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Everything posted by TalesOfTheSevenSeas

  1. Click to see the article
  2. What glitches might those be? Please advise and I'll fix 'em. If you aren't seeing the changes, go to the main page and hit refresh.
  3. Ahoy mates, The February 15th date of our Valentines sail aboard the Royaliste is drawing near. In honor of valentines past and present, we'll be blasting printed photos of ex-sweethearts out of the Royaliste's cannons. If you'd like to join in the fun, post a photo of your ex, your lawyer, your boss or anyone else you'd like to have made into cannon fodder and we'll be happy to oblige you. (please note we may be blasting groups of exes if we get a large response.) p.s. Desert Pyrate, I have yours, but I think that your photo and especially the epitaph you wrote to be read aloud are priceless- would you mind reposting them here so that the other pirates can read it?
  4. Ahoy mates, I just finished a long overdue upgrade to our pirate's webpage at www.talesofthesevenseas.com If you've been there recently you may need to refresh to view the changes. We've got barrels of TNT that explode when you click the links, new photos up and the whole site can now be navigated from the main page. (I been a busy li'l wench lately eh?!!) Enjoy!!
  5. It be a good thing ye' don't carry a 'lock to work! I can imagine how that would be... "Is it done yet?!!" KA-BOOM!!
  6. OK Ebay auction addicts!! Describe fer us if ye' will, the best deals ye' ever plundered on Ebay. Here are mine- I bid on an ancient Egyptian bronze ring. The seller photographed it to show that the band was intact and stated (incorrectly) that it was inscribed with a cartouche (encircled royal name) I knew this was unlikely as it would make it something akin to priceless. It had, however been deaquisitioned from a museum. The seller did not photograph the inscription, so I bid a little over $200 and took a chance on it. I won the auction and didn't know what I'd get when I opened the package- I was stunned. Inside was a beautiful bronze ring inscribed with heiroglyphs and encircled with an oval (decorative, not a cartouche) I took it to an antiquities appraiser and had it looked at, then showed it to two Egyptologists and a professor of Egyptian studies. They all were wow'd by the ring and all agreed that it was authentic and dated it to the New Kingdom (1550 - 1070 BC) I had the heiroglyphs translated and the inscription reads: "Hes nefer Amun Ra" or "High Praise of Amun Ra" My other score was the Land Shark- $27.53 for a boat (no motor) on a sturdy and fully functional trailer, which we converted into a pirate ship parade float.
  7. Ye might scour Ebay for a deal on a repro or on an antique... Current Ebay listings for sextants Current Ebay listings for spyglasses
  8. Desert Pyrate, We have about 8 east coast pirates who are involved with Tales of the Seven Seas and Pan Historia that attended this event last year with us. It looks like Hellava is stepping up to the helm in my absence this year, and doing the organizing. :-) So please drop her a note to learn more about the plans. If you can get to the Raddison Hotel at the waterfront from the airport, you can stay right there at the BBeard Fest. The Raddison is right in the same plaza with the whole festival. The Pyrates Ball and all the events are right there. I think you could do it easily without the car.
  9. Aye! The Hampton Blackbeard Festival rocks! The Pyrates Ball is not to be missed and well worth the $25 admission fee. The only ones who are required to wear authentic costuming are reenactors who are participating in an organized reenactment or performance. Here is one of me all-time favorite photos- Soaking Saber, who was in posing as a plain-clothes member of the audience in our "Drenched by a Wench" skit at the 2003 Blackbeard Festival. Sadly, the Land Shark has gobbled up all our funds and we're not going to be able to make the trip out this year, but we want to see photos!!
  10. Wonderful news... Bess, when you see him again for POTC II, you're to give him a hug and a kiss and tell him that is from all of us wenches!!
  11. Got a call from one of our pirates in San Diego, who was out on a sailboat Sunday, watching a three way battle between the Lady Washington, (Interceptor in POTC and occasional target of the Royaliste) the Hawaiian Chieftain (Charter ship and frequent target of the Royaliste) and the HMS Rose (HMS Surprise from M&C- has not battled the Royaliste... YET!) It could have been any one of the three, most likely HMS Rose.
  12. Some humorous ideas: Sandy Bottoms Rocky Bottom And the Press Gang Brethren of the Desert High n' Dry
  13. Aye!!!! A pox upon th' medical misfits an' feminist fleabags who deamed the corset out o' style an' unfit for human habitation!! Resultin' unoffical poll-takin' shows 9 out o' 10 wenches an' pirates surveyed agree- The corset be a damn fine invention! :) Me recommendation, based on years o' trial n' error, be that wenches call upon their favored pirate fer a healthful massage o' said achey areas, fer there be numerous health benefits, to both said parrrrrties.... What say ye t' THAT, eh?!!
  14. Here is Becky's answer: "Hi there, i have done dresses with metal but it rusts and breaks threw the fabric in about a year of use. so I perfer the light plastic boning. but have them email me and I will see what I can do."
  15. Ye know Bess, someday when you retire, you'll have to write one of those Hollywood tell-all type books. You could give it a nice dramatic title like "In the Shadow of the Mouse". You'd become a wonderfully controversial author, gaining instant fame and fortune as your book hit the best-seller list and Opra's book club!! We'd all get autographed copies and brag to our friends about how chummy we are with Ms. Bess! Then, when the furor begins to die down and the lawyers have stopped calling, you put out your second tell-all book titled "Minnie Wore Black Lace" in which you hint at possible star-studded trysts but you insist with a wave of your diamon-ring encrusted hand that "It's simply a work of fiction dahhhhling, with no basis in fact! How preposterous!!" But then you'd wink conspiratorially and keep everyone guessing even more... Can I be your agent?!! We could be rich pirates!! No, fabulously rich!! ARRRRRRRRR!!!! I mean Ahhhhhhrrr Dahhhhhhhhling!!
  16. Nope... that's actually not what she needs for the bodice measurement because the bust isn't covered by the bodice, just gets one heck of a lift from it, LOL! I've got an email in to Becky and should have an answer shortly.
  17. Merrydeath, the chemise is a separate undergown, which make it nice because you can wash it frequently and change colors of the chemise to get a whole new look. With my black skirt/bodice I have a white chemise for when I need to be historically accurate, a red chemise for most of my piratical activities and Lucky Penny donated a green chemise to our loaner gear that I'll be using in the St Patrick's Day Parade. I'll see if she's got other photos around and will ask about what type of boning she uses. I know it's metal, but I'll find out more. It's pretty stiff, but not so much so that you can't sit down. LOL after a long car ride, I usually have to bend mine straight again! I'll also ask if she can do them with heavier-grade boning and report back!
  18. Thanks! Just email Becky and she will tell you how to measure yourself. If I remember correctly, she needs around the ribs underneath your bust and waist to floor measurements.
  19. Ebay is usually one of the best sources for that kind of thing. That's were most of our pirates get their gear.
  20. I can't speak for the bodices made by The Very Merry Seamstress, but the ones made by Rebecca's Renaissance are metal. I don't know what else is in there because it's inside the fabric. You'd have to email her for details. Definitely not plastic.
  21. Cool. Glad to hear it. I hoped he'd be "a really good egg." LOL!! Drink up me hearties YO-HO!!!!
  22. I would think that since both Rebecca's Renaissance and the Merry Seamstress do custom-tailored work to your specs, that you could probably order the bodice with heavier boning, but they could answer that question for certain. I agree, that's a nice price on the frock coats! Saber was eyeing them too!
  23. Ahhhhhh!! *lightbulb goes on* Keith Richards in POTC2 sez ye!! *ponders* He be an' outlaw and he be scruffy, 'tis certain! But can ye' have two wobbly eccentrics in the same movie? Hmmmmm!! Say Bess, inquiring minds want to know- What was Johnny Depp like when ye' met 'im?
  24. I've just revised the costuming resources page at Tales of the Seven Seas. Enjoy! If you have any additional resources to add, please post a link the URL (http://www.etc) of the exact page where the item is located on this forum and I'll add it in. Tales of the Seven Seas Costuming Resources
  25. Thanks- we just put together a website for Becky, turns out she does frock coats also: Rebecca's Renaissance
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