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Everything posted by TalesOfTheSevenSeas
Aye!! Nicely done lad!! Lookin' forward to havin' ye' sail with us again soon!
Under the Black Flag by Dr. David Cordingly is excellent. If you want a brief run down, there 4 excellent articles by Cindy Vallar: Oh to be a pirate part I Oh to be a pirate part 2 The lure of piracy - reality vs romanticism part 1 The lure of piracy reality vs romanticsm part 2
Check Out Me New Fancy Pirate Dress!
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Thieves Market
Actually Becky and I have never met in person. She makes the dresses as her business. She is TOP NOTCH and every wench I've sent to her has been thrilled with the results. These dresses are very flattering to all kinds of figures. Becky custom tailors the dresses to the wench's measurements and will make the dress in any color or fabric you choose. The bodice/skirt with a chemise is only $75 (this can vary with different types of fabric) which is not only very competative, but her quality is top-notch. I've abused the heck out of mine over the last year and it still looks great! Here is her email, please let her know you found her through Tales of the Seven Seas or me: sunset_red7@yahoo.com Nigel, I'm surprised you said lots of wenches wear red and black. In all the events I've done, I've never seen anyone other than myself with a red chemise. They are almost always white. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think white is the only historically accurate color also. -
Where be he? I be gettin' naught but an error!!
This dress is a gift, a thank-you present from Becky Cristler. Becky made my black dress with the red chemise that you've seen me wearing in most of my photos. She said that she wanted to make me something really special- a fancy dress for the pirate's ball and other events where a more elaborate dress could be worn. It was a thank-you for the referrals that have come her way as a result of Tales of the Seven Seas. This dress is red brocade- pretty awesome eh?!!! I haven't got it yet, but I just got the photos and had to show it off a bit!
Yer Musical Inclinations... What be they?
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Music & Shanties
No Quarter Given's Pirate Songbook has music and lyrics to 60 sea shanties, but from the titles given, it sounds like they may be written in modern times. I'm not sure about that. You might want to give Jamaica Rose a shout and ask her about it. Enjoy! NQG's Pirate Songbook -
What instruments do you play or do you sing? I've just taken up the violin (less than a week, LOL) and before that played piano for years. But it has been 15 years since I gave up my last piano and my last lessons were in about 1978, so it's been a loooooooooong time! But I still remember how to read music and lo' n' behold, I've found a violin teacher who has turned out to be a pirate!!! She and her husband have both joined Tales of the Seven Seas and are all jazzed up to bring their instruments and along on the Valentines sail aboard the Royaliste. She's enthusiastic about teaching me lots of seafaring tunes once I'm far enough along to handle them. I've had two lessons now and in the last one she gave me a nice sounding fiddler's piece from the British Isles called "Soldier's Joy". Soldier's called their payday "soldier's joy" so it is a happy tune that you would whistle with a pocket full o' coin!
Already a good response comin' in from the Tales of the Seven Seas pirates for sailing Sunday- So far it's shaping up like this: Captain Gary Saber Poison Quill Cracked Carrie Captain Jack Nyre Desert Pirate Desert Pirate's Dread Pyrate Marty (new first time pirate) Scott (new first time pirate) Jennifer (new first time pirate)
Peers put on a pretty decent pyrate's ball last May, but they said it is not one they do regularly, only every couple of years. It was fun, but crimany, I be gawddawful dancer! Here be arrr Pyrate's Ball photos
Valentines Day Sail Aboard the Royaliste
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in February
You betcha!! Email me yer 'cannon fodder' and I'll make sure her arse gets blasted across the bay on Valentines Day!! talesofthesevenseas@hotmail.com -
Valentines Day Sail Aboard the Royaliste
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in February
Got an email from Cracked Carrie last night, she'll be there with a photo fer cannon fodder! I told her I may have to pull out some old photos o' me ex n' join in the fun! -
It took me a long time to find sheet music on-line that really was free. Here is a nice selection of music for different instruments at www.musicaviva.com the midi files are here also, so that you can hear an unfamiliar piece played before trying it on your own.
The link below will take you to a fee, printable copy of the sheet music for "Drunken Sailor" Enjoy!! Click for the sheet music
I was sending out the notice of the Royaliste's Valentines Day sail to our pirates, when it occured to me that we should do something special for the single pirates on Valentines day. So I've asked the single pirates to bring a photo of their ex and we'll blast 'em from the cannons!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Can't ye' just feel the piratical love?!!!
Pirates on New Years Eve look like this: Pirates on New Years Day look like this: Happy New Year ye' bunch o' drunken sailors!!!
Nice to be sure, but far beyond most pirate's means I'm afraid!
A new assortment of photos just in from Cracked Carrie of the sea battle between the Royaliste, Hawaiian Chieftain, Lady Washington & Aldebaran Arrrrrrrrr... Click Here!
Well, there are certainly plenty of parks and forests around, the trick is finding one that wants to host a haunted house, if you're looking to do the organizing yourself. If you don't mind being a part of one that is already in existence, I'd suggest contacting Karl, Brian and Patty Fields who operate the Pirates of Emerson, a large commercial pirate haunt in Fremont. They are a great bunch to work with, and their haunt is nothing short of amazing- they have a 15 foot tall robotic monster, a spinning vortex tunnel, a lagoon with live fish in it, a 3D maze, numerous live pirates and much more. I've worked with them on several events. Here is Karl's email: karl@piratesofemerson.com - or - info@piratesofemerson.com
Ridin' the Waves at Sea!
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Event Discussions
Actually I've used Bonine many times and for me, it works well for most situations like buses and cars, but not for the really rough stuff, such as carnaval rides and the like. And this was definitely along the line of an all-day carnaval ride! I get the less-drowsy version of Dramamine and that seems to do the trick. I've got the Royaliste medicine locker stocked with it now, LOL -
Pyrate New Years Eve, The ROYALISTE
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to the Royaliste's topic in December
m' afraid Saber n' meself have me son with us this time, so we'll be skippin' this one, but have yerselves an awesome time an' we'll look forward to hearin' all about it afterwards!! -
I just got back from seeing Peter Pan. Both Saber and I really enjoyed it and Saber commented it was by far the best Pan yet. It was just as enjoyable for adults as it was for kids. The special effects and artistic creativity were wonderful. Neverland was awesome! Hook rocked! Lots of pirates! Lots of flintlocks! (Hook has a Queen Anne in an early scene, not sure about the others) Lots of cannons! There are swords galore, although the fencers and swordsmen may be a bit disappointed that the sword fights are heavy on the pixie dust and light on actual fight moves as the characters are often in the air during sword fights, little girls fighting pirates etc, but hey, it's Pan! It's supposed to be fun and fantasy, right? It was dark enough to make it entertaining to adults, and yet not frightening to kids. I think I'd still like to see a more adult version of the tale, with a more malevolent Pan at some point.
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to Paisley's topic in Event Discussions
Well what a bunch o' sour pussed pirates! The best thing about piracy is the enthusiasm of others! The more the merrier! My goal is to overrun anyplace we are with as many pirate as possible. That's the whole idea. Every other pirate group I work with (and we work with several) brings something special and different to the table. Have ye' forgotten mates- we be BRETHREN. The kids love it, the pirates love it, the adults love it. It's sad when people's egos get in the way of fun and a good time. I think that they are losing sight of the purpose of all of this. The purpose of piracy is not to stroke their own egos, but to please their audience. That's where they got the 500K from in the first place, is it not?!! :) -
Arrrrrrrrr swag.... My gift from Saber and my son- a Violin and lessons, something I've wanted to learn for years. I'm waiting until my first lesson Monday morning until I'm with my teacher to raise the bridge, (which is in the folded white paper) and set the strings in place. Saber's gift an Orange County Choppers logo cap. One o' these days when we capture enough booty, maybe he'll have the chopper to match, eh? The model in the photo is Mr. Stubbs, our powder monkey
Here's another curse question that's probably been asked already, but inquiring minds want to know.... How come Elizabeth, who technically stole the coin from William as a little girl, didn't get cursed herself? Was it because she took it to protect him from Norrington, who she thought would hang him and the curse does not apply itself to those who steal with good intentions? Might that then be the case with Bootstrap Bill? Perhaps the curse did not apply itself to him and he drowned? To curse or not to curse... that is the question!!
Here ye' go Il Pirata- Imaginext is apparently a division of Fisher Price. Here are a whole series of very cool pirate accessories to go with your daughter's ship. Sea monsters, phantom pirates... I think the pirate town you are thinking of is called "Buccaneer Bay". Great stuff!! Pirate Play Sets