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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. I have Caroline's photos from Ojai........ think I'm soposeto post them..... (but NOT the photos in drag..... (well she only has one, and sence it's not that good.... no problem......) Hey Petee.... the black and white photo you have wit me..... dang..... make me look disreputable........................... (gotta love it.... )
  2. Aaaargh.... but you gota love pockets........ two in me slops (fer keys, wallet, money, and Zippo......) two in me Pyrate coat.... (fer spyglass or whatever.... and cigs and tobbaco....) wit th' pipe in my hat/or bandoleer (don't wanna break it...) Tankard and pouch (fer flint & steal) on my belt....... Hey I'm set..............
  3. At Ojai, I was looking for a treasure map that was tattooed on someones head....... Unfortunatly no one would let me shave thier head to see if it was there.........
  4. And you can have pockets in yer slops.....
  5. I just finished a farby pyrate coat. I spent less than three hours making it. It was royal blue cotton cordoroy untill I dyed it navy and black. It has no lining and was just "thrown " together outta some excess fabric that I had around. But I made it for Ojai, where it gets a bit too hot for my wool coat (the wool coat is great in the snow, and in winter...) The funny part about it is that I had a real problem NOT linning it or making it semi period..... when all I wanted was something to play in........ and not be to warm......
  6. sixteen hours and fourty one minutes untill we be startin South ter Ojai...... but who's counting ?
  7. GoF, the one I was looking at...." Embellished Oval Strap Buckle" is about 2 3/4" on the inside. I figure with some file work, I can modify a Large brass buckle that I have so it is close......
  8. Dang.... I only have tomarrow befor 5:00 to get everything ready, then pack it Friday morning, and we are off ter Ojai............
  9. I missed part of this discussion on belt sizes...., but there is a wide belt buckle (I gotta do some work with a file to fix my buckle this winter ) shown on this site..... http://www.artifacts.org/default.htm
  10. Last weekend (Northern California Renn Faire) was just a warm-up fer Ojai...............Now alla my Pyrate stuff is getting moved into the living room in preperation for Ojai....... Two more work(ick) days...... then its off ter Ojai...............
  11. I guess that's why I started "The Buccaneer Project".... it lets me have fun doing it as close to period as I can (hey... I have all winter to work on up-grading and sewing) BUT.... I am kind of a Ham..... I like "playing" and interreacting with an audiance, so my Howard Pyle Pyrate works great for that..... A period Buccaneer at a Renn Faire or in a parade, just "dosen't work"... to "out of place" (OK it IS closer to period..... but Renn Faires are NOT "Living History") so I will do "Trecking", and go to some Rendezvouse where it almost "fits" maybe I can find someother "crazed" authentic nut and we can do the Buccaneer period. (my girlfriend does NOT like real guns..... and besides Girls arn't period ...... (well OK they are, just not for what I'm doing....and she enjoys being a "Play Pyrate"......))) But both are fun,..... that's why I do it..............
  12. Pirate Petee... I be glad ter meet y at Ojai... I be with Tales Of the Seven Seas...... campin just next ter the rum runners..... Just look fer th' lean to an the drunk Pyrate wit alla th' rum bottles...... (or ask anyone from Tales of the Seven Seas.......) And Rumba...... look out... a drunk Pyrate may wanna kiss from you.... I am very dissapointed that Christine can"t make it...... damn... I drive seven houres do get there, and she just can't find the time to show up...... I wanted to get the chance to meet her, and .....Oh well................ and Diego and Rummy will be there..... going to be a short week......(after the Nor Cal Renn Faire.....) Dang.................... Thar be tymes when life be good..................... Still mad that Christine wont be thar............................... (and I sooo wanted to meat her) Blaime it on the rum Jimmy Buffet
  13. I'm jumping ahead.... I did not read the last two pages of this..... but I feel kinda mad about this arguement.....so if this has ben gone over...... whatth...... I have most of my Buccaneer "kit" but at the Renn faire.... doing the Hollywood Pyrate...... with the huge pyrate flage....... WORKED,,,,,,,, I know it is not period.... I know it is not historicicly correct................ aaaargh... But it was fun..... and the public loved it...... back to my arguement that "playing" pyrate has or is closser to clowing,,,,,,,, But by the same time...... no one reallyu cares (other than us) about what "real" pyrates were like........... Worst part is...... If I was talking to you... dang... it would make sence.......... Like I typed.... I did not read the last two pages.... so this may be really outta place....
  14. Nor Cal Renn Faire at Casa de Fruta this weekend....... then OJAI...... I'll be with Tales of the Seven Seas..... just look fer alla th' rum bottles......
  15. I also do both... I'm working on The Buccaneer Project and I have a semi authentic Pyrate that I wear in parades and for Fairs. I have the "bad habit" of "Leaning" more towards authentisity, (just aks my girlfriend who is just starting to play Pyrate......) but try to not be Too bad about it...... My semi-authentic Pyrate stuff is kinda baised on Howard Pyle paintings, I go for a grungy Pyrate crewman look. The cut of the garments is very close to period, but most of the fabrics are cotton... The tarpline hat is a period construction, but the brim is too large, and the skull and crossed bones painted on it are not...... But it LOOKS like what people think of as a Pyrate. The Buccaneer Project, is an attempt to get as authentic as I can. Right now, the shirt and hunting jacket are made out of cotton, but this Winter, I'm going to be re-making them out of linen and Hemp canvas. I'm trying to learn how to knit, so I can make a more period pair of socks, right now, the corect shoes are kind of a problem, so I may have to make a pair myself. I am also making all of the gear that I will need to go period camping. I have most of it finished, just not the time to go camping with it...... Montery Jack, check out ... http://www.historicaltrekking.com/ Buccaneers fit into the time period that they are doing. The biggest problem with the Buccaneer vs. the Howard Pyle Pyrate, is that the Buccaneer is so "Plain" and no one know what it is soppose to be....... with the Howard Pyle Pyrate, EVERYONE knows its a Pyrate..... Being a bit of a ham, it is Fun interreacting with people who want a picture with "The Pyrate"........ The Howard Pyle Pyrate is fun for "playing" with people, and the Buccaneer is fun, for knowing that I've done it right, and when I have the time to go trecking. Both have thier place.
  16. Master Studley.... You can do what I'm trying to do..... learn how to knit (I wanna pair of period socks....) I'm not doing very well right now, and sock are going to take FOREVER.....Dang, when my Mom knits, she makes it look so easy......
  17. Hawkyns.... I've seen something from thier site once befor, but this time I had the time to check some more of thier stuff out.... looks good.....
  18. I'll have to check that out.... right now the machetti is roughed out, but lack of time is slowing the project down.......
  19. but Cyber kitty... is .... well kinda.......WILD.... can't think of a better adjutive fer hin....................................wow... I type ath the pewer... he goes ..."wow what is that"........ Dang...... "such a kitty"........................................ obvously "cyber kitty" wanted to type on the pewter............ just cyber kitty...............
  20. Besides.... it is so much fun showing security the signed " this is an unloded weapon"..... for my fake pistol and my cutlass.... Actuly I didn't have any problem with that... it was my spyglass that set off the alarms.... but the shrunkin head when they checked my bagage kinda made up fer that..... Hopefull this year for Pip..... I will be bringing both.... (or all three... whatever...) the cutlass, the pistol, and my New Doglock......
  21. I'd think Wally- World.... and thier cheap coyboy hats,..... (well after a bit of stretching the tops to make them more properly pyrate like) I don't think Jas. Townesn has small sizes (my favorite source...) but .... hey there might be someplace else that works......
  22. OK.... Rant here....... "I HATE DO-RAGS............" and dome tents... when I was in the SCA.....well they have no "period camp"... set up a nice camp, but the Eric is already full.... so whereeles..... anyway... set it up, wake up the next morning souronded by DANG DOME TENTS........ You get a chunk of cloth..... just a little less that a yard wide..28" or there about.... fold if in half....(diagongoly or something spelled that way) put the center of it agenst yer forehead..... pull the other ends around yer 'ed..... tie a knot.... and you have a head-rag/scarf....... OK... what I wear is just cotton.... Wally-World special..... $2.00 per yard..... So for $2.00 I have a head-rag/ scarf..... its all in how you tie the sucker.......... I wanna get sone silk... but as Duchess says..... might be a bit slipery.... but iff it can hold a knot.... it should work.......
  23. I don't think this is exactly along the same lines.... but I will post anyway..... I use to be a SCA Heavy weapons fighter..... and Meredieas was (back then) thinking of going to or allow fencing.... OK foils can "hurt" but why go to schlaggers.... you need more armour (OK I know this only makes sence to people who know what I'm typing.....) I just think ... playing with foils alows you to do your stuff... (well fight) with out so much armor or ...... ok pain... I'm thinking of getting some fencing mask offa E-Bay (more foils be easy to get....) and just "playing" at "Swashbuckling"....... lighter armour, so you don't get hurt (well maybe some "welts") I don't have to "smash" my opponet.... (and it they happen to be female where is the fun in that...) but just to play.... sword fight for fun....... (dang... and once again..... the idea is cool, just didn't type out the way I wanted it to.... rats...)
  24. Do-rags and Dome tents........ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh......! Sorry, it's just a personel rant I have against them....... I was going to write a how to tie a scarf (head-rag) on my web page, then decided maybe not, but now, maybe I will (along with my rant against do-rags..... )
  25. Yah... that end gets tucked under the knot. If you twist the ends first, you can get it to fit better. And if the weather is hot, soakiing the whole thing in water then tieing it makes it fit better, and is much cooler.....
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