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Everything posted by kaizoku

  1. Many thanks ta ye' Seeing as I be spenden me gold on schoolen and other random college expenses me be building on a budget. Everything in the picture has me still be under $125 with the sword taking $35 of it. The sword is actually a replica civil war officer sword which I picked up while shopping on a ghost hunten trip down in gettysburg... Thanks for the compliments guys.
  2. Very nice find, picking a choosing a few for music to listen to while typing my school report! It's cool they post them up for dl. Thanks for the link!
  3. I wonder what happens when so many people join the clicky things get close Guess we will find out :) Very cool thing indeed, though. Looking forward to see it fill up.
  4. and I thought I had tooo much time on my hands....
  5. Still missing a few key ingredients but I'll post em anyway. Next addition is a nice mid calf style pair of boots. Hope I'm not a disgrace
  6. Arr this be a list of interest. Because it's not set in that thar stone yet. Ill add ye and ill be doing an email!
  7. Arr, ye be right! Me feets be cold now
  8. my generation is scary
  9. I be saying that is one of the good sites I've seen! I be adding you to the list of good sites on me own!
  10. Arr, and the Pirate Episode is actually one of the better ones. Even if ye didn't like pirates. I want that pirate board game from sponebob :) Just caz it magically reburied the treasure :)
  11. Lol, talk about an easy to drive pirate ship :)
  12. Ya it's kind of in secret mode I know. But toontown online was addicting enough so potc, which in one review disney admitted they are spending a lot more time on, should be great. MMORPGS are so fun :) What is pirates of the burning sea? havent heard of that one.
  13. Arr!! Well I add ye to the list of greatness! Hopefully over the next few weeks the list fills up and we can arrive a full crew! To be honest I never have been to bube's but everyone told me its amazing food and atmosphere. And whats better than a pirate feast for pirate people!
  14. If any of you didn't know disney is preparing to release a mmorpg based upon potc upon release of the second movie. I searched and didn't see a thread on it so perhaps I can start one :) http://disney.go.com/pirates/online/ http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=8288 I am on the mailing list and can't wait!
  15. Heh, if you didn't notice I am not old enough to drink either! That's alright though. You don't have to be of drinken age to come along!
  16. Bube's Brewery The next one that gives us a chance to see if anyone wants to do this is: Sunday, January 8th. Bube's Brewery host pirate feasts every now and again where the staff is dressed as pirate, the meals are period and pirate related. I called about it and some guests dress up and some don't. Meaning we could arrive in garb. The feasts are hosted in the catacombs: The Catacombs Restaurant is several stories below the surface of the street in the aging cellars of Bube's Brewery. Although I am not old enough to drink maybe this will get ye older ones thinken: http://www.bubesbrewery.com/images/ph11_big.jpg This is just to wage interested if you are interested please check in. Interested so far: kaizoku Mercenary Wench callenish gunner Mick MacAnselan Zath Chauvert tishsparrow
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