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Everything posted by kaizoku

  1. Aye! I have two box's of this here treasure in me cupboard meself!
  2. ARRR! Ye all shoulda got the season pass before xmas it wasn't even 70 dollars before xmas :/ Thats like going to the faire 3 times! I'll be living there this year! I work every other weekend so ill be there prolly every other saturday or sunday and before work somedays lol.
  3. Got my season pass before xmas this year while it was on discount still!! I think I might make a showing at the celtic fling also! If anyone is interested and lives around the area im trying to get a group together to have some fun outside of faire season! www.countyerdoubloons.com/tavern i just bought the site but figured since its hard to find anyone with similar interests out here we could get a group together and do something outside of pa faire!
  4. I deal in Poop. I dont like it. Whats worse is everyday is Monday. For life or until you retire. Aye you deal in poop and I wipe it... The many joys of the low level nursing job :/
  5. When should we be expecting the first issue? I am still kinda hanging around and saving me doubloons for the right moment...
  6. lol best work story ever
  7. This is why we have a truck with a plow, a tractor with a plow and bucket and a 4wheeler with a plow :) We thought ahead.
  8. That definately deserves one hearty huzzah! Can't wait for release now. Oooo that makes me so anxious .
  9. You all have fun while im at work
  10. I say we go buy the island excavate. If we find a treasure great, if we don't we just say forget it turn the island into an 18th century hangout and sail around it and fight eachother :)
  11. I understand the whole columbus thing but can someone explain to me how that actually proved the world was round it showeed that it he sailed west he wouldn't come the whole way around to india but just hit a further landmass. Its not like he went around america. I mean i understand that he thought america was india. But if that's the case, why do we consider him to be the one that proved earth was spherical?
  12. dukes of hazard
  13. Aye it's a bit much fer me. I would rather take a Disney 7day cruise through the carribean for 2000 less... A tallship voyage would be nice, but for 2000 more and 2 days less... i think disney is a better option :)
  14. Aye, besides chicago i didn't see any other locations on the website. Are there going to be any on the east coast? Or is only the opening location set?
  15. Treasure Island, without a doubt as far as novels go. Although Johnny and the Starcatchers caught my by suprise, and is actually a rather good read. There are plenty of worthwhile pirate books, but novels i can't think of too many.
  16. kaizoku is japanese for pirate :)
  17. After someone has played it let me know how it is, because i was always a counterstrike player myself back when i played games a lot. I have played bf1942 though, but it has to be an good mod to get me to spend 40 on the game again! Let me know!
  18. hahahaha that is the coolest screensaver i have seen yet. its on my comp now
  19. Woohoo your going to be in pirate fame soon me matey! Perhaps it your big break! :) Be sure to fill us in on the details as ye get em!
  20. My opinion is based entirely on the facts and evidence (or lack total thereof) in this particular case. The opposing opinion is based on romance and wishful thinking (Seriously, show me some actual evidence that anyone ever found oak platforms etc and I'll change my opinion in an instant). You can't argue against opinions, but if you disagree with them you can try to change them with facts and evidence. When someone produces some I'll change mine, until then I'll just continue to giggle behind my hands at credulous folks who believe everything they are told without questioning it. Enigma, my opinion is based on the evidence, what's yours based on? Foxe, I respect your opinions but I would like to ask if the whole proof thing is what is holding you back from believing that there may be something down there. Perhaps you would answer to me this, do you believe we landed on the moon? If you say no, well ok then, but if yes what proof do you have other than people telling you we did? I am not trying to be rude, by no means, but I feel that its unfair stance vs the other side to state there is nothing there because you dont think(there is no proof for either side i know) that they had found the platforms. Even if they didn't for all we know there is something down there. There may not be, but don't you see it as a bit of bashing everyone elses theories because of one excavation not being recorded. Me personally, I agree with you and feel there probably isn't anything there but I don't disregard all their theories just because an excavation wasn't recorded if it happened. And if there is something there I hope it stays down there, history only lasts as long as we allow it... uprooting it will take away from why it was put there... The people that would find it are the rich excavators that don't care about the treasure and just want to money they would get for finding it. My hats tipped to ye Foxe and all the others in this debate but I feel that this is one that will not be won for either side until it is fully excavated.
  21. Navis Aequoreus : kind of odd I know but it means a ship(navis) belonging to the sea(aequoreus) in latin....i always liked the sound of it.
  22. 1. Im already freezing my butt off and its only November.... 2. I didn't even start Christmas shopping 3. I have to work Thanksgiving 4. Im sick of walmart not having the stuff I needed 2 months ago for camping when they replaced it with Christmas stuff in september... 5. I don't have much choice to be ready anyway because not much I can do about the rotation of the earth....
  23. nuclear meltdown
  24. greg be my name!
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