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Everything posted by kaizoku

  1. Alright this is getting ridiculous. If you guys can't help answer the actualy question and are more worried about criticizing my non-complete thesis then please do not post. It was only a quick jot of a thesis. Not thought through and not set in stone. It was the result of freewriting. A composition paper, which you should know since your all worried about criticizing me, is a thing that gets rewritten(INCLUDING THE THESIS, WHICH I DID STATE THE THESIS MAY CHANGE IN THE ORIGINAL POST) many times before the paper is actually handed in. My thesis is changed, so lets move on....
  2. My thesis is actually most likely going to be about how how hollywood portrays almost all ships as non democratic where in many occasions they were. basically saying that the hollywood vision of a pirate ship is very incorrect.
  3. I understand where your coming from but when your proving a point on a research paper you don't use the information against yourself.... LoL
  4. Democracy in action! May I enquire if you would happen to know the source of that information? Information about a trial in the hold would do excellent as information in my paper.
  5. The pirate captain was elected, but I never read and have been searching for this answer. The other men, such as the quartermaster, boatswain, cook etc. Where they put into "office" by the captain or were they elected by the crew as well?
  6. aye matey, we are the few and proud :) We have to keep the spirit of the pirate alive me says!
  7. Aye. Drink to that matey . Very true although faires are very "fantasy" what better place to pirate(because not all of us can afford a pirate ship me says!)!
  8. Wow never reall go the theatre but after seeing the trailer it looks like I might be making one stop before PoTC2 lol. Looks like it should be good. the acting looks good. but only time will tell...
  9. kerplunk the game
  10. Wow, me needs some loot meself. Who do ye feel should get it? Not to sound rude but finders keepers me says! Why were they looking for treasure anyway? Were they looking for that treasure or something else? Funny thing is just the other day I nabbed a copy of Smithsonian of the nursing home I work at magazine shelf because it had a rather large article on the true story of Robinson Crusue and the island...
  11. Phew. You have more patient that me matey Looks awesome though, should show some picture of the work in progress!
  12. Did you ever go before? The website makes it look fun to go to. I like the idea of decorating your own table with you pirate stuff. I'll have to see about sailing in for this one!
  13. All this information is of great help. Do you guys feel that my thesis would be better set vs hollywood image?
  14. I understood that the captain was voted on by I did have one curiosity that a google search couldn't pull up the necesary answer. If they decided a new captain was necesary did it almost always result in murder/marooning/violence or did it ever just kind of happen like an impeachment and the captain backed down and let someone else in his place? Also, I do plan to hit up the border books a bit aways as walden books does not have any good stock in pirate books it is all order. And the paper is due on short notice leaving me with not enough time to wait for shipping.
  15. Actually at the PA Ren Faire they have a very nice shop which builds you a tricorn hat with the accessories you choose. I was going to do that then opted for http://cgi.ebay.com/Brown-DISTRESSED-Rogue...1QQcmdZViewItem which you can see me wearing in me profile pics. It's a nice hat for the price.
  16. I plan on writing my paper with the thesis of(edits likely to come) "Life aboard a pirate's ship, contrary to popular belief, was well organized and the rules were abided by." And this is the code of conduct I found that seemed the most legit online. I was wondering is this a good one to use? Is it missing any big points? And if you know of any other information and/or links that have information on how a ships rules were inforced on a pirate ship and other information like that it would be greatly appreciated. 1. Every man shall obey civil Command; the Captain shall have one full share and a half in all Prizes; the Master, Carpenter, Boatswain and Gunner shall have one Share and quarter. 2. If any man shall offer to run away, or keep any Secret from the Company, he shall be marroon'd with one Bottle of Powder, one Bottle of Water, one small Arm and shot. 3. If any Many shall steel any Thing in the Company, or game, to the Value of a Piece of Eight, he shall be marroon'd or shot. 4. If at any Time we should meet another Marrooner (that is Pyrate) that Man that shall sign his Articles without the Consent of our Company, shall suffer such Punishment as the Captain and Company shall think fit. 5. That Man that shall strike another whilst these Articles are in force, shall receive Mose's Law (that is 40 stripes lacking one) on the bare Back. 6. That Man that shall snap his Arms, or smoak Tobacco in the Hold, without a cap to his Pipe, or carry a Candle lighted without a Lanthorn, shall suffer the same Punishment as in the former Article. 7. That Man that shall not keep his Arms clean, fit for an Engagement, or neglect his Business, shall be cut off from his Share, and suffer such other Punishment as the Captain and the Company shall think fit. 8. If any Man shall lose a Joint in time of an Engagement he shall have 400 pieces of Eight; if a limb 800. 9. If at any time you meet with a prudent Woman, that Man that offers to meddle with her, without her Consent, shall suffer present Death
  17. Perhaps I could sell my car and truck to afford it
  18. Arr, me wish me was sleeping. I was at the place of work. Arr, well I wanted to see if enough interest gathered before I started making plans and making a reservation or whatnot. Arr me being only 18 makes it so me has many more years of pirating ahead of me and many more years of learning me says.
  19. My girlfriend is watching a haunting show on tv while im browsing the pub so that is what i am listening to.
  20. Heh I was debating about making a post like this about 15 minutes ago :) I played saxophone and trumpet for a few years because my parents made me but it faded because it sounds like crap by itself. I played electric guitar for a while(something that sounds good by itself) but that's fading(as far as interest goes) and I am currently trying to teach myself dulcimer I like the celtic sound.
  21. Lol to the joke above. That is hilarious. I could just image getting to write those letters to someone hahaha.
  22. Trying to think of a good pirate research paper for comp at college and getting ready for work... o yay.
  23. Wow looks huge and awesome but I think I need to see it on a head for a true comparison to give my opinion.
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