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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. Come 'ere, lass! ***Matt hugs Bunny and they fall down in the mud*** You're fer sure a goodtime gal. How 'bout a drynk? Now if I could jest find the barmaid....
  2. caused by loose lips
  3. Don't count me out, lass. I'm no quitter! ***Mad Matt gets up off the floor and while she is hunched over laughing her arse off, grabs a Bunny foot (good luck, some say!). He pulls himself to her as she tries to back away, still laughing feverishly. Bunny isn't looking where she's going. As Matt tries to stand up, she falls backward into the mud, dragging Mad Matt right back into it again.***
  4. OH! Yer gonna get it! Here's mud in yer eye! ***Mad Matt throws two globs of mud @ Bunny, split seconds before he trys to run at her. Mud.....slippery on the floor......LOOK OUT I CAN'T STOP!!!***
  5. Ahhhhhhhh.....pigtails.....niiiiiiiice!!! :)
  6. Well, a new job definitely cuts into Pub time. Today's a day off. I'll be in and out... Plus I'm tryin' t' be less......confrontational....
  7. YOU KNOW IT! :)
  8. The four of you would surely kill me...OK, where am I going with this?
  9. Any luck?
  10. I have decided t' change the room (since tharrrrr be no wimmins sparrin' in 'ere). This, as the Hot Tub, will be more seductive, sensual even. Wimmins wantin' t' enter and relax like some fancy day at th' spa arrrrrr welcome...
  11. By the Pub, 'r yer personal life?
  12. That won't happen. Takes an act o' Congress t' get a name change...
  13. Funny. You don't look like one.
  14. What? No pyrat jellybeans?
  15. Does that mean I should be doubly jealous? And the answer is, yes. Why do you ask? Tryin' t' be the Master of the Obvious, I see...
  16. I'm not entirely sure that's possible...
  17. Could we park overlooking the beach?
  18. Would I get a chance t' make it through the door, 'r would ye maul me in th' front yard?
  19. flushed *does look lovely on you, tho'*
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