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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. missing an ear
  2. Spanktravision
  3. sweet nothings
  4. Sure. Ye take a few steps out the secret passage, turn left and head down to the ocean. I may hafta go with ye. Mud's startin' t' cake up in places it shouldn't be...
  5. Loss Prevention, HAZMAT, Safety Officer, First Aid...stuff like that. I work at a local ACE Hardware distribution center. I've got a couple applications pending to see if I can get back into "real" cop work.
  6. It's a J-O-B. It sucks. What else ya wanna know?
  7. Believe me, she knew. She's a sharp lass!
  8. That sucks! Especially when you're used to having technology and then it suddenly isn't there. I haven't had a cell phone for two years and I don't miss them. But when I had one I couldn't imagine being without it.
  9. Uh, oh. Whadya do now?
  10. I do wish Scarlet would join us. I hope the lack of her presence is not a sign of things t' come...
  11. A warm spiced cider it will be. (((Don't look now, but I think Dorian is spyin' on us!)))
  12. Nay, I never yield! But we can sit here, hug each other and talk. That friggin' barmaid better come...OH! Tharrrrr comes one now! Bunny what would ye like. It's on me, lass. Hmmm...in more ways than one...***Matt looks into his purse, tryin' t' pull coins out o' the mud***
  13. Well, that'll count me out...
  14. Jest careful what ye grab, luv! Some of it's attached!
  15. Not bein' confrontational, jest defendin' m'self!
  16. Dierks Bentley
  17. Aye, but Bunny's arrrrrr known fer bein' fast not strong! Watch out! *Matt pushes Bunny down again, mud splatters everywhere. A barmaid comes by t' get our order but is upset her clothes are now sullied and wanders off...*
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