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Okay, heres another quick response. Sorry for being terse, but I've got loads of work to do. In QM an observable (some thing we can observe) is by definition something we can measure. And in measuring the system, we affect it. Mathematically it's called Collapsing the wave function. We've taken a system in a mulitude of states and found out which one it is in. No more uncertainty about it. The wave fuction (the fundemental description of the thing) is changed to reflect this, thus the thing is changed. Wether we use light or anything else to make this measurement it doesn't matter. System is still affected. Done deal, no way out of it. The text of Feynmans lectures I've got says Chapters one and two of volume three are nearly identical to chapters 37 and 38 of volume one. He explains it much better than I can do or have time to do. Quantum encrption comes about because if you know the correct sequence and types to make a series of measurments (ie how to decode the message) you get a meanful result, otherwise, measured (or tampered with) in any other way you get gobollity gook. An this gook gets sent along so when the correct person attempts to decode the message the tampering is obvious because the legitimate receiver can no longer read the message. It's pretty neat stuff.
Go back and listen to or read the first two chapters of Feynmans third volume. And stop using a literary definition of words, particularly observation. It's dangerous enough when applying them to classical mechanics, and totally erroneous when applying it to quantum mechanics.
In that the extra "light" IS the observation. You are both right and wrong. The arguement Feynman was developed used light as an example because it is possibly the least invasive thing to use. The act of looking at something changes it completely. Its just that at classical scales the change is very small compared to everthing else. It is only on the quantum mechanical scale that it becomes seriously important.
hmm, that a secret identity is no good, if everyone knows it is you.
Whoa, I had to go look up that word. Apparently dead things around moisture develop a layer of fatty acids, a wax like substance on the surface. This means they actually start the process of turning into soap!
What follows is just some techincal advice for writing the paper. I'd just like to point out that no self respecting comp. teacher is going to accept: A bunch of people on an internet bulletin board A pirate movie some internet websites As legitmate references. You're going to want to get into a library and look up some of those books and sources mentioned in this thread, then put together your own arguments.
Nope, currently part of the inland empire, but I used to live in Wisconsin.
Who are these people that don't even belong to the pub?
My very most favorite "beer" is from this place http://www.vikingbrewing.com/ Called Mjod. It is brewed from honey, so as mead to wine, Mjod to beer. So very very good. And so, very very far away. Hopefully I'll still be able to get some over Christmas.
Hey, just because I have an enormous vocabulary doesn't mean I'm beyond making up new words or new uses for old ones! Long live the bonkiness.
Did you miss the part at the bottom of the page that says "DRY SITE"? How is this a renaissance festival? I shocked and apalled.
Buy Priscilla on DVD. If you don't like it enough to keep, I'll buy it from you next month.( ie when I get paid again.)
I just got a Bif Naked cd, I Bificus and I'm listening to it for the first time.
So are you a fan of other Baroque music, or just Vivaldi? I'm only curious, because I was well into my teens before I realized that Vivaldi wasn't actually classical music and there was a entire period/style of composing of which he was representative.
I'm a sweet transvestite from traaaansexual transsss..... I can picture it now.
I've got a leather jack, made by Thistle Leather. Mac, the mug maker, died a few years back and his apprentice took over as http://www.elandahleather.com/ Mac's mugs are awesome, I would hope that the apprentice's are good as well, but I don't know. My jack has pretty much been through hell and is still sealed and looking good if a bit worn. The nice thing is they look even better worn and don't break. I fell off a second story balcony and landed on mine. While first aid was treating me, some one filled it with Guinness to help me mend and it never leaked! The only downside is you cannot put hot things in them and if you let anything stand in it too long it will "flavor the leather" and all your future drinks.
Who would ever have guess that on a fundemental level Poptarts smell like explosives? Not me.
I really think this topic should be subtitled "Proof that We're ADD" Or maybe "What We're supposed to be doing right now." Let me offer up: grading papers and class prep.
So, I'm hoping that "guys" in the opening post was gender neutral? I'll fess up to two fist fights. Though, fight might be a little more than they deserve. They both were a physical attack which I avoided and countered. In one case knocking the guy out and in the other simply making him leave.
[Note: Moved from the LOST topic into this one based on Blackjohn's actions. Love, Mission, your moderator who is learning new tricks all the time.] That's cool. I've always thought he was a... cool looking person. I kept wondering where I had seen him, and it dawned on me, he played Howard Hughes in The Rocketeer! (Was that a Disney film too? I believe so. I watched the very beginning of that with son #1 on my lap the other day, saying, "Brent, do you remember daddy's favorite plane? You are going to see it here in a second!") The GB? The GeeBee Racer is your favorite plane? I don't even know what to say. (so I'll use an ambiguous smilie instead)
You might want to consider changing the font on that there website. It's unreadable after the first paragraph.
Two of our very own wonderful craftsman have stepped up to my commision and produced exactly what I was looking for. These were hand carved by Patrick Hand and further stained by myself. And serve admirably well in keeping my hair up. Though I must confess that I've managed to lose the one on the right after only having them a month. I can only hope that it has gone on to a home where it will be equally appreciated. These two lovelies where custom made on a lathe by Captain Jim-Sib, who his buisness card tells me, aslo makes ships in bottles. So many thanks to my two fine artisans.
What! You're going to leave us all Friday night sans quotes? How shall we ever survive?
Yes, of course you're correct. I apologize for not reinforcing your correctness sooner. Carry on.
In rereading my prior post, I realize I forgot to mention that the gentlemans theory was completely incorrect. Proven so by post doc down to freshman physics students. But the guy never cared, just mentioned that physics people have an interest in keeping this information from the public. And since I'm not actually paying (directly anyway) for it, I'll take whatever I can get! hello, pirate!