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Scarlet McBayne

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Everything posted by Scarlet McBayne

  1. Sam, me lad, ye have a good chance o meetin many of Pyracy Pubs finest at Escondido this fall. I be plannin to be there as well as Diego and Rummy, I believe. Huzzah to the deck swabber
  2. Ahoy Sister, I knew ye would be gettin me jest...til tomorrow night then I's turn right and on til Vegas. Any other of ye salty dogs takin the voyage out to the desert for Las Vegas faire? Lets see a show o hands here.
  3. Rum balls, I likes the sound o that, I think I mite be haven to learn to be makin some o that rum cake they had a Ojai...yum yum rum. Las Vegas here we come...
  4. Rummy, love, i still be recoverin from the weekend...I have much to learn from ye. Mr. Hawks, that there brew be mighty fine indead, could ye be sharin somemore with me and me sister pyrate? Here be a kiss for ye in thanks.
  5. So Scarlet walks into the singles bar, sits down and asks, so whats a single wench gotta do to get a fellow to buy her a drink around here?
  6. Why Hawks, ye silver tongued pyrate you, how did ye know that me throat be dry and me tankard empty? O course I be lovin a drink about now. Tis a shame ye were not at Ojai, there were much fine table dancin goin on there. We might jest have ta give ye a repeat performance...
  7. Ace, tis vera glad I am that yer missus is comin home today! Hip hip huzzah and all that! Ye mite be amused to here ( and soon see the pictures of ) there were about a dozen or more of the blackest-hearted, fendish pyrates ye ever dinna want to meet ,on their knees, heads bowed in prayer for yer lass. I hopes to meet ye and yer kin soon. God Bless and stay safe til then!
  8. And mine as well. Tell her that all these black-hearted scondrels will be on their knees praying for her! What a picture eh?
  9. Diego, I not be thinkin that there be enough money to be buyin everything ye be feelin at faire...LOL Well, hell, there not be enough money for me to be buyin all that I be feelin at faire either...hell and damnation, I mite jest have to find me a sugar capt'n...or two. I want a pin that says " ye can have me pyrate booty, but leave me treasure chest alone " wink wink
  10. Was that offer part o yer negotions over me weapons ye be holdin? Well lad, I mit be easy on the eyes, but I not be that easy!!! LOL Make me an offer I canna refuse...of rum and grog o course
  11. Caroleen, damn woman, I likes ye...yer sense o humor, for sense o packin, yer love o rum... I gotta be meetin a fine pyrate wench likes ye...do stop by our little BBQ on saturday ( you know the one Diego has been talkin about ) ifin I donna be meetin ye earlier... Ladies, bottoms up on the grog and resume packin the car/truck/ship... Away we go
  12. This mite be a bit soon, but 58 hours to go til Ojai!!! "yoohoohoo and a bottle o rum" or two or six or ten. Scarlet be singin til then...huzzah ( I mean aarrgh )
  13. Dearie O course ye'll be seein me at Escondido. Wouldna miss an event so close to me own home port. What a sweet thing ye be to be saying such nice things about me eyes, ( imagine me battin em at ye ) the better to see you with me dear... ( as a wolf howls in the background. LOL ) Pull up a stool and join me and me friends at the bar, I jest had Ray open a new casket o Guinnes for us all.
  14. One o me favorite pins that I picked up in SLO reads; "Save a horse, ride a Knight" got that one after I met a very delectable knight. me other favorite pin reads: "You must be this tall - to ride this ride" its fun to think of new places to pin that one ( gives a whole new interpritation each time ).
  15. Well I not be Christine, but ifin ye be lookin to meet a fem-fatal, looks no further, Scarlet will be makin the rounds at Ojai (sounds like I be a super hero or something dont it?)HaHA Did I hear rum bottles? Now there will be no gettin rid o me til they be drunk dry! Tales of the Seven Seas? Were you ( or they ) at Bakersfield pirate weekend? I met a wonderous group of sailor at that port and would love to be meetin them again. I'll even brings me own rum to share... :)
  16. Well Diego, me friend, I thought I'd be updatin yer thread with some upcomin events for pyrates of all ages: sept. 24th & 25th Ojai ( for all ye who just climbed out from under a rock) also same weekend is Sonora International Jousting championship ( it were wonderful last year when I went, but my heart be pyrate black and longin fer Ojai this year ) Oct. 1st & 2nd be the Hanford faire in Fresno Oct. 7th, 8th & 9th be Viva LAS VEGAS ( for all ye gamblin pyrate types or anyone who enjoys o bit o debachery. LOL ) Oct. 15 & 16th be the last weekend o Northern Faire. Hope this info helps all ye scallywags and wenches to get thru the work week.
  17. Do ye ave to ask ifin Scarlet wants more poison? I should think that be quite obvious...YES. Now ye might have to form yer own opinion, but I ave been told that not only do I ave a treasure chest, but pleasure chest as well. Yes love and I do be knowin the difference, but can ye be bringin the pleasure to the treasure? Hummm Bottoms up ( and I meant the liquoer! )
  18. Jonathan you ROGUE, squeezin me backside....as mama taught me " ye can have me pyrate booty, but stays away from me treasure chest " LOL. Week kneed, ( insert throaty purr here ) do tell me more big boy. How many rounds do ye have enough for?
  19. The better to bite Hawks with...
  20. Ah Jonathan, ye be a fine Dread Pyrate ye be and ye have a wonderful way with the words. Guatemalan Rum ye says? -as I swagger over to the bar and plants meself on yer lap and bats me big baby blues- "can I be havin a double shot of what ye has in yer mug?"
  21. Since ye be talkin of other faires, anyone out there goin to Hanford the 1st weekend of October? I have never been, but plan to go this year and was hopin to see some familiar faces up there.
  22. Capt'n Petee ye can count on seein me (Scarlet) up at Ojai. Diego, Rummy and I be talkin of a BBQ one night. Care to join us?
  23. Ahoy there...Tall, dark and hansom ( dona be telling yer lady friend that I said that. I dona fancy me throat slit by the fair damsel ) It was a grand time at Tall Ships and I was very pleased to see ye both there, sorry I was not to see ye on Sunday though. I look forward to seeing and drinkin with you and Jessica-Rabbit ( heehee ) at Ojai if ye be going? Til then....
  24. Barbados Sam well met ye are it seems and I too welcome ye to this here scurvy lot o' Pirates, privateers, buccaneers and lusty wenches, meself being new to the group I'll buy ye a round at the bar. What ye be avin? Rum from Barbados? I hopes to see you at Ojai...although I could ave meet ye at Port Corona. I be the red-head that was auctioned off there. May the wind be at yer back, yer tankard ful O grog and yer treasure chest always full.
  25. Rummy, those pictures are Great!!! To all you's who did'na make it to Tall Ships, too bad soo sad. What a weekend...Good Rum, great shipmates and plenty of eye-candy of both verities. Can't wait til next year to set sail ( lawfully or otherwise, wink-wink ) on board one of those beautiful ships. For all those interested, I'm the red-head next to Rummy in some of the pict's...if you can see past Rummy's...uummm beauty.
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