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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Remembering his dinner confession, and the emerald hidden away in my cabin, I replied, "Yes, well, Jacky does have his little secrets — as do we all." At that moment the Port Authority gentleman, escorted by Nate, came forward with a paper for me to sign, which I did. When the officious little man left the Rakehell, I turned to Africa. "Let's get this cargo unloaded as fast as possible." Then I left the deck and returned to my cabin, still showing the chaos of the previous night's entertainments. With a curse, I began to put things to rights.
  2. Okay, I admit, I was prepared for "Cheesy Barbie Pirate", but, concidering they could have made the doll with blond hair and a pink coat and hat, they didn't do too bad. On a scale on 1-10, I'd give her a 5 for effort. And I hate to admit it, but...I do like the boots. Not to wear with garb, but just to wear with jeans. (Sorry, I have a serious shoe/boot addiction. Where's Cheeky? I need back-up. )
  3. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Chain Shot and myself are going to my best friend's house, where there will be a giant Thanksgiving pot luck. I have to bring veggies for 14 people. The house where this will take place overlooks the Rogue River, so it's very kewl. < Gearing up for Christmas. Getting ready to make Christmas cards. I volunteered to wash dishes all day Saturday for our church's Christmas bazar and sloppy joe lunch. I also made a bunch of bracelets and earrings to sell — money goes to the church youth fund. V Pass the question on...
  4. Seeing Silkie bound off the Relentless and attempt to chase the coach that had taken Jacky away, did nothing to ease my mind. "Oi, Silkie," I shouted. "What's going on? Where's Jacky off to?"
  5. Why do I suddenly have this visual of the Rockettes, all dressed like slices of cinammon toast, with honey bee headdresses on, kicking across a stage? (To the tune of "One, Singular Sensation" )
  6. WOOO HOOO...FINALLY got my first round book back. Awesome job you guys. Thanks sooooo much Boots, Patrick and P.E.W. I love it all! P.E.W., the little weapons locker is so kewl! I'm going to post some pictures of pages from the book as soon as I can, as well as the danglies tied to the spine, since Patrick added to the ones I put on (love the little monkey paw knotwork). THANKS AGAIN, ALL OF YOU BTW, on this second round, I still have not received GoF's book, but since it has a LONG way to travel, it may take it a while yet. I'll post as soon as it arrives.
  7. Will that affect all the bangs and booms at Ojai? I can't remember if that is a state or county park.
  8. I understand about events, BUT, there will always be events. When the thread started, stuff got posted regularly, despite RFII, and Port Washington. I get the feeling the interest has died. One or two people can not carry this thread. Unless the rest of the players come back and get involved, I don't see any reason to keep going. Noble effort, Cheeks, and many thanks for all your wonderful characters, but like I said, one, two, and even three people can not carry this story along, especially if the posts are weeks apart. PR, not only destroyed by an earthquake, but also by apathy. It's not the end of the world if the thread dies. I'm not upset. I'd just like to know so I can either plan new stuff, or move on.
  9. I know there have been a lot of events going on, and people have been busy with "stuff" but I gotta ask, IS PR DEAD? I've been ditzing around killing time with Ioan and Lady V, and I know Cheeks has posted a few times, but let's face it, the thread is on life-support. We're averaging one post every three weeks, and there is NO story line going at all. I say we either jump-start the old girl and get moving again, with everyone participating, or pull the plug. Otherwise, what's the point? Your thoughts?
  10. Ooo, these are VERY nice. I think they would fit right in at an event. Patrick, you should post a picture of the journal you made for the first round. It's small and simple, so maybe an easy thing for someone to make? I have a love/hate relationship with my journals. I like to write/do artwork in them, but they make me feel guilty if I haven't done any entries in a long time. I hear them mubbling among themselves, "Where is she...you seen her?...why start up with us, if she's going to lapse?...I don't think she likes us...well, maybe not you, but she does me..." That's why it's kinda fun to have a fictional character to talk to in the one. If I haven't entered anything in a long time, he always asks, "Where the hell have you been?"
  11. Nice work, Cat. I'll take a bit of fruit and some tea. How'd you know Twinnings was one of my favorites? Takes my plate and cup, and joins the group.
  12. Ignoring Nate for the moment, I looked at Cat. "Now what do you suppose that is all about?." As the coach pulled away from the docks, I suddenly got a really bad feeling. No reason for it, since Jacky admitted he'd dealt with the Navarros before, but.... "Cat, do me a favor. Nip over to the Relentless and have a chat with Roberts, Silkie and Dillard. Ask them if Jacky said anything about meeting the Navarros today." Behind me, Africa gave a huff. "Don see why you bother wit dat man. Best we unload and leave dis place." I could still see the bouncing coach as it headed away from the port. "No doubt you're right, but I'd still like to know what's going on." At that point, the Port Authority arrived and demanded to inspect our cargo. "Nate, take the gent below. When he's satisfied, then we can unload."
  13. Blocking Jacky's retreat, and with a quizically raised eyebrow, I asked, "Since I doubt you've come back on board to retrieve your missing sock, you want to tell me what's in the cute little bags, and why you're in such a blasted hurry to get them off my ship?"
  14. Billy Bones as the Beast, in Beauty and the Beast? NOT that Billy Bones is a beast in any way. A very nice, polite, and amiable pyrate he be! Someone has photoshoped a picture of him, to be sure.
  15. A smile, a wink, a sparkle in the eye, a pair of graceful hands, and the skill to use them.
  16. Holy smoke, Red Cat!!! You made imortal pirate, voted a mod, and get a swivel gun named after you — all in one year! How much better can it get!! With that kind of karma going, maybe you better go buy a lottery ticket! Way to go, and Harbor Master, loverly little beauties they are, indeed!
  17. Really peeved. I have a 1970 Dodge Challenger for sale. I've had this car since 1972. I know this car inside out, upside down. Yet I have guys calling me, and talking to me like I am a total idiot when it comes to MY OWN CAR! Really pisses me off!
  18. Calimari steaks, simple pasta with butter and fresh-grated romano cheese (the good aged stuff), and spinach.
  19. Suddenly, the whole conversations strikes me as halarious. "Does that mean, that when the wind strikes, it's...blue-green? Like fog? Like, don't strike a match?" I double over, laughing so hard my eyes tear. "Sorry, sorry, I know, that was bad, but....sorry!"
  20. Yes, I do. So surprised that you would bother with one more of the Pub's "silly threads." Surely it doesn't impart any meaningful information. It's just for fun, after all. Yeah, Cat, having a fictional character to converse with can be fun. They can play devil's advocate, argue with you, poke fun at you, and ask questions that you might not ask yourself — even though, in a weird way, it IS yourself. Very kewl, Patrick.
  21. Since we're on round two of the sketchbook journals, I was kinda curious as to who on the Pub keeps some kind of journal or diary. Is is GOP correct or mundane? Do you keep more than one? What kinds of things do you put in them (without revealing anything too personal, of course)? So far, I have four going. Computer diary — very personal stuff, written in dialogue. I picked a fictional character from one of my manuscripts to converse with. Sounds sort of weird, but it works. A small art journal 6" x 6", full of pictures, quotes, clip-art, snippets of stuff, art experiments, etc. A small, cheap (cost $1 ) ring notebook that I keep on our boat, to log in weather, water temp, small craft warnings, what we did while aboard and off, when on the coast. And just started a large art journal 9" x 12", which will hold collage work, writing, and altered photos. I don't work/write in all of these every day, and usually the computer one gets the most attention, becasue it's quick and easy. But I do have fun with the others. So, do you keep journals or diaries, and if so, what kind?
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