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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I fear until a few get back from PIP, we won't know for sure.
  2. Has multiple personalities — cooks, Spaniards....
  3. Bumped this up, because I had someone in round two asking what the pictures in the sketchbooks looked like.
  4. Africa's cup paused in mid air, and his dark eyes narrowed. "What?" I asked. With a sigh, he put down the cup. "Here come dat man. I 'spect tea time be over." I quickly looked toward the dock. The carriage that had taken Jacky away, was now depositing him back on the wharf. "Well, it's about time. Maybe he can tell us when we're going to get paid for all this cargo we unloaded, since I haven't seen one bloody coin, or one bale in trade goods." Secretly, I felt like an anvil had been lifted from my shoulders.
  5. Please, GoF, PM her and find out when or if she mailed it. Just a suggestion to you all. If a book hasn't shown up within a reasonable time, then don't keep waiting and wondering where it is. PM the person ahead of you and find out. Sometimes books take longer to travel than we think, but other times, the artist has procrastinated too long, and needs a "push." With this many players, we all have to keep to the schedule, or it's really going to mess things up. So, everybody, please check in — do you have the book you're suppose to? Are you almost finished doing your artwork? NEXT JUMP IS DEC 1. ARE YOUR BOOKS READY? BTW, I bumped up Patrick's "Pirate Girl Comic" in Pirate Pop, so you could see examples of the work Patrick and I did in the first round books (someone had asked me to share )
  6. For all those heading to PIP.... Have a safe trip, have a great time playing pyrate, and come home safe and sound! Don't have to tell you to have fun...figured that was a given. And Rats, I feel for you, mate. But there is always next year.
  7. Thanks, Capnwilliam. Here is another one from the book that I also like. "God tolerates the intolerable, he is irresponsible and inconsistent. He is not a gentleman."
  8. Our house isn't big enough to have a full-sized christmas tree, so I have about six small, table-top ones that I decorate and put all over the house. Since these aren't real trees, I cut pine branches from outside, and bring them in for the smell. Another decorating tradition is to fill large, clear glass bowls with bright colored ornaments and strings of Christmas beads. I let the beads kinda spill over the top. A tradition that we just started last year is going to the Shore Acres Christmas Light display. Shore Acres is a huge public garden just outside of Charleston, OR, and about ten minutes away from where we keep our boat. The gardens are on an estate that overlooks the ocean (the house burned down decades ago, and only the gardens remain). It takes them months to string all the plants, hedges, ponds, etc. with lights. They also have animated scenes, all done in lights. Last year as you came in, they had lights that made it look as if you were underwater. At eye-level were fish, jelly fish, etc. Above, you could just see the legs of water birds. On the ground were starfish, crabs, and seaweed — all in lights. Along with all the lights, they have carolers, and free cookies and hot cider. It's pretty awesome. And it's free, other than the $3 parking fee (it's a state park). Hey, maybe people could post pictures of some of their holiday decorations, once they are up. That would be a fun thing to share.
  9. Renting DVD's of CSI Las Vegas, and Bones. We don't have TV, so this is the first time I've seen any of these. LOVE them.
  10. I've finished GOF's book, but will wait until Patrick is back from PIP before I mail it to him. How are the rest of you doing?
  11. Ahhh, thanks Cat, just what I needed. I'm just now finally able to look food in the face again.
  12. Obviously, you haven't seen me at home in my usual "transient" costume of sweatshirt, men's lounging PJs, and slippers. Thanks Jill. Maybe I'll do the Sharon Stone thing, and wear one of Chain Shot's white shirts with a long skirt. Or a black GAP T-shirt and long skirt. I was just ranting because it makes me crazy that retailers think once you pass, say, thirty/forty, you want to dress like the aunt that Harry Potter "blew up" in the third movie. NOT! Nor do I want to wear something that would make people whisper under their breath "Look at that poor woman trying to pretent she's still twenty. So sad." Guys have it easy. Throw on a suit, they're good to go.
  13. Jacky's extended absence was making me more and more nervous. Rather than pace the deck, I went below to the galley, boiled up some water, and made tea, bringing out my fancy silver tea set. It was my one shipboard vanity. Africa took the heavy tray topside, and I invited him to join me, since he'd refused to go on shore with the others. "I been a slave once. Would kill me to be a slave again. I stay here on the Rakehell, where I be safe." Like two rich lords, we sipped our tea and made idle conversation, but all the while our eyes scanned the docks and wharf area, watching and waiting.
  14. The Fencing Master by Arturo Perez-Reverte — translated from the Spanish by Margarate Full Costa "Fencing is like Holy Communion. You must come to it in a fit state of body and soul. If you break that supreme law, then punishment is bound to follow."
  15. Ah, leg wwarmers and slouch socks. I loved leg warmers. I even wore them over my jeans and boots when my first husband and I went motorcycle camping. Righ now, I'm feeling......frustrated. Tried to find a party dress at the mall last night. If the dress didn't make me LOOK like a old lady (dumpy, dowdy), then it made me FEEL like an old lady (too much bare skin, too tight). Why can't they make dressed for women of a "certain age" that looks hot, instead of stupid or frumpy?
  16. Tea My cat, Celeste, standing on my drawing table and talking to the sparrows in the pine tree right outside the window. Chain Shot, back in town from a truck run. JT — sorry I missed your call the other day.
  17. BriarRose, I don't know which version of Kingdom you have, but I just read an interview with Ridley Scott, who said that movie was butchered by the studio from it's original length, so he felt the story got chopped up so badly that's why it tanked at the theaters. The studio is supposed to release Scotts original intended cut, which even the critics say makes it a much better movie. I have the original released version and still like the movie, so will be very interested to watch the Directer's Cut when it comes out. Just watched Amazing Grace, with Ioan Griffuth, and it was very good. I recommend it.
  18. Food? Already?....................... I'll pass. Just tea, please.
  19. Africa studied the man called Nate, and thought about his request. The Cat was already off visiting the Relentless, but the captain had asked her to do so to gather information about That Man. The off-loading was finished, and no doubt Tunny, Jimmy and Ludo were going to be wanting time ashore as well. However, he couldn't dismiss them without the captain's permission. "I check wit da captain. She say you can go ashore, you go." From behind him, Africa heard the Captain's voice. "The men can go ashore, but must keep to the wharf area taverns. No one is to go inland, out of site of the ships. We may need to leave this place in a hurry, so unless you want to be left behind, keep that in mind." Africa nodded, then looked at the men who stood around waiting for the order. "You heard da captain. But you forget da rule, and we leave you to da Spanish." Then he turned to the captain again and said, "I stay on board." With a whoop, Tunny, Jimmy and Ludo jumped ship.
  20. Yeah, I know, and I know it's not really supposed to be me, but.....can I keep that cleavage dream a little longer, please.
  21. ............... Hey, I have curly hair! But, Patrick luv, you gave me..............................CLEAVAGE!!!!!! Runs up to Patrick and gives him a BIG hug. Okay, yea I peeked, but I won't see this for almost a year, so......
  22. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL! And here is some old advise: "For one that is sick upon a full stomach, take fennel and chew it in thy mouth. Spit out some, and take down some. It is a present remedy. Fairfax Household Book, 17th/18th century
  23. Just spent two hours going through a 10 lb. job lot of costume/vintage jewelry bits and pieces that I won on Ebay. As I figured, 20% will go to the GoodWill. About 10% was junk that got tossed, and maybe 1% was really nice vintage. The rest will keep me in parts, chains, old beads, and charms for the next year, to convert into custom bracelets, necklaces and earrings. I'm slowly working up an inventory so I can hopefully start selling through a shop or on a Cafe site on the internet, like Rumba does with her things. So far, I've only made pieces as gifts. Lotsa fun, and therapy for when I have writer's/artist's block.
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