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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Gregorian Christmas, Chants & Motets by Capella Gregoriana Very soothing in all the Christmas rush.
  2. :angry: Sorry, maybe it's just me, but....I found the whole Jack/elf thing really....creepy.
  3. Weeel, if I had a book, I might think about it, but...GoF and I are kinda behind, since Red Cat's book got lost in transit, and she had to send another one to GoF. It looks like Dec is going to be a "pass" for me, with no book to work in. :angry: It's a kewl idea though, pyrate Christmas.
  4. Waking into a wavering, drugged world, and with my stomach feeling like I was on the deck of a heaving ship, I tried to collect my wits enough to remember where the hell I was. However, my mind was so fogged, and the pain in my shoulder so sharp, that all I could do was let out a raspy series of curses, which did not change my circumstances, but was a true testiment of how I felt. Rolling to my side in an effort to get my bearings, the room tilted and swayed at vertiginous angles, making my stomach queasy, and causing my eyes to feel crossed. "Trilby, blast you, what the hell did you put in that rum? I'll throttle you, I swear it, you Scottish devil, if I could just..." With a groan I settled back into the cot and waited for my world to stop spinning.
  5. Okay, I know it got kind of confusing for you Chris, coming in late. In theory, your book would have gone to Black Mab, and Patrick's book would have come to you. However, because you had to stand down the first round, Patrick sent his book directly to Mab instead. Coming back into it for Dec. you should have then sent your book to Mab, and Patrick would send (and did) my book to you to work in. Come Jan. you would have sent my book to Mab, and received GoF's book from Patrick...and on and on through the months until each book made its way back home to the original artist. Simply put, month by month each book makes the circut of artists until it finally gets back to where it started. Does that help? If not, PM me with any questions you still have.
  6. Now, now, play nicely children. **Hands a mocha to Cat and JT, and sips my own Chai tea** There, isn't that better? Oh, and JT, since I am a former So. California girl, that would be: drinks, dinner, a movie, and a hot fudge sundae.
  7. My first inclination was to agree with Cat. There was no way I wanted to work for or with the Spanish, nor did I think my crew would agree to it, especially Africa. Out-numbered and out-gunned, we would be, as Jacky had said — sitting ducks. And even if we agreed to help them, all our hard work would go to their gain. Navarro would find some way to cheat us out of any treasure we might find. But I had a few more questions to ask before I made up my mind, and risked us all being taken prisoners. "Jacky, why is Navarro asking for our help? Surely he has enough ships to make the venture himself, and he has your charts, since I'm sure Spoons, that treacherous dog, made copies. Why does he need us, and what will he do if we refuse to play his game? And is there a way to beat him at his own game, should we be forced to agree to his deal? You know the man better than any of us. Can we outsmart him?"
  8. Doodles are fine, and I'm sure yours are lovely. Don't forget to "sign in" on a tag (I put myself on the first one to show what I meant).
  9. Yeah, that's my book. I thought Patrick had sent it to Chris right before he left for PIP. Not sure why Chris sent it to you instead of his own book. Better PM him and ask. BTW, in my book I made two pages where everyone can decorate a shipping tag with their picture, or some other personal sign/ signature, along with the date they finish working on the book, and then put it in a "rope" slot. I did this so I'd have a record of everyone who worked on the book. I started with my pic, but just not sure if I made it clear what all those tags were for.
  10. I'm off to bring in wood so I can start the fire in the woodburning stove before the house gets too cold. Fun. NOT. But it does feel sooooo good when it's going.
  11. Isn't it amazing how, if there is something they can get into, they will. I have found this applies to every animal I've ever had, from cats and dogs to sheep, cattle and horses. Sometimes you just roll your eyes and wonder "What were they thinking!" Glad to hear little Sophie is okay. How did you finally decide on that name? I think it's lovely.
  12. Glass of wine/beer and oyster shooters for starters! (We only eat these when we go to the coast and buy the oysters REALLY fresh) For those never having tried this ambrosia, oyster shooter = one or two fresh raw oysters in a shot glass, fresh lime juice squeezed over them, and a dab of hot sauce. Then snarf it all down in one gulp. Yum! Then, hummm...chuck steak roasted in the oven with shitake mushrooms, onions, carrots and celery and served with wild rice.
  13. I hate to say it, but...I agree with Rats on the desert scene. Jack could have made his great entrance into the movie per usual just sailing onto the beach with the others standing around with their collective jaws dropped. I also agree with Rat's opinion about Norrington, especially as he was one of my favorite characters. Yeah, he had to pay the price for picking the wrong side, but he redeemed himself in the end, so no need to bump him off in such a tacky way. LOVED the battle scene where all the pirates hoist their colors. Makes you want to leap off the couch and cheer. And this is a totally girly thing, but...where did they get all that kewl china? I've been lusting after the cups they showed at the start of the second move (with rain plinking into them). In both the second and third movies, where did they find those lovely sherry/port glasses and decanters? Would I need to take a Spanish galleon full of gold to afford any of it? And this to Disney...bring out a special costume disc. Show us the details, the fabrics, the patterns, the concept drawings, the accessories, the shoes/boots, the...well, everything. Trust me, if they did, it would sell like hotcakes! JMHO
  14. Very funny! I think you guys were having WAY too much fun. LOL And yes, anyone who has the chance to meet Mr. Hand, should do so. A very fine pyrate, indeed.
  15. It's a large, 380 gal rubber stock tank, partly buried in the ground, and the rest hidden behind decorative stone blocks that don't need mortar to hold them together. So far the last two are still alive. One is five years old, the other, two. With it being so cold, they are in hybernation, so that may help. Come Spring, I could still lose them.
  16. Africa, who had been watching the two captains closely, was annoyed when he was interrupted by the one called Nate expressing the same misgivings as he himself had. Therefore he snapped at the man with more anger than he'd intended. "You feelin's don matter on dis boat. You job to watch dat new man and do as you told. Got no call to talk o' bad feelin's and scare dis crew. Whatever come, da two captains will deal with it." He turned away from Nate, his attention once again focused on the poop deck of the Relentless.
  17. Inwardly, I vowed that if I ever ran into Spoons again, I'd shoot a hole in one of his kneecaps. Outwardly, I attempted to remain calm, as a fit of temper now would solve nothing. "So, the sum of it is, either we work for the Spaniards, or we attempt to run to Florida and they blast us out of the water? That about it?"
  18. Jacky's tale, as it unfolded, got stranger and stranger. At the mention of Spoons, I felt my hackles rise. At the mention of the firing squad, I thought my heart would leap out of my chest. "What are you caught in the middle of, Jacky? And what price are we going to have to pay to get out of this harbor?"
  19. Patrick, FYI, I PMed Casketchris a few days ago, and he said he is still in, and has a book ready to send out. But you might want to touch bases with him anyway.
  20. Chain Shot and I spent that Saturday night on our boat, which is in Charleston Harbor, west of Coos Bay. Lots of wind and rain, but at that point, no flooding. Wind blowing so hard, that the rain hitting my face felt like needles, and for every step I took forward, I'd get blown two back. I was riding with Chain Shot in his big rig truck (48' trailor!), making deliveries along the coast that weekend, from Florence to Bandon. Very exciting, let me tell you! Glad to be inland and home in Grants Pass. However, our boat did really well, and since the marina didn't call us later, I assume it's still afloat. We're going back for a three day weekend tomorrow, so will check out any damage.
  21. Now, think of it with five of them in cahoots! Haunting Lily, your newby is certainly a charmer! Congrats!
  22. I didn't go to PIP, but when Chain Shot and I flew to Ojai, the Medford, OR airport security guys almost confiscated our pewter mugs. I had both of them in my carry-on bag, and the man held one up to show his superior and asked, "Is this okay?" Like we could really take over an airplane with an ale mug.
  23. DEFINITELY furtive...case in point: I rest my case!
  24. All the pictures are super! Is it just me, or does Billie always look sort of...furtive? As if he's waiting for someone to suddenly jump up and arrest him. Sorry Billie, no offence. You guys obviously had WAY too much fun. I'm really hoping Chain Shot and I can make it next year. The "Play by Play" thread was such a great idea, so kudos to those who posted and kept the rest of us up to date and feeling like we were part of the fun....almost.
  25. Yes, Haunting Lily, congrats on your new "baby" and yes, show us pictures! Sorry about your headache, Siren. Hope you feel better soon. I get migrains, so I know what you're going through. Today I'm feeling optomistic, as my last two koi are still hanging in there. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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