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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Merry, me dear, I think you and Doc need ta get a room, with a hot tub, and hang up a notice, "Do not disturb for the next seven days — just send up food and rum and leave them at the door!" (Just teasin' ye know! )
  2. I suggest ye Ask and publish one of Patricks Comics..They are funny ! He included them fer a few of the books goin round.. If they decide to do one of Patrick's comics, I would suggest they print the one in Pew's book, giving the real reason Port Royal was destroyed! It's a classic!
  3. You look pretty handsome there, Eyes, but...I kinda miss the ugly scar you sported at Nor Cal.
  4. Artistic weaponry, sez I! Might as well look good, before ye bash their teeth out!
  5. Nic pics, Pew. I really like the small leather book. I was thinking of doing something in a smaller size for this round, just to be a bit different, since I already have two books 6" x 9". BTW, I see you got a touch of dangly fever with that one. Fun, aren't they? Well, I'm off to the craft stores today, to see what goodies I can find for this new round. Fun, fun, fun.
  6. Yeah, and I know where you're going to be, and my reaction is... WAAAAAAHHHHH....I wanna go too!!!!!!!
  7. Like I said at Nor Cal, Jill, if your duffle bag feels a little heavier than usual, just ignore it. However, you might toss a granola bar into it a few times...at least until the Aldebaran is out to sea! I know you will have a blast, and I am sooooo green with envy right now!
  8. Thanks, Jill! I love the first one. I look so determined and rather...fierce? But I have pirated both pictures from this thread and saved them in my computer — 'cause, how many times do you get a picture of yourself fireing a cannon? For me, that was a first. I have you and Iron Jack to thank for all that Bang and Boom fun. It really made my weekend!
  9. Sure — Myself, Patrick, and now Pew (1st round, 2ed round, and3rd round "cat wranglers" on this idea), would be more than happy, I'm sure, to babble on about how much fun it is. Also, any of the artists involved would probably love to have their artwork featured. Some of it has already been posted on the Pub awhile back, so you could probably do a Pub search and find it (I'm terrible at that, or I'd do it for you). Thanks for the compliment of thinking it would make a nice mag article.
  10. Also, as I asked in the first round, and Patrick asked in the second — It helps if each artist works a few pages of their book first, to kinda give it a flavor or theme, which helps the artists down the line decide on what to do in each book. This is much more fun, than for the first-leap artists to each get a blank book, with only a name on the front or inside page. There have been people who have sent their books out with no artwork in them to start, but I think most of us prefer getting a first book in the round that already has one or two pages of the owners work in it, to spur us on. Just my two-bits worth.
  11. So far, only tea and grapenuts with raisins. A doe with her twin fawns, down by the pond Chain Shot JT One thing I will do today: Head for my writers group (The Barn Owls) meeting so they can red-line my latest chapter! .
  12. OMG, some of those terms would make great story/book titles! Hmmmmm....... Thanks for the link.
  13. "Good work, Mr. Durant. But I don't think we need to worry too much about the Spanish. This storm will have that galleon wallowing around like a bathtub with sails. We need only hold our course, and catch up with the Relentless." I gave the man a smile. "Take yourself and your helpers to the galley for a quick ration of rum, then get back up on deck. If this storm gets any worse, I'll want all hands ready." Although the rain was heavy, and the wind crying in the sheets, I didn't think it would build to a full-blown tropical storm. No, it was just mother nature showing off a bit, and putting us in our place. With any luck, it would blow itself out by nightfall. At that moment a bolt of lightening blazed from clouds to sea, St. Elmo's fire glowed hell-fire green in the rigging, and the Rakehell, leaning into the wind, lived up to her name.
  14. Yup. Other than yours, I think that's the only book I haven't played in yet. Whoever has RM's book, is there any of my stuff in it? I've gone braindead, and just can't remember if I played in her book or not.
  15. Contemplating about a dozen paint samples taped to my bedroom wall, trying to decide which shade of Maderia red I'm going to paint them. Currently the room is a sickly pale yellow, which seemed like a good idea six years ago, but which I hated as soon as it was on the walls. So I'm going for the dark, intimate color scheme of rich red walls, green drapes, and pictures in gold frames. Very Victorian brothel.
  16. My favorite bit of dialogue from M&C.... (Not sure it's an exact quote, but close as I can remember at the moment.) Aubry: "Don't you know Doctor, that in the service, one must always choose the lesser of two weevils." Doctor: "He who would pun would pick a pocket!"
  17. We need another Shout Out, here folks. Who has books? Whose books are they? Rogue Mermaid and Eyes need to know where thier books are, and where they are headed next, if not home. LET'S NOT LOSE ANY BOOKS THIS CLOSE TO THE FINISH LINE. SO, POST UM IF YE'S GOT UM!!!!!! Thanks! R If no one posts an update, I'll start PMing people...please, don't make me PM you.
  18. Yeah, Patrick. I re-read a bit of that thread on the other forum. The round they started in England died right off. The one they started in the US only got to the first person, then he dropped off the face of the planet — with the book. There is supposed to be one making the rounds in Australia, but I don't know the status of that one. And that's only ONE book making the round, not a book for each player. And you know, after reading about all those books, I still couldn't figure out who got to keep the finished book when they were done. All these people signing up to play, and only one book to play in? Where's the fun in that? And, now that Pew has his original book back, that's only one book missing — and we know who has it, we just need to contact him again and get him to mail it home.
  19. Many happy returns of the day, suh!
  20. The first one lots more than the other two, but quite a lot, just the same. I have also watched Master and Commander dozens of times, as well as the Hornblower series, Hook, Cuthroat Island, old episodes of Long John Silver, and Muppet Treasure Island. The pirate/sailor DVD collection of Chain Shot and Ransom is young yet, but quite diverse.
  21. Where's the blood on the floor mat? Where's the tar stains on the towels? Where's the bilge-rat nest in the bathtub? Where are the places on the wall where drunken male pirates have missed the bowl while "shakin' the dew off their lily"? This be some prissy pirate bathroom, I'm thinking!
  22. Oh yes, your wit is needed among us again. A most happy birthday to you, suh. And a wish for many more to come.
  23. "Duely noted, Mr. Durant," I shouted back, then turned to Africa, who stood at the helm. "I think we have more to worry about with the storm, than we do about the Spanish. Let's drop off the wind a bit, and give the old girl a breather." Young Nate still stood by, and I addressed him once more. "Keep an eye on the repairs, and man the pumps again. Take Colard and Jimmy with you. Whatever you do, don't let that repair rupture, or we're sunk for sure." Then I gave the young lad a narrow-eyed look. "You lose me my ship, Mr. Durant, and I'll haunt you for life, and beyond. Understand?"
  24. That's the kewl part about these sketchbook rounds. You can use litereally anything in them. Actually, it's kinda fun looking for different stuff and experimenting on how to attach it to the pages of the books. Last round I made two and three piece POTC-type nav charts that actually turned, which was fun. Stuff used in previous books: rubber stamps liquor labels (it's fun aquiring these!) paint pencil plastic cocktail swords stickers maps game pieces tokens playing cards computer gererated pictures grog/drink recipes clip art wax seals envelopes with stuff inside tags feathers sequins glitter So, you get the picture....ANYTHING goes!
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