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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I took the offered hand, and he gently pulled me to my feet. I stood, unsteady a moment, the injury to my shoulder throbbing. Gritting my teeth, I refused to allow the weakness to show. Looking toward Lady Violet, I said, "Tomorrow I will send Africa to fetch my clothes and weapons. I will instruct him to remain on your doorstep until you turn them over. I suggest you do so." "This isn't the end of this matter," she replied coldly. "And don't think I have been fooled into believing you really intend to marry this man. You may leave my house, and I will return your effects, but you are still a member of this family, no matter how much you disgrace it's name." "I'd rather you just put a curse on me, and have done." She stepped closer. Under the powder her face was pink with anger. "You are the curse. But as I am immune to pagan beliefs, I choose to challenge it. I will win in the end, Alexandra. Count on it." "Don't bet money on it, Aunt. And if you ever call me Alexandra again, I may have to shoot you." Then I turned to Sebastian. "Please, get me out of this mad-house."
  2. This is great news!! I see an early Christmas present in my future! LOL
  3. Right at the moment....Tea and bite-sized squares of the mini watermellon I cut up yesterday.
  4. I noticed with my own journals, which are the art paper type, that if I use any kind of marker, like a Sharpie, it tends to bleed through to the other side as well.
  5. I would be a little leery. Some of the stuff put in the books is done in black ink, which bleeds through thin paper. Also, if people do collage (like myself) it's nicer if the paper is a bit heavier. Sometimes I'll do my artwork on a separate piece of paper, and then glue or tape (I think I go through pounds of double-sided tape. LOL) that into the book, especially if I'm using a wet media — I don't want to risk damaging work that is already in the book. Does that help? BTW, if you really like the other book, I would go ahead and get it, and use it for your own personal journal, rather than the one you send out on the round.
  6. HOT 100-105. I think I'll stow away with Kenneth.
  7. **Ransom frantically checks her calender** Trust me, I'll find a way!
  8. Thank Bess, and Lady B. Yeah, I know I have a full bucket of great memories, and I'm still making them. And I think I still have a bit of glory left to add to that. Who knows? I aint decrepit yet! I'm just an old sentimental softy when it comes to good times with friends — past and present.
  9. **Holds up hand** Ummm...Can I have the Red Witch please? You know I have this love/lust thing for schooners.
  10. I was determined to get within hailing distance of the Relentless. And if the weather calmed enough, wanted to have a meeting with Jacky. We'd not spoken, other than hurling insults at each other, since Havana. Was he still angry with me for leaving? Well, if he was, he better get over it. We needed to have a plan, for if Spoons was the reason the Spanish were following us, then I knew he was after the treasure we were looking for, not any of the emeralds Jacky smuggled for Navarro. That made me think of the nice little chunk of green in my secret, locked cupboard, and the reason it had been given to me. Despite my fatigue, I smiled. And I realized that no matter how much Jacky and I fought, there was a bond between us that would never be broken. Next to me, Africa looked at the Relentless, then back at me. "Why you smile like dat?" I grinned back at him. "Mind your own business."
  11. That settles it, next time, I'm stowing away. Doing straiffing runs at the shore battery at Nor Cal was like dipping your toe in the ocean. That was such a thrill, I can only imagine what actually being out in the ocean must be like. Okay, where's that green, jealousy smilie?
  12. I used to squire for the guy who sent it to me. We met in the SCA, and after I moved away from So. Calif. we lost touch for almost 15 years. Then I got an SCA nostalgia bug, and googled his name and found him. That was probably eight or nine years ago. We started e-mailing each other, and then last year at Ojai, we met for the firs time in over 20 years. It was fantastic — and was like no time had passed at all. He said tonight he's going to show his daughter his devise and tell her what a great warrior her Dad used to be, and how he fought in the wars. Today I'm still feeling a little fond sadness for those good old SCA days. I might have to drag out my tourney pictures again, and shed a few tears. (Pathetic, isn't it? )
  13. Articles: (If a man should lose an eye while being panned, he is entitled to...)
  14. Out cold (What you'd be if she connected)
  15. rolling pin (Used by your cook, Rosie, for the same purpose)
  16. Tranquilizers (Actually, that could be alcohol or drugs — depends on how depressed you are. LOL On second thought, tranquilizers probably wouldn't be the best way to treat depression )
  17. I'm feeling rather nostalgic. A friend e-mailed me a link to the SCA College of Arms site, and my old devise. It was an odd feeling, since it had been years since I'd seen it, and the artist who did it for their site did a great job. But it made me sad, thinking about all those great times (okay, some of them were not so great, but hind-sight is not only 20-20, it's rose-colored ) Lots of good times and missed friends represented by that old devise. **heavy sigh**
  18. Must be a very inspiring place, Eyes, for so much great artwork to come out of it. Your fingers on the keys in photo shop be magical.
  19. Yup, that's the one! But you know, Patrick, they're all great!
  20. Ransom and Chain Shot on board the Aldebaran, after a wonderful afternoon of firing pistols and cannons at the British on shore during the Nor Cal Pirate Festival.
  21. Depression (When a writer can no longer plagiarise even himself)
  22. SUCCESS!!!!!!! I knew I'd figure it out eventually. So in celebration, I post my picture of the Aldebaran and friend. I spent a lovely Saturday afternoon at Nor Cal on board the Aldebaran, firing pistols and cannons — thanks to an invite by Red-Handed Jill and Iron Jack...and Captain Hayden.
  23. Plagiarist (A writer with no imagination)
  24. Okay, I downloaded Firefox, and can now upload pictures to my PB account again. BUT...I still can't get the copy/paste from one to the other to work. I can get the "copy" from PB, but when I try to paste it into the Pub, the link is no longer there, and as soon as the Pub "paste" window pops down, I lose the access to the Edit file. I really am feeling like a moron. However, I WILL persevere!
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