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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Ooooo, he said that "P" word. I am always a victim of that cursed "P" word. Drat. Why do you think I'm currently on the Pub, instead of prepping a room in order to paint?
  2. It became painfully clear that Red Cat was not on board the Rakehell. Somehow, without anyone seeing it happen, she had fallen overboard during the storm. There was no way of knowing if she were still alive, or if she were, where she had washed ashore. And I was pretty certain, in Jacky's current mood, he would be of no mind to risk capture by going back to look for her. It could even be that the Spanish had plucked her from the water, and she was already a prisoner. The crew took it as one more sign of our bad luck. The grumblings got worse. Unflattering comments about the Relentless and her captain got more vicious. I decided it was time to let the whole crew know just exactly where we were going, and why. With the ship running smoothly, I called the crew to a meeting at the waist. "No use dancing around the subject. I know you're all angry at our reception by the Relentless. You are all wondering why I continue to follow her. I follow her because she is after gold in the Tortugas, and Jacky knows where it is. Have patience, my darlings, and all good things will come our way. And have no fear, I will make sure you each get your proper share. I didn't risk this ship and your lives in order to return to port empty-handed."
  3. Looks like they would be a fun bunch to hang out with. Love the guy looking through his hat.
  4. Many, many happy returns of the day, Rumba! Hope your birthday is grand in every way!
  5. I have GOT to try that! Was it expensive? Actually, I saw something similar to that in a movie made years ago, about sky divers. They had it set up at a meet, so divers could train. Looked pretty kewl, and I remember thinking at the time how much fun it would be if they ever let the public try it.
  6. Africa went below to get a bite to eat, but was back on deck within minutes. He glared at the white sails of the Relentless, and touched the small bag of corpse powder he wore on a cord around his neck. He wished that ship would sink into the ocean, along with her captain. No good had come to the Rakehell ever since Ransom had fallen for the man. Africa could not understand the attraction, and was helpless to do anything about it, other than curse the Relentless under his breath. And now the Cat was missing. Another sign of the bad luck that had haunted them ever since they started on this cursed voyage. Mumbling, he went back to the helm and relieved Jimmy Cox, who, silent and sullen as the rest of the crew, merely nodded and headed below.
  7. A very nice piece, indeed. Wherever did you find that kewl skull bead? (Inquiring beaders want to know! LOL )
  8. I agree with the biker thing. I've partied with some, and know members of a biker group, although I don't hang out with them. It's all part of that outlaw, misfits, highwayman image. I suppose pirates fall into that same category. It still amazes me that men who were considered the dregs of society back then, are now the romantic heros of today. Even bikers have that certain rough glamor. Maybe that's how you tell a person is a pirate these days — but I don't believe, if someone saw me walking down the street, they would instantly think "Pirate." Although I have been told I walk with a slight swagger — even in 4" heels. And Silkie is right, I couldn't imagine Patrick Hand being anything else!
  9. Okay, I admit, I tend to get a bit rabid over this stuff, when books disappear, and no one posts where they are. I will butt out from now on, since it appears Patrick has it under control.
  10. Prayers go with you, Blackfoot. As all have stated, you have friends here, should you need them. Jill...I admire your stamina! I'd have been dead for the next week, with my feet propped up, and with a nasty case of laringitis (?). Hope you have recovered. Lady B. I'd be cautious with this new My Space friend. Might want to talk to him a lot longer, and maybe on the phone, before you meet. It's easy for a person to put a "glamour" on themselves when they don't have to look you in the eye. Your heart's been damaged enough. Myself, I'm feeling pretty good. It's not so bloody hot, and I've got another project in the works, so...life is good......today.
  11. Oh, I know the shiny isn't going to be falling into my lap. Was just joking...sorta. And yeah, I realize now is not the best time to try and start a side business. It must have been frustrating for you, trying to sell your wares to people so cash-impaired. But, at least you did have the flintlock water pistols...what a kewl toy! I'd have probably bought one! LOL
  12. Woo hooo...Blackfoot's back! Nae, Hornblower be too much of a goodie-two-shoes for the likes of us. Maybe someone more like Flashman, but I believe he's a bit too late for the GOAP. In any case, I'm with Lady B...we need a party!
  13. Happy to comply..... And I'm with Lady B...Where are the drinks! Raphael, shmaphael...Ya change yer name, ya pay the price! I'll have some French bubbly.
  14. Matusalem, have you considered how much it is going to cost everyone to mail that box and book? It looks pretty heavy. The book is awesome looking, as is the box, make no mistake about that, but postage for that puppy is going to be pretty steep!
  15. Mailed my book to Patrick today.
  16. I meant that in a most friendly way. And yes, he thrashed back rather nicely. But I didn't want to give away his secret identity, in case he decided to visit the Pub again someday.
  17. I'm thrilled by all your compliments....I'd be even more thrilled of you'd all buy something!
  18. ROTDALMAO ***Sprays tea into my keyboard!*** Come on, ya had ta know this was one of our own playing games. Like a real pirate/mercinary would post an advert here...the equivalent of jumping up and down, yelling, "Here Mister CIA man, here I am. Come and get me...neener, neener." I wonder if he's related to that British pirate hunter who showed up a year or so ago, and was roundly word-thrashed and sent packing? Wish I could remember his name, but he was loads of fun...for a while. Or, maybe he's related to Inigo Montoya? Yeah, that's probably it. LOL
  19. Bump And I'll keep bumping this until everyone answers! WHERE ARE THE BOOKS?
  21. Okay, in an effort to make some shiny so I can pay for, and play more, at pirates, I'm timidly putting my toe in the waters of trying to sell some of my custom-made jewelry. Thought I would run my wares by you guys first. A brief description of what I do: I take bits and pieces of old, sometimes vintage, costume jewelry, old or vintage beads, and anything else I can find that looks interesting, and combine them with beads and findings I get locally. With the vintage bits, I clean them up, but I will still use them even if they are a bit tarnished or the surface is worn (though not trashed), because I like the patina of age it gives the piece. Each piece is unique, because I never know what sort of bits and bobs I'll find to use. So, here goes. The center piece of this necklace is a portion of a vintage earring. The danglies are a mix of beads, and fine chain. The clasp is new, but looks vintage. The beaded string is of black and gold beads, pearls, and black triangular beads with an "eye" design. Gold main chain length is 18". Price is $40.00 This next necklace is made of two vintage earrings, and a matching pendant. There are also vintage green beads and vintage brass bead caps. The overall colors are coral, gold, and green. This necklace looks really awesome when worn, and the few times I have road-tested it ( I do that with all the pieces, to make sure everything is secure), I have always received compliments on it. Length is 22". Price is $60.00. And last are what I call swivel bracelets. They are made from fishing tackle swivels, and are really great, because each section rotates, so you never have to worry which way the bracelet is on your wrist to make the charms lay correctly. The charms are anything from vintage earrings, beads, keys, pearls, buttons, etc. The top bracelet is 7 1/2", black swivels, with silver charms, and mixed beads/charms. The bottom bracelet is 8", brass swivels, gold charms, and mixed beads/charms. The brass ages to a really nice patina that makes it look vintage. Swivel bracelets are easy to adjust to a smaller wrist, you just hook the clasp into the next swivel, and let the longer end dangle like one of the charms. The bracelets are $20.00 each. If you have any questions about any of the pieces, PM me. I can send more close-up photos if you would like.
  22. Okay, for the record, here is the cover of my journal, which will be going out to Patrick tomorrow.
  23. A very wonderful thing you did, Lady B. Now maybe your family will understand a little better why it is you love the pirate life. Look how many smiles you brought to all those tired riders, who I'm sure were NOT expecting pirates on the bike route. Very nice job indeed, and you deserve the press coverage for such hard work, and for having such an open heart. And cudo's to Mary D as well. "And when you're a professional pirate, you're all..ways in the best of com...pan...eeeee!" (Big Tim Curry finish )
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