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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Us "grown-up kids"? us post-adolescent brethren/sistren? post-juvies? I like "Post adolescent sistren. Although sistren does sort of make one think of cistern, which may not be a good thing.
  2. Yeah, we'll need lots of pictures. Even though we'll be taking our own cameras, it's hard to fire a pistol and snap a pic at the same time — especially of yourself! Eyes, you need to PM me your cell phone number. Did I send you Chain Shot's? I can't remember. Also, where did you end up making arrangements to stay — motel or camping? Don't want to miss ya, mate!
  3. Older folks! Gosh, I find being refered to as Older Folks more insulting than being carded! Makes me sound like I'm ready for the retirement home — NOT!!!!!
  4. Thanks for the compliment, GoF! In the story I wrote, the Dancing Man was a very rough place, where only the worst scum hung out. I liked the name so well, I've used it several times. So I guess it's really already been taken — by me. LOL Maybe I should open a tavern with that name? Hmmmmm........
  5. Last winter I was at a Fred Myer grocery store buying a few items, which included beer for Chain Shot and wine for me. The checker — a guy maybe in his mid 30s — asked for my ID. Conversation went as follows: Me: Laughed and kept writing my check. Checker: "I really need to see your ID." Me: "You're kidding, right?" Kept writing my check. Lady in line behind me, to checker: "I don't think she's going to show it to you." Me to lady: "Come on, he's joking." Checker, dead serious: "If you don't show me your ID I'm going to call security." Me, with stupid look on my face: "Okay, but you're going to be really embarrased." Hand my ID over. Checker inspects ID, hands it back. Me to checker: "Don't feel too bad, you only missed it by 30 years." I leave store still laughing. Checker never cracked a smile during this whole episode. Okay, he was wearing glasses, so maybe he needed a new prescription, but sheesh.
  6. Cahin Shot got the smoked turkey done, so it's all ready to go. I am making Ransom's special pyrate trail mix to bring as well. I'll be doing most of the packing tonight and tomorrow night, as Chain Shot is on the road until late Friday night. I am also doing last minute sewing on of buttons and cocking Chain Shot's hat. What a way to break in Chain Shot's new coat — gun crew on the Aldebaran! We'll both come back with our clothes smelling of Eau de Black Powder.....Kewl!
  7. (hugg) Thanks Iron Bess....but it's going to take a miracle to get through this one... I sooo hope it's not your Martian Boss causing you such anger. And Mary — you hang tough, girl. I'm on the wrong coast to be much help, other than to send prayers your way. Consider a truckload enroute.
  8. I agree with William about the air fares. And US Air has just dropped Medford airport off their schedule, which leaves only two air carriers to choose from — so far. And to get to anywhere from here, you have to change planes at least once. Last year, for Chain Shot and myself, it cost over $800 to fly to Ojai in So. Calif (Medford>San Francisco>Santa Barbara). We've already decided that we're going to drive this year — 13 hours. Even using a rental car, it will still save us money, despite the gas prices. Any way you look at it, going to events is costing more and more, no matter which way you choose to travel. Not good!
  9. I'm rather partial to using a red background! Captain Rhedd?....come on, what other color could it be? And as William has put so well, keep it simple.
  10. As if she were tip-toeing, the Rakehell slowly navagated the river channel, Tunny calling out soundings as we went. Near as I could figure, we only had about another mile to go. That's when the sound of cannons came rolling in through the darkness. Everyone froze, listening. Everyone's eyes, like mine, strained to see through the blackness, looking for a warning flash. Were the guns aimed at us, or was Jacky under fire? Nothing sliced through the rigging, nor did the water explode around us, so it must be Jacky — either being fired on, or firing at the galleon. Yet I dared not go any faster, and risk running aground. "Dey not Spanish guns, Ma'am," Africa said quietly. "Dey six pounders. Dat galleon hit us with a nine at least." I smiled at him. "So, "Dat Man" seems to be fighting back." Then I chuckled to myself. "'Bout bloody time."
  11. Great! I was at Coos Bay this weekend, and their library was having a book sale. Did I score! Came back with seven hardback books, and five paperbacks, all for only eleven dollars. Here are some of the hardback titles I snagged. The Great South Sea — English Voyages and Encounters 1570-1750 by Glyndwr Williams His Majesty's Highwayman by Donald Barr Chidsey The Ocean Sailing Yacht by Donald Street (Actually, Chain Shot scored this one). And to top it off, the schooner Lynx was in port, and we got a chance to visit with Captain Killick again, who was captain on the Lady Washington the first time we went out in her. AND, the weather was gloriously sunny all weekend. Life is good! And due to get better — NorCal Pyrate Festival next weekend! Yahooo
  12. And, even if it's windy, I don't think we have to worry about tornados, like the Pt. Washington pirates dealt with — again! 4.........
  13. Okay despite the weather, it sounds like everyone had a great time. I think maybe they should work the tornado into a mascote of sorts — that's two years in a row that pirates have had to head for the basement (ah, I have such fond memories of that old bank)! However, my most burning (I use the term purposely) question is....did Mad Dogg's "Tom Thumb" situation slow him down any? Glad to hear you are all back safe and sound.
  14. William, that is such a great Steampunk line! GEARING up for GOGGLES! Patrick, and Capt. Pogue and the missus — great looks! Very dashing indeed!
  15. Heading for Coos Bay and our boat. Don't know what we'll be eating, I just know I won't be cooking it! Maybe the Pub down at the marina, or the Italian place over by the city docks, or, the Mill Casino, all-you-can-eat Friday night buffett.....
  16. Oh, I've been lurking at BG for a while, just out of curiosity, and yes, they do have some folks there who are pretty obsessed. They also make a big deal about how "civil" the forum is, but I've read a few threads that broke down into some pretty hot arguments (I loved one man's rant against cell phones at the Burning Man festival). But you find that with any group, I think. As for the PC stuff. I never knock it and I admire those who achieve it. I try to be a close to PC as I can, but I'm not a purest either. And to be honest, I like a little "flash" on my garb. Nothing extream, but certainly nothing you'd find in period. The Steamers don't have locked-down PC restrictions, but yeah, there are perameters within which you'd want to stay. It's the goggle thing that cracks me up. EVERYONE must have a pair of goggles — and a pocket watch. (Then again, I guess us pirates are just as bad — all those cutlasses, pistols, and tricorn hats.) I might play around at Brass Goggles, but I would NEVER give up the Pub. I have too many friends here! And let's face it, being a pyrate is a lot more fun, which is why they have airship pirates.
  17. Nope, it was a small, outdoor rink, only run through the winter. Great fun.
  18. Got my book back today! OMG — YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!! I can't begin to tell you how kewl that book is. Thank you all soooooo much. I will treasure this till the day I go to pyrate heaven (er...do pyrates go to heaven?) Okay, then to the great Tavern in the Sky. Thank you, thank-you, thank-you!
  19. I've used several pub/tavern names in the stories I write. Dancing Man (sign is a hanged skelton) The Mug and Loaf The Black Rat The Stolen Horse The Fish Hook Tavern Actually, tons more, that I made up, but never used.
  20. I won't be there, but wondered if Blue Jay still had the outdoor ice rink? Probably long gone by now, but I had fun zooming around on that during the winter, when I used to live in So. Calif.
  21. I couldn't agree more! I'd never have any other kind of car/truck. And on the rare occations I've had to take them in, either minor stuff, or routine maintenance, their sevice department is a joy to work with. Polite, honest, and my car doesn't come back with grease smears, or scratches in the paint — like some dealerships I won't mention.
  22. The storm seemd to be standing off a bit, but lurking, low and heavy, over the ocean. I did not want to try and navigate the river channel in the dark, if the storm picked up force again. I had two choices. I could stay on the lake until the storm had passed for good, or risk the channel and hope the storm didn't catch us before we could make to the open sea. It was close on midnight. The wind was brisk. The moon high. "Africa, I don't fancy staying in this over-sized swamp any longer. Let's get the old girl in the channel. And pray to whatever gods you choose, that the storm sits and sulks for awhile longer." I heard him breath a sigh of relief. "Aye, Ma'am. I do that." Then he barked orders to the crew.
  23. It's been overcast and drizzly for the last week. It's giving all my roses Black Spot!
  24. I drive a 2000 Toyota Tundra, which has pretty decent mpgs for a truck, and I don't make too many trips into town. (22 miles RT). Chain Shot just traded in his 1993 Ford F250 one ton gas-gussler, for a nice all-wheel drive, 2002 Toyota RAV4. With no four-horse, gooseneck trailer to haul anymore, we just didn't need the truck. Chain Shot also has a small little 1992 Murcury Topaz that he was given by his mom before she passed away. It's cute, but a tin can to ride in, and WAY too small for a guy 6'2", so now that we have the RAV, we're going to sell the Topaz. And last, but surely not least, I have a 1970 Dodge Challenger that I've owned since 1972. Which is also, alas, now for sale. Bucket dream, anyone?
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