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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I'm not worried about it. We've never gone X-rated in PR, or any of the stories, nor have we stepped over the line with language. Trust me, whatever erotic scenes we've done, and they have been rare, wouldn't faze an under 13 year old these days. They get more violence and sex on TV and video games than what they would get here. Also, we've been quite good about policing ourselves, and we aren't stupid. The only ones to feel a bit siffled might be the Irish twins. LOL And I'm sure they can adapt without too much trouble......maybe....if we bribe them with beer.
  2. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    (Quote: Kenneth) The Rum Runners social club and being denied entrance ( Don't worry, I pee'd on there camp fence at 3am ; ) ) ROTDALMAO!!!!!
  3. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    Deleted due to an apparent double post....
  4. I got Kate's book today. So, will try to get it finished ASAP, so Patrick won't get it too late.
  5. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    And every year I manage, by sheer luck, to get a picture that just seems to be a classic. Last year at Ojai, it was Capt. Jack Sparrow unintensionally supervising the surrender of the Evil Spaniard to the Queen, after the big battle. This year, it was this poor gentleman. It's just so wearisome, being a courtier!
  6. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    A few more... Mr. Smee, from Tales of the Seven Seas, teaching the fine art of navigation to some very interested mundanes. The display for House of Bang and Boom Graydog and Kenneth
  7. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    Okay, here are a few more pics. Chain Shot, with his new sword. Casket Chris Myself and Jacky Tar And me, with Kenneth and Casket Chris. We were supposed give our "Bad Ass" look. They look the part, I look tired and way too....clean!
  8. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    Okay, I'll start. Iron Jack, relaxing after the battle. Red-Handed Jill Kenneth, being serious Kenneth being rather silly. More to come later......
  9. Pirate Charles was at Ojai again this year, and with their own booth, where they sang un-plugged and you could buy their CDs. Then they also played on stage several times a day. On Saturday night they plugged in and rocked out, although the sound system was kinda fuzzy. Great band, and great guys.
  10. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    Ojai...Oh my! What a grand time indeed! Many cudos to Kenneth, Casket Chris and their crew, who had a great first-timers encampment.They made perfect neighbors for us (TO7S). And yes, we must combine camps and take over from a "certain other group." Jill has it right....bruawhaahahahahaaaaa!!!! Chain Shot and I had an outstanding time — usually out standing in cannon smoke. YES! Once again we were lucky enough to be invited to join the Bang and Boom cannon crew in the Big Battle. Only down side—the battle grounds were full of burrs. I spent 15 minutes pulling the little prickly devils out of Red-Handed Jill's hair and clothes after she was "mortally wounded" and dragged off the field. Jacky Tar was even pressed into toting gun equipment, but decided to watch the battle from the hill. We had a great time wandering the fair, and just hanging out together. Too bad we can only get together once a year, since we have WAY too much fun. LOL Saturday night, celebrating Saber's birthday, with the whole encampment lit by either candles or lanterns, was magical. Iron Jack and Red-Handed Jill entertained us with songs and music, then presented Jill's famous...or infamous...rum cake. Afterwards, several of us wandered over to the tavern to listen to Pirate Charles rock the night away, despite a rather dodgy sound system. It was grand to see everyone from the Tales again, plus — Rumba, Boats, Gray Dog, the Kern County Pirates, Bunny Cutlass, Arthur of Kent, and Chance—all the way from Arizona. Iron Bess, there was a BIG void where your lovely person should have been. You were dearly missed, indeed. If you couldn't make it this year, plan on going next year. It is one of the best events, with a great vibe, and a super site. You'll have a blast! R Pictures to follow as soon as I can unpack everything — didn't get home until 10 pm last night, after a 12 hr drive home.
  11. I came home from Ojai to find two "attempted delivery" notices in my mail, one dated the 19th and one dated the 22nd. So, I will call the post office today and let them know someone will be here to receive the package Pyratetradingco sent. Hopefully they won't have returned it to sender! Actually, we had someone picking up our mail from the box (it's down the road from the house), and we have a HUGE mailbox, so I don't know why they couldn't have left it, unless it needed signing for. Ah well. Hopefully I will get it today. If not, I will drive into town tomorrow and pick it up. I'm not sure whose book it is (didn't scroll back to look). R
  12. As the night came down, and the full moon rose, Africa became more and more agitated. He began to mumble chants, and glare out over the water as if he expected the devil himself to come plunging out of the rolling swells. "What has you so spooked?" I asked, not teasing this time, as I could see he was really afraid. "I told you befo, de waters not right here. The dead be under us, waiting...watching. Dey don like us here. We should go." I peered over the side, but saw nothing other than black water. To starboard and slightly ahead of us, were the lights from the Relentless. Nothing else. I turned back to my friend and placed a hand on his muscular arm. "The sea is full of dead, Africa. Thousands of bodies have gone into its embrace. You've never been afraid of them before, so why should here be any different?" "Dis a haunted place. Da dead don rest easy here, like dey do in the other places. Dey angry here. We not safe. You follow Dat Man, and he kill us all." I looked at the dark shape of the Relentless, her sails ghostly in the moonlight. Was she leading us to treasure, or to some haunting doom? I had no doubt which answer Africa believed in.
  13. "Oh, look the Pub is back!" Steps in the door. "Aggrhhhh.....snow blindness." Throws up my hands to shield my eyes. "Where are my sunglasses? Blast, I know they aren't PC, but until the glare dies down, they stay on my peepers." I think we should mint a commemorative coin with Stynky's face on it. Huzzah indeed!
  14. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    Yeah, but he could never work up very much enthusiasm.....NOT!!!!!!LOL I miss him too, and would love to meet him this year, if he shows up. Someone will have to point him out to me.
  15. Yes, a grand huzzah to Stynky for bringing back the Pub. I know the bleached bones look will be replaced with something even better than was here before. I also like the bigger avatar space we now have to play with. Very nice. Cheers to ya, suh, for bringing our home back!
  16. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    ROTDLMAO No wonder the lake was quarantined!!!!
  17. I inspect the guest again, a slight smile on my face, contemplating the term "Nasty ol' Spaniard", sure I'd heard it somewhere before. But I did not like that he was based in the Tortugas. Too close for comfort, sez I. Too close, indeed. So, I resolved to drink his Madeira and get to know him a bit better.
  18. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    Dang, Eyes, that means I'll miss seeing you again this year. And after we had so much fun in June at Vallejo, acting like lost pirates who couldn't read a map to save our lives. LOL Well, I guess I'll just have to wait until next June when Vallejo rolls around again. And for sure we will have to hit Pirate Pizza again. Have fun at the Harbor Days event.
  19. I've known two people to undergo such a surgery, and come through just fine. And the weight they lost afterwards made it all worth while. I will send all good thoughts and prayers your way, for a speedy recovery.
  20. I noticed Africa clutching and un-clutching the little bag of corpse powder he always wore around his neck. "Don't worry. We'll make it to the Tortugas." He met my gaze, his expression a mixture of seriousness and concern. "It not the Tortugas I be worried about. The air don feel right here. The sea be whisperin', and singin' songs o' lost souls. Not all man's enemies be livin' ones."
  21. No, since I don't dress in frillies & skirts, that wouldn't help either! After all, when you first saw me in garb in the Port Washington "After the Tornado" tavern pic , you still thought I was a lad! Maybe I'll have to wear a dress someday.............Nah!
  22. Oh, no, they could never bring it to the US. I mean, how do you make full-contact jousting PC? That's aggression! That's violence! How do you make it COMPLETELY safe for both horse and rider? Why, you'd have riders and horses in padded kevlar, so thick they'd look like they were going to the moon in bubble suits. And the ground. Oh no, you couldn't have plain old dirt or grass — how dangerous! You'd have to have special cushioned astro-turf, and the horses would have to use custom rubber-cleated shoes. And there would have to be bullet-proof glass between the grounds and the spectators, in case a sliver came flying in the wrong direction. Oh, gosh, slivers! Can't have those. Guess the lances will have to be boffers instead. Gosh, MadL, what WERE you thinking!
  23. Aye, and don't they all say that! You seem to be fitting in quite nicely, Mr. Avery. We're all a nice, peaceful, law-abiding lot here — okay, so the peaceful and law-abiding is a real stretch, but we are nice, even when we're taking your shiny. So welcome to the Pub, and I'll have a glass of French bubbly, if you would be so kind. (BTW, to dispel confusion right off, which happens a lot with newcomers, I should let you know that I'm a lass, not a lad. )
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