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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Yeah, Crimson Skies looks like it might be fun.... At least the game setting looks fun..... http://www.microsoft.com/games/crimsonskies/ This was probably the link.... I saw Abney Park last May at the Makers Fair, they are a very friendly band...... Airship Pirates... Yup, that's where I started. You know, I'd heard the name Abney Park, but had never actually heard any of their music. I clicked in to about five of those videos, and by the time I was done, I was hooked. Yeah, the recordings, for the most part, were pretty raw, and done by fans in the audience, but I loved the music, and figure an album done in a studio would sound a lot better. I'm going to check it out when next I'm at the store, and you can put on those head phones and scan the CD bar code to get a quick sampling of the tunes.
  2. Okay guys, now don't be jealous, but here is my husband, Chain Shot, with his new Bootstrap sword, which he purchased at Ojai last month. He loves it, but still needs a scabbard. Then there's my own little weapon... I like to think the R stands for Ransom...LOL
  3. After clicking into a link for Abney Park, I found a link to this little gem. Air Pyrate News Reel
  4. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Something from an Ann Rice Vampire novel — very Gothic Garden District, lots of beeswax/church candles. < I have mixed feeling about Fall. Yes, I love the cooler weather and beautiful colors, but it's just a reminder that winter is around the corner, and I have five months of rain to look forward to. V Good question, so I'll pass it along.
  5. For those of you who wouldn't normally check in to the Art Forum, you really should now. Patrick Hand has graciously agreed to do a weekly comic strip. If you haven't seen his posted work already, then you're missing a real treat — and a good laugh.
  6. Yeah, but they're just so dang cute!
  7. A very happy natal day to you, Kate. Hope your day is grand!
  8. The sound of my neighbor spinning his car tires in the mud because he's gotten stuck...again...for the umteenth time. He does this every winter. Over and over again.
  9. I finished Kate's book, and will mail it out to Patrick tomorrow. I just love looking at all the kewl artwork as the books come through. It's why I keep doing these rounds. Secretly, I want to keep all the books for myself! LOL
  10. Many happy returns of the day, suh. Hope your birthday is grand — and how could it not be, with dancing flaming chickens? BBQ anyone?
  11. I still kick myself for not grabbing one before we left. I didn't remember until we were halfway home. Best wishes on your move, Rumba! And, how do I feel? Better, my cold is finally going away and my throat doesn't hurt.
  12. You can call your place the Nasty Parrot Inn, and have that little x-rated talking bird you bought in Ojai greet people at the door. LOL
  13. Wow, Rumba, that's incredible!
  14. Tales of the Seven Seas will be taking part in the Kearny Park Ren Faire, held at Sycamore Island Park, Fresno, CA. Dates are November 8th & 9th 2008. Our encampment will be within an area called "Bedlam" an old English home for the insane. All manner of piratical insanity is greatly encouraged. www.kearneyparkrenaissancefaire.com and for directions: www.kearneyparkrenaissancefaire.com/map Also visit the Tales of the Seven Seas forum under "Events" www.talesofthesevenseas.com My apologies that these may not be direct links, as I was having problems getting that to work.
  15. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    Makes me wish I could have gone both weekends.
  16. Pomegranate raspberry green tea — with a side of cold pill.
  17. Chain Shot just recently purchased a box set of Errol Flynn movies, including Captain Blood. I'm sorry, folks, but it's going to take one special actor to replace that man. Even all these years later, I can't think of anyone with the same amount of charisma. He just so fits the parts, and then there is that smile = killer! I think the idea of avoiding any reference to Errol is the only way to go. It's one of those "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" kinda situations.
  18. Then, why don't you jump in and play with us?
  19. You know, I've never been one for babysitting....but in this case, I think I could make an exception. So, gosh, Bess, if ya need a little break any time, just let me know.
  20. Ya know, that's just so.....wrong! (This is coming form a woman who has five indoor cats, whom I love as much as others love their kids)
  21. When it came time to relieve Africa, I sent him below, recommending that he have a tot of grog to calm his nerves. Tunny took his place at the helm, but even that seasoned sailor appeared nervous. "So, you feel it too?" I said. He nodded, and rubbed a calloused hand over his grizzled chin. "Can't say why, Ma'am, but things just don't feel right about this place. Add that to all the other trouble we've been through on this voyage, and it makes a man think, that it does." "Please, don't tell me you think this voyage is cursed." "Well, I don't know about cursed, but it does appear we've run into more trouble than usual." He gestured toward the Relentless. "I hope Captain Tar knows what he's about, that's all." "So do I, Tunny, so do I."
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