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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I kinda like "Violent death by those quidnam." I wonder what a quidnam is? We could call ourselves the mighty Fighting Quidnam!.........or not.....? LOL Can't wait to see what you do to Ms Columbia.
  2. Hummmm, interesting. Most of the stuff I use is vintage or collectable, augmented with modern beads, findings, old keys....whatever. Since I get the old stuff from junk/antique stores, garage sales, or on E-bay, I have no idea what they are made of, except to know that it's not real gold or silver, and the stones are faux rubies, diamonds, etc. I rarely pay over $5 for a baggy full of bits and pieces. I wonder if you could post a disclaimer? Sorta like saying your are buying something "as is?"
  3. Wow, other than the goggles, that's what my top hat looks like! Okay, it might be a hair shorter, but not much. I was going to wear it today (along with my vintage 1940s, wine-red, floor-length wool coat) to my writer's group Christmas lunch, but.....I GOT SNOWED IN!!!! Gaaah!! Nasty, icky white shyte!
  4. Hah, I remember when you used to get free stuff if you filled your tank. Drinking glasses, kitchen utenciles. I have a green pot-strainer with "the tiger in your tank" on it, that I got way back in the early 70's. (I was a mere baby then, of course. BTW, still snowing here.
  5. Chain Shot has a whole box of skulls (deer, cattle, along with horns and antlers), but he may also have a few bones. When he gets home tonight, I'll ask him (I'd go look myself, but I don't know where in the pump house he has stashed it).
  6. Got more of the icky white stuff last night, and it's predicted we will be getting even more of it, on and off, for the next three days. Oh joy! Oh, and Bo, in Oregon you are not allowed to pump your own gas — keeps open all those minimum wage jobs we so badly need. But, it's kinda nice, when it's freezing/raining outside.
  7. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I've got most of mine done. Just need to pick up the food for the Christmas Day family brunch I'm having. < However, I still have boxes of Christmas decorations out, that I have yet to put up. May finish that tomorrow. V Are you a Christmas procrastinator, or is your house decorated and the prezzies bought by the end of November? Me? Epic procrastinator.
  8. After I got gas for my truck today, the attendant said, "Ma'am, I would have washed your windows, but my squeegee buckets are still frozen." Not a line you hear everyday.
  9. Cal's book is going out to Patrick today.
  10. shhhhhsh........Be werry werry quiet. I'm hunting wascally wabbits!
  11. These just prove that there are a lot of people out there with WAY too much time on their hands!
  12. Oh, snow can be quite lovely.......if your sitting in front of the fireplace, sipping hot buttered rum, reading a good book, and not having to go outside...unless you wish to make snow angels...then come right back in, take a hot bath, and refill your rum cup. Working in it...driving in it...FORGET IT!!!
  13. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts. He's back safe, finally. Thank God. (You guys are the best!)
  14. Well, instead of getting down to -5 where Chain Shot had to stop last night, it got down to -10. The diesel in the fuel lines on his big rig turned to gel, so the engine wouldn't start this morning. Had to call a mechanic to get things running again, which was tough, since most of the mechanics in the small town (read: wide spot in road) were already dealing with lots of iced-up stuff. Then he's going to have to put the chains back and drive 30 mph to get over Crater Lake Hwy in order to get home. That makes two times he's had to chain and unchain. Needless to say, his last two days have not been fun.
  15. Oh, Mary, that table is lovely. Do I take it that you made it yourself? Nice job, indeed.
  16. Hope your day is grand, and that all your wishes & (bacon) dreams come true.
  17. You know, Lady Seahawk, the last time I checked with Fire Mountain (they are based in Grants Pass, where I live. I drive by their HUGE warehouse whenever I go grocery shopping), their selection wasn't all that great in skull beads. I guess someone clued them in about all us pirates! LOL I don't use a lot of them, since that's not really the kind of stuff I do, but occasionally I like to throw one in, especially on something for a guy, and I just hadn't found any that I really liked. Kewl about your domain name! And Blackbead, sorry that your web site isn't doing as well as you would like. As for blogs, my space, or a web page, I am totally clueless how you set those up. I'll have to read the "Blogging for Dummies" when I'm ready. Oh, and since it seems to be cold everywhere, instead of coffee, today we are serving hot buttered rum!
  18. The internet was kinda the way I was thinking of going, as the shows up here would be few and far between. What has been the response to your site, Blackbead? Or have you set it up yet? Best of luck to you, Lady Seahawk. Sounds like a lot of complicated hoops you have to jump through to reach your goal, but I'm sure you'll do fine. Anyone know a good source for metal skull beads? Last year at Pt. Washington, Cheeky's sister make all of us tokens, using really nice silver skulls. I don't think they were real silver, but they looked it. Forgot to ask her where she got them. Also, maybe some that look like bone? Any sources?
  19. Hey, Patrick, Chain Shot is stuck in a town on Eastern Oregon, where it is supposed to get down to -5 degrees tonight. He doesn't even know if his truck will turn over in the morning, because the oil will be so thick — worse than molasses!
  20. Hot Eggsnogg In coffee mug mix: 2/3 egg nogg 1/3 half & half Nuke to warm, then add... Big shot of Tattoo
  21. I got a call from Chain Shot, who is on a truck run up to northern Oregon. He had to put chains on his big rig, which took him an hour, and then drive 30 mph for the next three hours on packed snow. He was supposed to be home by tonight, but that's not going to happen now. Nasty, ichy, cold, evil, shite!!
  22. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when Liam is grown, brings home his fiance to meet the parents, and mom whips out the Mini-Me King Henry VIII pic. Classic!
  23. Yeah, we've had it here for the last three days. Bleah! It's cutting into my Christmas shopping/mailing time, 'cause I don't drive in the snow.
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